xmas shopping done and dusted and it feels great!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Those who know me will know that I'm not a great lover of xmas, I hate all the fuss and overindulgence and over the years I've tried many ways to make it as pain free for me as possible...Last year I started buying pressies in January and whilst I got some terrific bargains, the stuff was literally blocking up my upstairs bedroom and I decided I wouldn't do that again. Decided I'd do it all the the last minute this year, but then my catalogue sent me details of some bargains on children's toys back in september....I bought loads of stuff for OH's family, then decided I'd do the lot, some on the catalogue, some through other online retailers and a few bits in the shops. This year though, having loads of wrapping paper and tags left over from last year I decided I'd wrap and label everything and put them neatly into bags...I am now done and it feels greatttttt! No crowds, no having to contend with endless queues at the post office, I've started paying for the stuff already so the money that comes in is largely mine..and of course no grappling with paper and sellotape when you've got nine dozen other things to do and no worries about what shall I get for him, her, or them? 'cause I was able to browse in my own time and it feels like a massive weight off my shoulders. Christmas cards are all written, the ones I have to send are stamped, addressed and ready to go when the time's appropriate...fantastic! I know a lot of people love all the hustle and bustle, and perhaps will put on the festive music, pour themselves a glass of wine and wrap up the pressies...I wish I was one of those people...but I know I'm not and never will be!
It's not a time of year I relish, but I've been flat-out busy so have had zero time. I am in awe of your achievement!
It's not a time of year I relish, but I've been flat-out busy so have had zero time. I am in awe of your achievement!

Oh don't be....it was pure laziness, ordered pretty much everything online so didn't even have to leave my seat, if I'd been pounding the streets looking for early bargains then maybe...but no, received a text from my catalogue had a quick peep and then decided yep..lets try it this way, the hordes of left over wrapping paper was more luck than judgement, otherwise believe me the stuff would still be sat up there waiting to be wrapped and tagged!! But having done it this way, ie doing all the shopping, wrapping and card writing (had a whole box of cards left over too) during a quiet time of the year you would not believe how much less stressful it is, yeah I've had to make a couple of trips to the sorting office to collect parcels but didn't have to wait at all...in a few weeks time it will be mayhem and the queues will be stretching around the block. I've been able to wrap a present when ever I've had a spare moment or two, no pressure to get it all done at once...I'd recommend doing this if xmas is not your favourite time of the year!
I buy stuff throughout the year, not because I`m specifically looking for Christmas presents but because there`s so many sales or discount codes throughout the earlier months. I do 99% of my shopping online and never go near the shops in the lead up to Christmas. We have 5 grown up children between us, all with spouses or partners and 6 grandchildren between us too.
My own grand daughters aged 11 and 9 are getting sewing machines as their main present from their parents and my daughter in law asked me to get them sewing related stuff so I`ve been buying up fat quarters of fabrics, sewing baskets, boxes of threads, trimmings and buttons, books with simple sewing projects in them etc and will make up a nice selection of items for them. They love crafty things and already spend hours making stuff or painting. It`s lovely to see 2 kiddies who don`t sit glued to a TV or a games console and who love to get hands on with things.
For the first year ever, we've all decided to just buy the grandchildren presents, of which there are just two and it feels wonderful not to have to think what to buy everyone.
Don't know how we managed before online shopping...the only pitfall I guess is the one I mentioned ie stuff being delivered when you're out at work and then having to queue up to go and get it, I don't drive so I have to walk to the post office which thankfully isn't too far but then I've got to carry the stuff home again, not worth getting the bus cos time you've walked to the bus stop may as well walk the lot! The result is almost as bad as having to tackle the crowds in the shops! Also if there's a problem with your order, wrong thing, damaged goods, battered box there's not much you can do to get it sorted in time. In fact this time around one of my orders contained something in the wrong fragrance but I was able to let them know send it back and get the correct item sent. I know a lot of these online retails allow you to request specific days for delivery but this often comes at a price..so yeah, this is my plan going forward...don't do it too early, unless you've got plenty or storage space and a good memory (what you bought and who it's for)....wait until about the end of September....get it all wrapped and labelled...put your feet up and relax!
I got my last one done last month, my aunt gets a Crabtree & Evelyn food hamper thing. Otherwise I buy all mine in the sales during the summer usually at 50-70% off.
For the first year ever, we've all decided to just buy the grandchildren presents, of which there are just two and it feels wonderful not to have to think what to buy everyone.

What an almighty relief that must have been!

Hopefully that is less of a chore now and more of a pleasure :mysmilie_59:

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