I am a self confessed make up junky and my heart does a wee flutter when I see a make up TSV and another if I buy if and another when it arrives. I have done a lot of fluttering in my day. When I started shopping on QVC I bought most on them. I now try and exercise a wee bit of restraint. I have formed my wee notion of the "best" make up brands based on my experience, reading reviews and reading comments on here.
In the first division I think we have
Tarte (not had any yet but I am being swayed by you lot and reviews on QVC.)
Joan Collins (Ditto - really tempted as the packaging seems to have a wow factor as well as good quality make uo)
Doll10 (Again but I await my TSV) (could be vulnerable to relegation
Bobbi Brown. I have to give in to a wee BB fix now and again.
These are the ones I am going to have the most trouble resisting. I used to go mad on the baked stuff in LG but I think i am getting over it - plus I have so much of it (not that that ever really stops me.
I have had a few of Tova make up items and I absolutely love them. The eye shadow colours were exceptionally flattering on. Maybe it is just that they happened to suit me specifically.
What are your first division? On the basis that there are no "right" answers just our differences of opinion
In the first division I think we have
Tarte (not had any yet but I am being swayed by you lot and reviews on QVC.)
Joan Collins (Ditto - really tempted as the packaging seems to have a wow factor as well as good quality make uo)
Doll10 (Again but I await my TSV) (could be vulnerable to relegation
Bobbi Brown. I have to give in to a wee BB fix now and again.
These are the ones I am going to have the most trouble resisting. I used to go mad on the baked stuff in LG but I think i am getting over it - plus I have so much of it (not that that ever really stops me.
I have had a few of Tova make up items and I absolutely love them. The eye shadow colours were exceptionally flattering on. Maybe it is just that they happened to suit me specifically.
What are your first division? On the basis that there are no "right" answers just our differences of opinion