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Bowls are bowls and boxes (Lock n Lock) are boxes, so why spend about 10 minutes demonstrating what you can put into a bowl, as in : - - -
They waste so much food showing that you could put it into a bowl, or a LnL etc when all you need to know is the size and shape. (which they often don't bother to tell you). We all know you can put things in them (but they have never mentioned that I use one for a camera, and another for binoculars lol).
And the same with pans and frying pans, we all know you can cook in them without having to cook loads of dishes to prove it.
They waste so much food showing that you could put it into a bowl, or a LnL etc when all you need to know is the size and shape. (which they often don't bother to tell you). We all know you can put things in them (but they have never mentioned that I use one for a camera, and another for binoculars lol).
And the same with pans and frying pans, we all know you can cook in them without having to cook loads of dishes to prove it.