Anyone else received a letter??


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I received a letter from gems,also a email from tjc offering 10% however, only for web purchases, gems offer was about a week after tjcc?
The letter that GT sent me, i find quite, patronising and a tad arrogant too, in a paragraph the letter informs me "in the last month alone you have missed the following: - and it lists double headers, up dated website, and i could be included in a VIP customer day. Well I havent missed anything, I have been watching the programme, I flick on to it now, when there is absolutely nothing on the other TV channels - I havent bought anything because I havent seen anything that catches my eye, and what does, I certainly cannot afford at this moment in time. Its just annoying being sent a letter chasing for my custom,;I would have thought that they would be grateful enough that i have in the last 2 years and 4 months spent more money, than i dare admit to with them. They dont send a letter thanking you for you custom - it seems to be a win win situation with them, their idea of thanking you, is to give you a 10o/o discount off you next order - I mean what about giving a handbag or a piece of tanzanite AWAY?? after all, i have spent enough money to buy a dozen plus handbags plus! and i bet their are customers out there who have spent even more than me! I am going to drive you all mad now, with one of my "I remembers" when i lived in Germany, I opened an account with a germany catalogue company, and after 2 years of being a customer, I got sent a christmas card, and in it was a solid gold 4 leaf clover pendant, it wasnt cheap or flimsy, it was thick) and i was so taken aback, i thought it had been sent to me in error, so i had to confirm with a friend who was german, and she read the card, and said "no, its a gift from the catalogue company to thank you for being their customer!" It was such a nice thing to receive. Perhaps GT could learn from this?
The letter that GT sent me, i find quite, patronising and a tad arrogant too, in a paragraph the letter informs me "in the last month alone you have missed the following: - and it lists double headers, up dated website, and i could be included in a VIP customer day. Well I havent missed anything, I have been watching the programme, I flick on to it now, when there is absolutely nothing on the other TV channels - I havent bought anything because I havent seen anything that catches my eye, and what does, I certainly cannot afford at this moment in time. Its just annoying being sent a letter chasing for my custom,;I would have thought that they would be grateful enough that i have in the last 2 years and 4 months spent more money, than i dare admit to with them. They dont send a letter thanking you for you custom - it seems to be a win win situation with them, their idea of thanking you, is to give you a 10o/o discount off you next order - I mean what about giving a handbag or a piece of tanzanite AWAY?? after all, i have spent enough money to buy a dozen plus handbags plus! and i bet their are customers out there who have spent even more than me! I am going to drive you all mad now, with one of my "I remembers" when i lived in Germany, I opened an account with a germany catalogue company, and after 2 years of being a customer, I got sent a christmas card, and in it was a solid gold 4 leaf clover pendant, it wasnt cheap or flimsy, it was thick) and i was so taken aback, i thought it had been sent to me in error, so i had to confirm with a friend who was german, and she read the card, and said "no, its a gift from the catalogue company to thank you for being their customer!" It was such a nice thing to receive. Perhaps GT could learn from this?

For years I used to buy all my toiletries from Yves Rocher and from time to time they'd slip a little extra something in your parcel and always around your birthday as well. Whilst of course, one way or another, we pay for this but I always appreciate a gesture made to regular customers who nowadays seem to get trampled on in the rush for the new. This seems to apply to businesses in general nowadays. Not happy with a steady reliable income, just more, more, more xxxxx
For years I used to buy all my toiletries from Yves Rocher and from time to time they'd slip a little extra something in your parcel and always around your birthday as well. Whilst of course, one way or another, we pay for this but I always appreciate a gesture made to regular customers who nowadays seem to get trampled on in the rush for the new. This seems to apply to businesses in general nowadays. Not happy with a steady reliable income, just more, more, more xxxxx

AB it would be nice, if they could once in a while show their appreciation towards their customers. A discount voucher is all well and good for them; i have been watching today, and there is nothing that seems to grab me; i have a wish list, amethyst ring, Tanzanite and a new watch - but its waiting for that certain one to come up, and bite me! lol
got same letter but i havent ordered from them for about a year BUT the letter came at the right time have been helping out at sons auction house and as a thank you they have given me £150 gems voucher soooooooo i think i may be doing some watching this week
My Mum and Dad got the letter too - the reason they've stopped spending is that Gems is no longer on Freeview, and they don't have internet access!!!! My Mum rang to ask if there were any plans to go back to Freeview, and was told no. So that's the end of them spending any money with Gems, although they weren't big spenders, they did buy regularly, usually only up to £100. Wonder how many other customers they've lost now they're not on Freeview?
I tuned in this morning (monday 13/07) as i havent watched GT since Friday - and was confronted with Scott selling a blue saphire on 14ct gold necklace, i just couldnt take the marketing pitch spiel any longer - and turned over to watch the news instead. Watching this mornings effort, left me with this thought, GT have 3 channels, one selling Deals of the Day, all day, on selling deals of the day up until 3.00pm then it is live, then 11.00pm back to deals of the day,(a total of 11 hours of live presenting), and GT1 operating 8am til 2.00 am.
GT2 is more like GT1+ 1 hour, for example, GT1 at 12pm there is an earring special, over on GT2 there is an earring special at 1pm, it just doesnt seem to be indiviudal any more; IMOHO I think that GT should get rid of GT2 and the GT Deals of the Day Channel, and introduce an interactive service on the television -(Just like QVC) so you can choose which departments you want too view, or even go back to a special, and take another look at a certain piece of jewellery; it should get more customers too, especially people who do not have access to the internet in their homes; just an idea, probably save them a few bob, so that GT can concentrate on just the one channel, and it could be turned into a live presenting programme, 24 hours of the day, its only an idea? it could put a stop to this awful flagging feeling that is coming across at the moment. :thinking2:
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I tuned in this morning (monday 13/07) as i havent watched GT since Friday - and was confronted with Scott selling a blue saphire on 14ct gold necklace, i just couldnt take the marketing pitch spiel any longer - and turned over to watch the news instead. Watching this mornings effort, left me with this thought, GT have 3 channels, one selling Deals of the Day, all day, on selling deals of the day up until 3.00pm then it is live, then 11.00pm back to deals of the day,(a total of 11 hours of live presenting), and GT1 operating 8am til 2.00 am.
GT2 is more like GT1+ 1 hour, for example, GT1 at 12pm there is an earring special, over on GT2 there is an earring special at 1pm, it just doesnt seem to be indiviudal any more; IMOHO I think that GT should get rid of GT2 and the GT Deals of the Day Channel, and introduce an interactive service on the television -(Just like QVC) so you can choose which departments you want too view, or even go back to a special, and take another look at a certain piece of jewellery; it should get more customers too, especially people who do not have access to the internet in their homes; just an idea, probably save them a few bob, so that GT can concentrate on just the one channel, and it could be turned into a live presenting programme, 24 hours of the day, its only an idea? it could put a stop to this awful flagging feeling that is coming across at the moment. :thinking2:

If they did this PG they'd have to move to set prices and lose their auction status. I can't see them doing this as auction status is a little easier on the rules and regulations. xxx
I haven't recieved a letter, I feel quite left out now.

Aww Yaz, I've got tons of letters you can have - gas bill, leccy bill, phone bill, tax bill, council tax bill, rent bill - just name it and it's yours. :giggle: xxx
If they did this PG they'd have to move to set prices and lose their auction status. I can't see them doing this as auction status is a little easier on the rules and regulations. xxx

AB, I have just read the news that GTV2 is to close on 31st July 2009 eeek!! no will want to talk to me for i am the harbinger of doom :devil: pity i cant foresee the lottery numbers :thinking2::happy::glass::cake::beer::beer::pizza::drunk::grin::flower: Perhaps they read my previous post???
I am weak, so weak, I kept looking at the letter, and the 10 percent, kept reiterating to me "10 percent off - come on, dont let me lie here idle!" and i succumb to it, I used it today, to buy a piece of jewellery - now I feel dirty and guilty!!! lol but on the up side, looking forwards to this wednesday, eeeeeeeeeeee! lol
I am weak, so weak, I kept looking at the letter, and the 10 percent, kept reiterating to me "10 percent off - come on, dont let me lie here idle!" and i succumb to it, I used it today, to buy a piece of jewellery - now I feel dirty and guilty!!! lol but on the up side, looking forwards to this wednesday, eeeeeeeeeeee! lol

C'mon, then, persianglitter, spill the beans - what have you bought?
So PG, I turn me back for an hour to brave the birds in the road and the empty shops, and what do I come back to? Another lilly-livered weakling has crumpled under the stress of a serious clearance and 10% discount. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a
So PG, I turn me back for an hour to brave the birds in the road and the empty shops, and what do I come back to? Another lilly-livered weakling has crumpled under the stress of a serious clearance and 10% discount. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a
I know i am feeble, and very weak - I couldnt even make my mind up - whether to get Tanzanite, or Amethyst or Maricota Ambligonite - well i hummed and i harred, i pondered, and procrastinated - and I got the M A!! a ring set in white gold, it is quite purty. I would love to say i will post a picture of me wearing it, but i am a technophobe - you all amaze me with your cartoon and icons, and here is me, just found out how to add a quote! lol :giggle::flower::envy:

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