Enough is enough.....


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Jeff seemed to get a bit angry about an hour ago.

He was selling a 'Ruby Quartz' set - and a viewer messaged in to say "What is Ruby Quartz Jeff?"

This was his chance to say "Ruby Quartz is simply Quartz that has been treated to make it look like Ruby" - the genuine and most transparent response. However, he went around the houses and took a fairly lengthy bit of time saying something along the lines of:

"Ruby Quartz exudes passion........" waffle waffle waffle.......... before eventually saying "Ruby Quartz can occur naturally with inclusions (slightly misleading, because that would be referring to Ruby IN Quartz - which is a totally bona fide stone) or it can be treated".

This was his chance to say "This is the treated material which is Quartz that has been dyed to look like Ruby" - alas, that never came.

Then another message came in from a viewer saying "Hi Jeff, can you tell us what Ruby Quartz is".

Jeff seemed a bit annoyed and said, quite sarcastically, "Well, I thought I'd just answered this question in depth" (or words to that effect).

He then described it again, a bit clearer than previously, being a little bit evasive at first before eventually saying "Ruby is a variety of corundum, but this is Quartz. They are two totally different stones".

Now, I'll give him credit for actually admitting that the two were unrelated stones - I think the likes of Jess Foley or Lindsey Carr would have continued to dodge the question and been deliberately evasive - however, it seemed to take a bit of pushing, and him seemingly getting annoyed by being asked again, to cut to the chase.

He could have easily cleared it up right at the beginning in about 15 seconds.
Makes you wonder if he was tetchy with the staff in the gallery, being poked twice about something that he wouldn't touch himself with a barge pole.

I think he was a bit annoyed with the viewer(s) that wanted him to expand more upon what the stone was.

When he came back after the break, he said something along the lines of "I've been told I've got to behave myself" - so from that, I took it that one of the producers/directors had said that he shouldn't be so sharp with the viewer(s).

I haven't seen Jeff like that before.

That's what happens when Gemporia try to be evasive about telling people what a stone is though rather than being honest and getting to the point. The whole thing could have been cleared and batted out of the way very easily by just saying "Its quartz that has been dyed to look like ruby". Job done.
Yeah, it's clear that all the presenters are told what to say
They don't do it often, but, and call me mildly naive, they once mentioned an auto cue. Now, I don't expect them to memorise everything about everything, but having the letters after their names (most), I'd have thought an auto cue wouldn't really be needed. So, that's a longwinded way of saying, yes, they are told what to say.

And regarding the dyed quartz 'thing'. They'd save a lot of trouble if they say ruby coloured quartz. Simple as. No one thinks padparadcha quartz is sapphire, Paraiba topaz or whatever, isn't tourmaline. etc. That one word: coloured in the description would solve a lot of annoyance.
They don't do it often, but, and call me mildly naive, they once mentioned an auto cue. Now, I don't expect them to memorise everything about everything, but having the letters after their names (most), I'd have thought an auto cue wouldn't really be needed. So, that's a longwinded way of saying, yes, they are told what to say.
Their cameras have an auto cue system on them - but they don't use it. They never have.

They do have a screen in the studio with details on now though - which they never used to have.

Somehow, even with a screen in front of her, Lindsey Carr manages to give out incorrect information every time she's on.
And regarding the dyed quartz 'thing'. They'd save a lot of trouble if they say ruby coloured quartz. Simple as. No one thinks padparadcha quartz is sapphire, Paraiba topaz or whatever, isn't tourmaline. etc. That one word: coloured in the description would solve a lot of annoyance.
Could not agree with you more, but colour me cynical 🤨 as I feel that the omission of the word is deliberate. Not everyone that shops on Gemporia hears past “Paraiba” or “Padparadcha” to hear “quartz”or even understands the information among the hype they create 🤷‍♀️, especially when in the sales pitch they use the photos of “tourmaline “ and “sapphire” in those colours and the prices they go for!
Could not agree with you more, but colour me cynical 🤨 as I feel that the omission of the word is deliberate. Not everyone that shops on Gemporia hears past “Paraiba” or “Padparadcha” to hear “quartz”or even understands the information among the hype they create 🤷‍♀️, especially when in the sales pitch they use the photos of “tourmaline “ and “sapphire” in those colours and the prices they go for!
Maybe, but for the most part the majority of buyers are not ignorant to what's what and who's who when it comes to rocks and such. So how anyone could be duped into thinking quartz / topaz and so on, is that expensive just because it has a name attached that is 'expensive'. Another thing that bugs me, related, is hyping up neon apatite saying if it were paraiba. It may be coloured similarly, but it's far enough from it to be 'it'. Yes, I've said that in another post, but still. I have a budget and have some high-up stones, but not that many. A slight tangent, you should buy stones because you like them, not just because the seller tells you it is a look alike to a rarer stone.
Another thing that bugs me, related, is hyping up neon apatite saying if it were paraiba. It may be coloured similarly, but it's far enough from it to be 'it'.
Oh, I don't know. I have a tiny 4x4 precision cut neon blue apatite with a colour saturation to die for. Like a crystallised Afghanite on speed. Beats the pants off any parvenu copper-bearing tourmaline that I've seen 😀
Maybe, but for the most part the majority of buyers are not ignorant to what's what and who's who when it comes to rocks and such.
Apologies… I still stand by my point that it is entirely deliberate to get people to buy.
Terrible sales technique and people who do not know their gemstones, most do not…will anchor on that terminology with the spill about the actual “paraiba” thinking they got a deal of the century!

Good on you knowing your gems, but your average person doesn’t have this knowledge hence the ambiguous names for quartz!

This is why we have that lady Mirabelle who bought from them thinking she was “investing”

Who do you think they target then by all this pantomime with the omission of actual gemstone terminology ?
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Apologies… I still stand by my point that it is entirely deliberate to get people to buy.
Terrible sales technique and people who do not know their gemstones, most do not…will anchor on that terminology with the spill about the actual “paraiba” thinking they got a deal of the century!

Good on you knowing your gems, but your average person doesn’t have this knowledge hence the ambiguous names for quartz!

This is why we have that lady Mirabelle who bought from them thinking she was “investing”

Who do you think they target then by all this pantomime with the omission of actual gemstone terminology ?
Spot on!
Gemporia at it again this morning via Jewellery Maker.

Yet again, I've reported it to Trading Standards and the ASA.

"Mountain Jade Serpentine".

The whole sales spiel was waffling about Jade and its value. They even claimed that it has been certified as 'Jadeite Serpentine'.

Serpentine IS NOT JADEITE! They are not even similar.

Serpentine is cheap.

Also, Jade is quite durable at 7 on the Mohs scale - whereas Serpentine is 2.5 on the Mohs scale and can be scratched by a fingernail!

It's scandalous that they're deliberately misleading like this - yet the ASA are doing NOTHING (they've ignored my last two referrals - because they see too many referrals as a vendetta against a business).
Oh, I don't know. I have a tiny 4x4 precision cut neon blue apatite with a colour saturation to die for. Like a crystallised Afghanite on speed. Beats the pants off any parvenu copper-bearing tourmaline that I've seen 😀
I do like, and have neon apatite, but no reason to 'price it up' coz it looks like.....
Apologies… I still stand by my point that it is entirely deliberate to get people to buy.
Terrible sales technique and people who do not know their gemstones, most do not…will anchor on that terminology with the spill about the actual “paraiba” thinking they got a deal of the century!

Good on you knowing your gems, but your average person doesn’t have this knowledge hence the ambiguous names for quartz!

This is why we have that lady Mirabelle who bought from them thinking she was “investing”

Who do you think they target then by all this pantomime with the omission of actual gemstone terminology ?
Yes, this sounds rotten, but it's demonstrative to make a point. Selling to the new idiots in the hopes they get them hooked.
It's scandalous that they're deliberately misleading like this - yet the ASA are doing NOTHING (they've ignored my last two referrals - because they see too many referrals as a vendetta against a business).
Ask a silly question, but is there not a jewellery / gems specific agency, who actually know what you are reporting, to report to?

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