List of Ideal World presenters


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Jan 4, 2024

The website does not show who the current presenters are, has anyone got a complete list, shall I start with

Peter Simon ha ha
Regulars seems to be:

Emma Boydell
Annie Connolly
Natalia Ferrara
Sally Jacks
Rob Lamarr
Shona Lindsay
Mike Mason
"Disingenuous Gen" Genevieve Ni Reamoinn
"Pocket Sized" Mark Ryes
"Dirty" Peter Simon
Simona Stankovska
Joanne van der Merwe-Mahon
Jessica Woods

Then there's:

Jeremy Edwards - only started this week, who knows how long he'll stick around for
Lindsey Gundersen - not seen her for a while, hopefully she comes back, if for nothing else than to give Natalia a day or two off
Heather Jayne - really liked her and thought she was one of the better presenters, but not seen her for a few weeks
Carrie Herrington - tends to only be on with Natalia in the morning, don't know if they're grooming her to be a "beauty presenter" or what
Carys Speake - not seen her for even longer, guessing she probably no longer works here
Regulars seems to be:

Emma Boydell
Annie Connolly
Natalia Ferrara
Sally Jacks
Rob Lamarr
Shona Lindsay
Mike Mason
"Disingenuous Gen" Genevieve Ni Reamoinn
"Pocket Sized" Mark Ryes
"Dirty" Peter Simon
Simona Stankovska
Joanne van der Merwe-Mahon
Jessica Woods

Then there's:

Jeremy Edwards - only started this week, who knows how long he'll stick around for
Lindsey Gundersen - not seen her for a while, hopefully she comes back, if for nothing else than to give Natalia a day or two off
Heather Jayne - really liked her and thought she was one of the better presenters, but not seen her for a few weeks
Carrie Herrington - tends to only be on with Natalia in the morning, don't know if they're grooming her to be a "beauty presenter" or what
Carys Speake - not seen her for even longer, guessing she probably no longer works here
thanks for that and Simona is fairly new, I liked her a couple of nights ago.
thanks for that and Simona is fairly new, I liked her a couple of nights ago.

Of the "new" presenters, or ones I'd not seen previously, I think Annie, Heather and Simona are all very good (which shows that there are good 'unknown' presenters out there and that there is no need to constantly return to the ex-Bid crew and the like).

Sally and Peter are the worst, followed by Genevieve, just a dubious trio who will say any old guff. I know Mike of the Masons isn't that popular, but he's always well groomed (unlike Peter), speaks clearly and concisely (unlike Peter) and talks about the products and items as though he has researched them and not just rocked up on his shift to wing it (unlike Peter), so for all we may fault him, I can see why the shopping channels use him. I think Mark Ryes is another who is a good and more than competent presenter, same for Rob and Emma. I tend not to watch much of Natalia because she seems to be doing the same products, every day. Jessica and Shona are probably veering more towards the "will say anything for a sale" brigade, especially the former's constant use of family members. I'm probably the only one, but I like Joanne.
Mike is a strange one for me.

He's clearly an affable, amusing bloke, often at his own expense. Some of his anecdotes and attitudes are stuck in the 1970s, but they're oddly funny and never come off too chauvinistic. I imagine he's fun (maybe grating after a while) at parties. He has presence, confidence, and commands attention. He always sounds authoritative. He was born to be a presenter.


…he uses all of those strengths to be a consummate professional peddler of nonsense, hyperbole, misleading/disingenuous information (cf. any watch show he presents, fragrances, the dash cams, and any items which needs plumbing/wiring he will sell using 'argumentum ad verecundiam') and he simply can't help but veer into dubious "pressure selling" style tactics constantly.

Everything he brings to to air is "flying out" and is gonna sell out in minutes (never does), the phones are always in meltdown, 'everyone wants what we've got', we need to be quick if we want it, these are the last in the business (despite re-appearing every day for the next month), and so on. And he makes it 10x worse by following his 'pressure selling' u with "I'm not saying that to hurry or pressure you, you make your own decisions, but if I were you {says more things to hurry and pressure you}".

He's like the evil version of Rob - both good at presenting, both charismatic, both likeable… but only one does all of the hard sell, pressure tactics, "this is the most amazing item you've ever seen". In some ways, Rob feels wasted on Selly Telly. He should be presenting some 5PM ITV gameshow. Mike, alas, feels exactly where he should be: on the tacky market-stall of selly telly.

Sally must be shift a lot of product, but I've no idea how. She's horrendous to watch - self-obsessed, narcissistic, every other sentence is about how amazing she is, how well off she is, how perfect her family life is, all the expensive brands she buys, how many holidays she has a year…

…I imagine that appeals to the sort of women who watch those ITV Be structured really shows like TOWIE where all people do is talk about themselves and how glamorous their lives are.

Gen is called disinGENEVIEVE for a reason. I would believe her telling me my own name.
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To be positive, my top 3 presenters:

Rob — His selling style is calm, considered, honest. He has bags of energy but never goes OTT. I like the fact he sells most things in the "it's quite good for the price. Ooh, you could use this to…" sales technique — often some thoughtful suggestions — rather than the whole "OMG someone's made a pricing error, get in quick gang, even if you don't need it, just buy it" routine his peers prefer.

Annie – Like Rob she's calm, and disarming in her approach. She doesn't flap around the screen, doesn't make it all about her. She's not averse to spouting vague meaningless sentences that don't make literal sense, but she almost uses her her time on screen to talk about the products she's selling. She'd blossom on QVC.

Mark Ryes (I call him clown shoes as he looks like a clown who washed its makeup off) is another of the polite, considered group. He's more interested in selling/explaining products effectively rather than making himself the centre of attention.

I haven't seen Simona but I hear positive things about her too, and Jeremy has started off well (if he sticks around I worry, given he's more of a name, he'll end up being influenced by the Gang who see themselves as 'fellow celebs').

I'd also mention that Shona is great when she's selling something she thinks is good, as she's actually herself — think how she'd be on an Emma mattress show on IW Mk 2 — but the minute she's having to flog a garish polyester crime against fashion she starts acting (she has a musical theatre background) and all the superlatives come out as she works through her script of "what a selly telly presenter should be saying".
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To be positive, my top 3 presenters:

Rob — His selling style is calm, considered, honest. He has bags of energy but never goes OTT. I like the fact he sells most things in the "it's quite good for the price. Ooh, you could use this to…" sales technique — often some thoughtful suggestions — rather than the whole "OMG someone's made a pricing error, get in quick gang, even if you don't need it, just buy it" routine his peers prefer.

Annie – Like Rob she's calm, and disarming in her approach. She doesn't flap around the screen, doesn't make it all about her. She's not averse to spouting vague meaningless sentences that don't make literal sense, but she almost uses her her time on screen to talk about the products she's selling. She'd blossom on QVC.

Mark Ryes (I call him clown shoes as he looks like a clown who washed its makeup off) is another of the polite, considered group. He's more interested in selling/explaining products effectively rather than making himself the centre of attention.

I haven't seen Simona but I hear positive things about her too, and Jeremy has started off well (if he sticks around I worry, given he's more of a name, he'll end up being influenced by the Gang who see themselves as 'fellow celebs').

I'd also mention that Shona is great when she's selling something she thinks is good, as she's actually herself — think how she'd be on an Emma mattress show on IW Mk 2 — but the minute she's having to flog a garish polyester crime against fashion she starts acting (she has a musical theatre background) and all the superlatives come out as she works through her script of "what a selly telly presenter should be saying".
I agree with all of those it’s sad they all tend to get the 10pm to 2am shift
I agree with all of those it’s sad they all tend to get the 10pm to 2am shift

I'm guessing that Sally, Peter and Mike are seen as the "stars" of the channel, so that's why those three always get the "prime time" shifts between 14:00 and 22:00 and everyone else is given what's left.
Sally must be shift a lot of product, but I've no idea how. She's horrendous to watch - self-obsessed, narcissistic, every other sentence is about how amazing she is, how well off she is, how perfect her family life is, all the expensive brands she buys, how many holidays she has a year…

I think you're completely right about Foghorn Jacks, but what I can't understand is why she or IW would think anyone might consider her remotely aspirational. She's got that horrible 'new money' smell around her, where she's ended up with a bit more disposable income than she expected in life, and has to spend it conspicuously and garishly. Who would want to emulate that?!
I think you're completely right about Foghorn Jacks, but what I can't understand is why she or IW would think anyone might consider her remotely aspirational. She's got that horrible 'new money' smell around her, where she's ended up with a bit more disposable income than she expected in life, and has to spend it conspicuously and garishly. Who would want to emulate that?!
Agreed, but I don't understand the whole 'influencer' concept. As in "I'm 22, I use this product, I'm so clever you should do everything I do cos I'm such an expert" blah blah blah.

I remember a few months ago Sally showing us her bikinis she bought for one of her many holidays, and then videos of her wearing them. I didn't search YouTube for this, there was a link in the forum!! When I'm on holiday I'll take a selfie (usually with a cocktail) and send it to a couple of friends, and head and shoulders only🤣. I certainly don't advertise it to the world.
Agreed, but I don't understand the whole 'influencer' concept. As in "I'm 22, I use this product, I'm so clever you should do everything I do cos I'm such an expert" blah blah blah.

I remember a few months ago Sally showing us her bikinis she bought for one of her many holidays, and then videos of her wearing them. I didn't search YouTube for this, there was a link in the forum!! When I'm on holiday I'll take a selfie (usually with a cocktail) and send it to a couple of friends, and head and shoulders only🤣. I certainly don't advertise it to the world.
Sally Jacks in a bikini, squawking away, hammered on the Sangria. What an image...
Regulars seems to be:

Emma Boydell
Annie Connolly
Natalia Ferrara
Sally Jacks
Rob Lamarr
Shona Lindsay
Mike Mason
"Disingenuous Gen" Genevieve Ni Reamoinn
"Pocket Sized" Mark Ryes
"Dirty" Peter Simon
Simona Stankovska
Joanne van der Merwe-Mahon
Jessica Woods

Then there's:

Jeremy Edwards - only started this week, who knows how long he'll stick around for
Lindsey Gundersen - not seen her for a while, hopefully she comes back, if for nothing else than to give Natalia a day or two off
Heather Jayne - really liked her and thought she was one of the better presenters, but not seen her for a few weeks
Carrie Herrington - tends to only be on with Natalia in the morning, don't know if they're grooming her to be a "beauty presenter" or what
Carys Speake - not seen her for even longer, guessing she probably no longer works here
Boydell: Articulate and personable. Interesting background as a barrister (apparently). clearly an educated and an intelligent person. Unfortunately, tends to exaggerate about watches she is selling. This for me was very apparent on the previous version of the channel when she used to appear as the “watch expert”. If she was working in a culture where an informed choice to potential buyers was the key for her employer, then I think she could be a very good presenter.

Connolly: Haven’t seen her in any great detail. comes over as relatively sincere. again, in an environment where facts and accuracy are key and not indirect comparisons and general products hysteria – she would be a very good presenter.

Ferrara: No idea.

Jacks: I think more than enough time has been wasted on how annoying she is on-air.

Lamarr: He is the pick of the bunch for me. He says he has worked in shopping television for many years, yet he seems to actively avoid some of the more cynical sales tactics the ones who move from channel to channel engage in when I have seen him. He explains products in an honest and a down-to-earth manner. I think he is the nearest thing to the perfect shopping television presenter I have ever seen on any channel and comes over as a personable and a decent guy.

Lindsay: She comes out with too much rampant, unqualified BS about products she presents for me to want to review her further. I imagine she is a really good singer and theatrical performer. And for a shopping television presenter, she makes a great vocalist.

Mason: As has been said, a very interesting fella. If you write him off as superficial, you are making a big mistake, because I think he is far from that. Comes over as extremely cocky and bigs himself up, but then he is a contradiction, because he can also be quite disparaging about himself also. A lot of his sales techniques I dislike intensely, but the television channels he works for obviously don’t. I imagine he has worked on shopping television for, is it 20 years plus? People are clearly keen to take him on to work for their channels, so he must be doing something right. I would like to see him on a channel with workable margins, factual selling policies and selling better quality products in a bigger space. I think that’s where he comes into his own. He clearly likes branded goods, and that for me, would be where he would be most effective and enthusiastic, You imagine Paz WAS really him.

Gen: I never have much time for people with two accents. Gift of the gab cannot be questioned though.

Ryes: Cannot abide him or his pseudo sincere style of selling. He’s clearly an intelligent guy though.

Simon: There really is nothing much new to add. 1975 comes on every time he does. Full of ludicrous claims and contradictory information, both personally on air and about the products. I’ve always thought he would make a fascinating subject for a Play for Today type BBC production about a performer once of note, but now having hit more ignominious times career profile wise.

Simona: I’m very impressed with what I’ve seen of her. Guided in the right direction. I think she has the right personality to be a very personable and articulate shopping television presenter.

Heather: I think she has a lovely personality and describes the goods in a very down-to-earth and information providing way. Least, as much as she is allowed to do in that environment. It would be nice to see her as one of the mainstream presenters rather than only briefly as things stand. I imagine she has fingers in other pies, so to speak, and that’s the reason why.

Silly Girl: I’m afraid I find her extremely annoying. I think she provides on a regular basis claims about prices elsewhere that are very hard to back up. I think also she uses family analogies about product connections far too much, to the point where it becomes infuriating and lacks any credibility. I remember when I first saw her on the previous version, she looked like she had a lot of potential to present in an informed choice way. I’m afraid I don’t see that in her anymore.

Van…Der…Mer..Mew..Meu…The South African woman: I heard her speak on the previous version about 10 years ago for about 10 seconds. I’ve not heard her since.
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I have only recently discovered this forum, so I decided to join to share my opinions. It's a regular occurrence for me to turn on the channel during the day and evening. It is also a regular occurrence for me to turn off the channel. The speed at which that takes place is influenced by who is presenting and what they are selling. I turn on hoping to see an improvement, but it continues to worsen.

The presenters have the same shortcomings in one way or another. All of them are economical with the truth. All of them are selling pure tat. Some talk a lot but say nothing. There are those who lie openly and those who boast and over-egg items and prices, and let's repeat, it's phenomenal. Fuh nom uh nuhl. There are no fools among them. It's necessary for them to do whatever is required to keep their jobs, which means pretending that every item is the dogs under carriage. From what I have seen so far, the new presenters flatter to deceive. They are just fortunate that the previous presenters set the bar so low, which makes them look better than they actually are. The phrase 'if you paint stripes on a horse, it doesn't make it a zebra' is a reoccurring thought.
good stuff guys ...

Do presenters get paid more or a cut of the sales they do ?
From what @GrantB was saying on the old IW, no commission/targets and flat rate for first show and lesser rate for subsequent hours. Reasonable money but not 'top TV/primetime' rates. A job on TV, more than a TV job, from the sound of it, iykwim.

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