You know you are old when....


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Jan 15, 2012
The clue is in the username
I was just wanting to know what fellow(ess) posters made them feel old. I was watching the TSV hour and the 'oh so lovely' quirky irritatingly chirpy Abi was 'flogging' a poloriod Camera (the new version) and was stating how she wasn't around when they first came out. I was trying (not very successfully) I have to state that whilst I wasn't necessarily around then, my brother (who was) had one and we used it right into the early 1990's, but then it was extremely difficult to get the cartridges for it. So my point (as always I meander on, like the Amazon river), is what have the presenters said or done (guest as well as actual) that has perhaps thought that you were 'a'knocking'!, or just felt old.

I am aware that this has not really anything per se to do with Q, other than using the aforementioned presenter to start a thread!
I think someone nailed it yesterday, on another thread, when they said these days they were more interested in what Lakeland have to offer than any supposed 'fashion' or 'trends' marketed by Q.
One of the things that makes me feel ancient is when a presenter says something about "oh this is ideal to throw on for the school run" - or words to that effect. Kids walking to school these days - as I did, and all of my schoolfriends - seems an out of date idea. Also reminds me of how much has changed in the world - and the lack of local schools in so many places now.

I was just wanting to know what fellow(ess) posters made them feel old. I was watching the TSV hour and the 'oh so lovely' quirky irritatingly chirpy Abi was 'flogging' a poloriod Camera (the new version) and was stating how she wasn't around when they first came out. I was trying (not very successfully) I have to state that whilst I wasn't necessarily around then, my brother (who was) had one and we used it right into the early 1990's, but then it was extremely difficult to get the cartridges for it. So my point (as always I meander on, like the Amazon river), is what have the presenters said or done (guest as well as actual) that has perhaps thought that you were 'a'knocking'!, or just felt old.

I am aware that this has not really anything per se to do with Q, other than using the aforementioned presenter to start a thread!
I get really annoyed when I get called "love "or "dear "by younger people as though Ive lost my marbles.Im not that old but I never got called those things when I was younger.
Not just on Q but whenever I see or hear something called a vintage style and I realise I wore it first time around during the 1960`s. Clarks do 60`s style shoes, Orla Keily stuff and the resurrection of certain fashions. I suppose I AM Vintage when I think about it.
I also feel old because I don`t own a smart phone or a tablet, just a computer and I don`t use Twitter or tap apps.
Cricket was being discussed at work the other day and someone said that Sri Lanka aren't what they used to be and I replied that they aren't as they used to be Ceylon only to be met with completely blank looks. For the youngsters on here Sri Lanka used to be called Ceylon until the early seventies.

The other Sunday I went out for a walk at about 9am and thought I would nip into a shop whilst out, so just before 10.30 I was waiting outside the shop with a number of other people who were all considerably older than me. I think that's a definite indication of getting old.
When I go into shops in town, River Island being one of the worst, and think that the music they have on is not only awful, it's far too loud :mysmilie_62:

Also, when out town has the race days on, you see everyone walking down to the racecourse all dolled up. I think 'how can they walk around all day in those shoes'
I remember those grey coloured Polaroid instant cameras when they first came out, they were that big you'd need a wheelbarrow to carry it around (OK slight exaggeration)
I was just wanting to know what fellow(ess) posters made them feel old. I was watching the TSV hour and the 'oh so lovely' quirky irritatingly chirpy Abi was 'flogging' a poloriod Camera (the new version) and was stating how she wasn't around when they first came out. I was trying (not very successfully) I have to state that whilst I wasn't necessarily around then, my brother (who was) had one and we used it right into the early 1990's, but then it was extremely difficult to get the cartridges for it. So my point (as always I meander on, like the Amazon river), is what have the presenters said or done (guest as well as actual) that has perhaps thought that you were 'a'knocking'!, or just felt old.

I am aware that this has not really anything per se to do with Q, other than using the aforementioned presenter to start a thread!

I remember taking a Polaroid camera away on holiday pre marriage which was 1971 so it must have been 1969/70.
When I go into shops in town, River Island being one of the worst, and think that the music they have on is not only awful, it's far too loud :mysmilie_62:

Also, when out town has the race days on, you see everyone walking down to the racecourse all dolled up. I think 'how can they walk around all day in those shoes'

Just going into those shops makes me feel old. Miss Selfridge is another.
One poster here mentioned how the mention of 60s / 70s "vintage" makes her feel old. I feel old when people refer to the 80s / 90s as "retro" or "old skool." I remember the mid-late 80s and 90s perfectly well and it seems like it was only yesterday! I particularly like 80s music. The other day a work colleague asked me what I was listening to. I replied: "Duran Duran" and she said: "Who?" She really didn't have a clue who they were!
When I go into shops in town, River Island being one of the worst, and think that the music they have on is not only awful, it's far too loud '

Oh CG, ditto, and not tuned in! Crackling, hissing, thumping does not make for pleasant decision making. Is this inconsiderate shopping experience on River Island's business model?
One poster here mentioned how the mention of 60s / 70s "vintage" makes her feel old. I feel old when people refer to the 80s / 90s as "retro" or "old skool." I remember the mid-late 80s and 90s perfectly well and it seems like it was only yesterday! I particularly like 80s music. The other day a work colleague asked me what I was listening to. I replied: "Duran Duran" and she said: "Who?" She really didn't have a clue who they were!

Oh yes the 80s were the best, probably because I was 15 in 1980, I got in on the ground floor when the New Romantics had just took over the Punk era, I particularly loved 1980/1/2 they were the best years for me, but I'll tell you what, they'll never make any music better than the early 80s...........yep, now I feel old. :mysmilie_17:
I was in next today and I would say the styles and quality is on a par between them and M&S and just like any store you have to pick the best and ignore the rest. C&A are still in a lot of European cities/towns, some stores are a bit dowdy but some are nice and bright.
Remember C&A? I used to like C&A.

Talking of C&A my son and I were watching only fools and horses a few months ago and del said this time next year they'd be millionaires and have their clothes made by man at C&A, to which my son asked who that was... He will be 26 in two weeks and he cannot even remember C&A... That makes me feel old, along with the fact it's been 26 years since he was born... Looking at him living his life makes me feel incredibly old I must admit, where has the time gone?!

I was born in 73 and must admit I cannot remember the poloroid camera either, but I know we had one as a lot of the family photos with me as a child are poloroids.

Thinking back to when I was a child and realising how affordable things were then also makes me feel old, I used to have 20p and felt I could buy the world... With my nephew now (9) you wouldn't even get a bar of chocolate and a drink less than £2 in most places

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