There is definitely something dodgy going on at Gemporia. I have a sneaking suspicion that the company will soon be renamed David Harry Jewels. All the main protagonists are already in place - Dave Troth and Hannah Bennett-Thompson are co-owners of David Harry Jewels and, of course, Hannah is Jake Thompson's wife. So, a nice cosy little arrangement all round. This too would be in keeping with Steve Bennett's mantra of a family owned business, as he is Hannah's dad.
Okay, so this is just a hunch on my part but it would, perhaps, explain Troth's constant, daily appearances on our screens, acting like he owns the place & the deference of the Presenters, hanging on his every word! By the way, please google David Harry Jewels, where Troth says "I am David Harry." I thought he was David Troth?

Anyway, I'm probably way off the mark with this,

but I'd like to hear your thoughts/opinions, please.