Lara Pearls


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Just watching Ralph with his Lara pearls. I can honestly say these are some of the worst quality pearls I have ever seen. The dyed ones are so streaky and dull.

He’s really scraping the barrel here and apparently some of them are from his “private reserve” 🙄
'Private Reserve.' Is that meant to impress us?
Ralph, fairly easy on the eye? Maybe at one time, but quite haggard now. I don't care to look at him or his pearls.
He looked alright when he used to front Honora but, as I said, I don’t watch those shows anymore so from your comment I’m guessing the years have maybe crept up on him as it does with us all.
I`ve never been impressed with QVC pearls, even when they were Honora or any other brands they`ve sold over the years. They were either a poor quality or overpriced or both. The Lara ones fit into both categories in my opinion.
I actually had a kind of disagreement with someone who actually works for a high street jewellery brand when she said shell pearls were real pearls. They`re not, they`re made from crushed shells and moulded into a pearl shape, hence the name shell pearl. She wasn`t having it and insisted the shell pearl items they sold were real, in the end I sent her an article telling how they`re actually made.
I`m no expert but I am lucky enough to have inherited a Mikimoto pearl necklace which was almost given to a charity shop because it was found broken in my Mum`s dressing table drawer after she died and when my Dad asked me to clear her clothes and other items for him. Luckily it was still in its original box and the name rang some kind of bell with me and I nearly fell through the floor when I contacted Mikimoto in London and they asked me to send it to them for verification to check that it was genuine. It cost me £500 to have a new fastener on it and restrung but they said it was worth £3k plus.
When we were on a cruise earlier this year i saw plenty of Mikimoto items in the on board jewellers and the price of them was eye watering. Around £400 to £600 for a simple pair of pearl studs depending which size of pearl you chose. Bloody ridiculous prices. As for my necklace I really don`t know what to do with it. I`m loathe to sell it because my Mum was given it on her 21st birthday by her Father, we found a photo of her wearing it that day, she also wore it on her wedding day and yet I have no daughters but 2 granddaughters and only one necklace to leave to someone. I keep pondering what to do with it.
I`ve never been impressed with QVC pearls, even when they were Honora or any other brands they`ve sold over the years. They were either a poor quality or overpriced or both. The Lara ones fit into both categories in my opinion.
I actually had a kind of disagreement with someone who actually works for a high street jewellery brand when she said shell pearls were real pearls. They`re not, they`re made from crushed shells and moulded into a pearl shape, hence the name shell pearl. She wasn`t having it and insisted the shell pearl items they sold were real, in the end I sent her an article telling how they`re actually made.
I`m no expert but I am lucky enough to have inherited a Mikimoto pearl necklace which was almost given to a charity shop because it was found broken in my Mum`s dressing table drawer after she died and when my Dad asked me to clear her clothes and other items for him. Luckily it was still in its original box and the name rang some kind of bell with me and I nearly fell through the floor when I contacted Mikimoto in London and they asked me to send it to them for verification to check that it was genuine. It cost me £500 to have a new fastener on it and restrung but they said it was worth £3k plus.
When we were on a cruise earlier this year i saw plenty of Mikimoto items in the on board jewellers and the price of them was eye watering. Around £400 to £600 for a simple pair of pearl studs depending which size of pearl you chose. Bloody ridiculous prices. As for my necklace I really don`t know what to do with it. I`m loathe to sell it because my Mum was given it on her 21st birthday by her Father, we found a photo of her wearing it that day, she also wore it on her wedding day and yet I have no daughters but 2 granddaughters and only one necklace to leave to someone. I keep pondering what to do with it.
What do you think your mum would say? That will give you an answer whether to keep the pearls or sell them.
I have a metre of black pearls that I bought decades ago from QVC they are beautiful and very very cheap.
I would sell them and then buy your two granddaughters an item of jewellery each as a keepsake..
My granddaughters are 15 and 17 so I`m contemplating hanging onto the necklace for a while in the hope one or both of the girls will have milestones when they may (or may not) want to wear them. Graduation days, 21st birthdays, wedding days etc. I think I`ll ask my oldest son who`se their Dad and nearly 50 to keep the pearls for such occasions just in case I`m not around and have popped my clogs and then when he feels the time is right and both of his daughters have settled down in life, made their careers, relationships, families etc for him to then sell them and buy each of them something to remember me by. He may be hanging onto it for some time !
My middle son is 45, so is his partner who he`s been with for over 20 years said they never had any intention of having children and he paid privately a few years ago to have a vasectomy so there`ll be no more grandchildren there and my youngest son and his partner who are both in their late 30`s say the same. It`s looking as if my 2 granddaughters will be my only grandchildren but if the necklace isn`t sold for quite a while then if and it`s a big if, they change their mind and another granddaughter arrives, it will still be in the family and can be borrowed when needed and then sold and split between 3 granddaughters.
In a nutshell I`m passing the buck to my oldest son and he can have the headache what to do with it because I`ll be gone !
I`ve never been impressed with QVC pearls, even when they were Honora or any other brands they`ve sold over the years. They were either a poor quality or overpriced or both. The Lara ones fit into both categories in my opinion.
I actually had a kind of disagreement with someone who actually works for a high street jewellery brand when she said shell pearls were real pearls. They`re not, they`re made from crushed shells and moulded into a pearl shape, hence the name shell pearl. She wasn`t having it and insisted the shell pearl items they sold were real, in the end I sent her an article telling how they`re actually made.
I`m no expert but I am lucky enough to have inherited a Mikimoto pearl necklace which was almost given to a charity shop because it was found broken in my Mum`s dressing table drawer after she died and when my Dad asked me to clear her clothes and other items for him. Luckily it was still in its original box and the name rang some kind of bell with me and I nearly fell through the floor when I contacted Mikimoto in London and they asked me to send it to them for verification to check that it was genuine. It cost me £500 to have a new fastener on it and restrung but they said it was worth £3k plus.
When we were on a cruise earlier this year i saw plenty of Mikimoto items in the on board jewellers and the price of them was eye watering. Around £400 to £600 for a simple pair of pearl studs depending which size of pearl you chose. Bloody ridiculous prices. As for my necklace I really don`t know what to do with it. I`m loathe to sell it because my Mum was given it on her 21st birthday by her Father, we found a photo of her wearing it that day, she also wore it on her wedding day and yet I have no daughters but 2 granddaughters and only one necklace to leave to someone. I keep pondering what to do with it.
Could you have it converted to two bracelets and perhaps use two to hang from fine chains ?

I’ve got my grandad’s rose gold watch chain which must be 150 years old. None of the younger generations in the family would appreciate it and keep it for its history. As I get to the point where I need to start sorting out “my affairs” (in many years time I hope !) I plan to sell it and share the money with my brother and sister.

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