Hello Flora and welcome.
Sazza is a real star.
I'm a big Ojon fan. I am hoping it's something I don't want - I need to save some money! They have started to seel in John Lewis. The prices show what good value the TSVs are if you like most of the range.
I am too (Ojon fan) because the ingredient listings look great, especially in the Tawaka range. But I don't use any yet :-(
Can't wait to begin with this TSV (I hope !)
Do all the Tawaka products smell like chocolate ? (I LOVE chocolate !)
They don't all smell like chocolate. The shampoo range for the supershine is orange coloured and smells of orange - faintly. The green - thickening range - has a fresh smell - bit like wet grass.
Some people hate the fragrances - I love them all. My sister hates the smell of the conditioning treatment.
I meant the brown bottles of the Ojon Tawaka Ancient Tribal Rejuvenating cleanser and conditioner, do they really smell of chocolate ?
Thanks for the infos !
... and does the Tawaka shampoo smell of chocolate ? ... how about the Tawaka conditioner ?
It is the tawaka range that smells most like chocolate...but imho it smells more like incense...it is a very distinctive smell and you either love it or hate it (i hate it! but used it for a while as i did not find the scent lingered)...i did not realise they have an outlet in john lewis now....maybe you could try to smell a bottle in store if they stock this part of the range?
Yes they do. It is a good suggestion that LivelaughLove made - if you are near a big John Lewis you could have a crafty sniff! I have only seen it in Oxford Street.
Blind testing - I gave my daughter's friend a small sample of the hydrating shampoo and conditioner syphoned off in two of those plastic travel bottles they sell in Superdrug. She told my daughter that the Superdrug stuff was the best she'd ever tried - we had to put her right!
this forum is sooooo good - was looking into the Tawaka & thought he tv show thing suggsted that a TSV could be coming up & you have confirmed it - thank you!!!
the only decision I have now is weather to buy the Twaka stuff now (& it ain't cheap) or hope that the tsv is Tawaka - does anyone know if its likely???
(Sorry but i'm new to the brand)
I've spotted something looking new
Ojon Swa Thickening Collection
Just had an email from Ojon.
TSV details as follows (not sure what the price is) :-
Ojon - Hydrate, Restore & Repair 4 Piece Collection
85ml - Restorative Leave-in Treatment
100ml - Restorative Hair Treatment
250ml - Ultra Hydrating Shampoo
250ml - Ultra Hydrating Conditioner