New website


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I can't find a Search Box on the site, which is unusual. I came across a rather smashing gold chain via Google and it took me to a page on the new site-

I wanted to look at what other chains were on offer, but sadly there was no menu option for chains and no Search facility meant that I could not look via a keyword....looking under Necklaces only brought up pendants.

Am I missing something here? Please let me know!

Good morning, everyone.

Mags3224 - you can now get to loose gemstones via the 'Gemstones' menu in the topbar. If you click on a gemstone and we have loose gemstones available, 'Loose gemstones' appears in the Jewellery Type box on the left.

Tabs - I'm afraid 3D images are not something we are planning at the moment, but we should soon start to have more videos of new items.

Meeshoo - at the moment, once you have selected a colour, you have to click on it again to de-select it if you want to choose another one. This is not ideal, so we're looking to change it.

Jacky - the space at the top of the site where the auction was displayed is now nowhere near as tall. I'll have a think about other places we could display auction information.

Tvshopper - we'll try and get the chains added to the 'Necklaces' dropdown today.

Thanks again for all the feedback. It's very helpful in making sure we make the site as easy-to-use as possible.

All the best,

Good morning John,

I have noticed that the "order by" search facility doesn't appear to be working. For example, once you have brought up a list of, say, yellow gold earrrings, when you try to fine tune the search to have them listed in order from highest to lowest, you are told "no items found" and it reverts to the default listing.

Not nit picking - just pointing out anomalies as I encounter them.

Hi John any chance of having a way of looking at rings in sizes for example if you wanted size 9 just getting all available rings in that size to view on one page rather than choosing a ring then having to go to the sizes to see if that particular ring is in that size.hope that makes sense
Hi John,

Would it be possible to have a "My Account" option where we can check our order history, amend personal details and save credit/debit cards details. I know it's a long shot but i thought i would ask.
Hi all,

Perdita, I've tried to re-create that problem and it doesn't happen for me. If you can email me more details of it, I'll try again.

Good question, Milly. I'll see if we can do that.

Amf, this is something we are planning to do, but I'm afraid it will be a little while yet.

Kind regards

Good Afternoon John thx so much for the clarification i found that so much easier . keep up the excelent work its so refreshing to have someone that will listen and try to sort issues out Thanks rocks Tv.
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Hi John..I think its a great website, it just needs a little tweaking here and there..

Here's another nit picker for you to ponder and consider John..

Please may we have the option of the delete button in our baskets, I know you have one as CS can delete items at times for us..

I Feel that this would give us an option not to be too over keen, and be ideal especially as we can all keep items in our basket for 10 days untill the systems auto removal...but sometimes... and I think we can all be a bit samey, that we keep things that are sold out preventing someone else from buying the items that we are keeping hold of, and for what ever reason financial or other wise, we don't checkout and leave it to the system to delete and put back into stock.. If we had the delete button the items would be back into stock quicker...also it feels that because it can be addictive that we are pressured to buy...
The delete button would go some way to stopping this pressure, and people would be less likely to hoard things for 9 days at a time..awaiting the auto removal.

Just something I thought could be considered John..

Mirabelle xx
John, any chance of a facility whereby anything I order gets put onto someone else's bill? :whistle:

:grin: .... nice try Nessie!

Oh, btw keep your eyes on the new stock for that little replacement Alex ring you're buying for me. :wink2:
Hi John..I think its a great website, it just needs a little tweaking here and there..

Here's another nit picker for you to ponder and consider John..

Please may we have the option of the delete button in our baskets, I know you have one as CS can delete items at times for us..

I Feel that this would give us an option not to be too over keen, and be ideal especially as we can all keep items in our basket for 10 days untill the systems auto removal...but sometimes... and I think we can all be a bit samey, that we keep things that are sold out preventing someone else from buying the items that we are keeping hold of, and for what ever reason financial or other wise, we don't checkout and leave it to the system to delete and put back into stock.. If we had the delete button the items would be back into stock quicker...also it feels that because it can be addictive that we are pressured to buy...
The delete button would go some way to stopping this pressure, and people would be less likely to hoard things for 9 days at a time..awaiting the auto removal.

Just something I thought could be considered John..

Mirabelle xx

I do see where you are coming from with regards to a delete button Mira but I can't help feel it will just encourage some people to bid when they have no intention of checking the item out where as by having to ask CS to delete an item I think it acts as a deterrent.
I couldn't agree more, Sazza. People would just buy, buy, buy on the spur of the moment and then consider whether to proceed with the purchase at leisure. It would be a stock control nightmare for Rocks.
Perdita, I've tried to re-create that problem and it doesn't happen for me. If you can email me more details of it, I'll try again.

John, I think I have just managed to answer my own question. When I was browsing earlier, I was using BT still doesn't work with that browser. However, everything works fine when I switch to Firefox...seemples!
Hi John, I wondered if it would be possible to keep the sound when you go from auction to website? As we now can't see whats on auction whilst browsing through the stock, it would be great to listen, then if a requested item comes up we can switch back to the auction. I hope this makes sense!
Well done on all your achievements with the new website, lots of hard work must have gone into it. Holly x
I just posted but it disappeared...

John - it seems one has to be logged in to see a link back from the site to the auction. But a new customer shouldn't have to register and login, they should be able to browse as they want...I get fed up with sites where you have to register before you can access all of it - it's like trying to trap you into something...I like the new Welcome Back banner - but sometimes I just want to browse without logging in! I should be able to access all parts without having to...

And please bring back the Live Auction indicator - there must be room somewhere for it - it's your USP and new customers need to be reminded of it! I've often been browsing and caught sight of something I like being auctioned, gone back in and grabbed it! Can't do that now...Frustrating and damaging to Rocks' sales!:sad:
Hi John

Back to the search by colour thing!

It actually didn't work for me at all last night when I was trying it.

Hope that helps.
I quite like the new look website but found a few things irritating, i.e.:

Only link back to Auction Room is via the home page, although not too much of a pain for me as I always have two tabs open anyway!

No search by item number facility, now that is a bit of a nuisance, e.g. if I want to look back at an item on my Wishlist, I have to trawl through a full search for it!

Some of the gemstone categories are missing their search by price options, e.g. amethyst, which is one of the bigger ones, so a bit of a pain not being able to sort the items into price order.


I do like how the categories have been split down further, e.g. bracelets/bangles/watches now instead of just 'wristwear'!

The item numbers of pieces are now displayed on the category pages so you don't have to call up each item to see the number, much better! :up2:
This isn't related to the new website, which I think is great & will be even better once all the glitches have been ironed out (the main one for me being that you can't see what's being auctioned while you're perusing) but I used to love looking at the auction schedule, first thing in the morning! Is there any chance that this could be brought back or am I on my own here?

Eunice xx
Hello everyone,

Sorry to take a while responding. I couldn't get the internet in the hotel to work yesterday and today we've had so many powercuts that our generator keeps on running out of fuel. So things have been a little hectic!

Clearly, lots of people are missing a clearly visible link to the auction and the auction details being displayed. I'm working on an idea for this at the moment, so hopefully should be able to get that for you soon.

Mirabelle, I'm afraid there are no plans to introduce a delete button for auction items.

Perdita, I'm afraid the BT Yahoo browser just refuses to play nicely with our site. I'm glad changing to Firefox fixed it.

Kitten_with_claws, until we get the product code number search, just putting the stock code at the end of the domain name will work e.g. would bring up item BS614. I can't recreate the problem with the Amethyst section not having the sort by price options. Can you give me any more details?

Lucky Duck, I'm afraid we have no plans to bring back the schedule at the moment.

And Nessarose, I'd love to be able to bring that idea in, but I'm sure I'd get complaints!

Hope all that helps, and please, do keep the feedback coming!

All the best,

Hi John ... I use IE and have never had any problems at all but since the introduction of the new website I keep getting logged out

It usually happens when I'm watching the live auctions and go to look on the CR site, but it does also happen in reverse. My username disappears from the screen and the message to Login appears. When I click to log in again my details are still there but when I press Sign In I'm still not logged in ..... so I have to close down my comp and start all over again.

Really hope you can make sense of that because, needless to say, I'm not very techy. Have you any sugggestions, please?

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