Daniel Green


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And I heard him say quite excitedly about one of the Susan Graver tops: 'this is my favourite of the hour.' What??? For a start, has he no taste and secondly, are we expected to believe he would get excited about a women's top if he is completely heterosexual? (OK, I know he is presenting, but even so, what a silly comment to make ....)
He comes across as a bit smarmy to me - that fixed smile is spooky and a bit "Stepford" IMVHO.


A BIT smarmy?? He's smarmy personified. MY girlfriend called me in to the room last week and said "you have to see this".There he was in all of his greasy splendor with some American woman who was flogging clothes and who looked and sounded like a genuine Stepford wife. I have no idea who watches and buys this stuff ,but those two were without doubt the creepiest twosome I have ever seen on the televisonshopping channel or anywhere.Mr and Mrs Stepford of Slimeville.
And I heard him say quite excitedly about one of the Susan Graver tops: 'this is my favourite of the hour.' What??? For a start, has he no taste and secondly, are we expected to believe he would get excited about a women's top if he is completely heterosexual? (OK, I know he is presenting, but even so, what a silly comment to make ....)

You will find that Daniel often has a 'faaavorit!' Sorry,bit of a bugbear chez Nicky-j, I am afraid!
#55 Well I suppose that was a fair comment by Daniel!
If one is presented with a dozen revolting pieces of clothing & one of those is marginally less revolting than the others, then that one could presumably be quite honestly described as 'my favourite of the show'! :54:
He comes across as a bit smarmy to me - that fixed smile is spooky and a bit "Stepford" IMVHO.


I'm afraid I have to agree. I think he's so intent on being slick that maybe his real personality doesn't come across enough, and it makes him hard to warm to. He'll hopefully become more "human" in time. And will hopefully stop reminding me SO much of Alan Cumming lol

Love Claire, though. She's warm, friendly, and great fun. She can make almost any hour enjoyable.
I think it's where he worked in the States for so long. He's mastered the art of blandness.
I think it's where he worked in the States for so long. He's mastered the art of blandness.
I was thinking the same thing, its hard to believe he's British. He comes across as an American who has move to England, and doesn't quite get it.:50:
Daniel has posted on Twitter - "aheadoftheQDan here:was so fun to work with an old friend Nikki Gewirtz, on Lola Rose, last night. Known her for 38 years we were in nappies together."
Not sure I'd be so happy if I were NG, that had given her age away so readily! I suppose he gave away his own too!

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