WTF is Ali Young wearing????


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I never usually watch the beauty hours through sheer boredom and total incredulity at the bollox she and her 'experts' spout about the miraculous benefits of slapping on this or that gloop on will have. :rolleyes: However, curiosity overcame my cynicism and I watched Worrier's links and surely Gobby was wearing that get-up for a bet?? :YIKES: :pPC:
scroll down from the menu on the right hand side and select the clientelle hour

Unfortunately the Clientele clip is only there until midnight on the day the show was screened. Try using the clip posted by "worrier" at the top of page 4.
Her hair does appear to be reverting to the old style. It's a shame, as it looked so lovely when she had it done. Although I seem to remember that night she was fresh from the hairdressers.

Not always easy to get it looking the same at home, but with her 89 years of expertise "for you" I'm surprised she hasn't!
I'm afraid AY loses all credibility with me when despite her 89 years of experience "for you" and her access to all of the face products she touts, she will not allow a close up of her own face. I have seen her screeching at the camera to move away when she thinks it is getting too close.

Surely if the lotions and potions really work she would have a complexion she would happily show off.
I never usually watch the beauty hours through sheer boredom and total incredulity at the bollox she and her 'experts' spout about the miraculous benefits of slapping on this or that gloop on will have. :rolleyes: However, curiosity overcame my cynicism and I watched Worrier's links and surely Gobby was wearing that get-up for a bet?? :YIKES: :pPC:

I like her gold jacket the best. The 'throw it on with anything underneath it' look. The waistcoat has now replaced it for the 'spring' look.
Tbh I couldn't see any difference in what she was wearing in that vid?? :WHO KNOWS: But had to lol at all the high-falluting bollox the Clientelle presenter was spouting about 'Estro-Lift Golden Lotus Serum'.....even the bluddy pretentious name heralds a huge price tag to follow. :rolleyes: Just some of the bollox....'cutting egse technology'... nano-spheres of youth factor'...'yellow white and pink lotus'...'seramides'...'peptides'.....some fancy sounding acid and other such pseudo dermatalogical hyperbole. :rolleyes: And there was Gobby getting more and more excited about the magnificence of it, I thought the silly cow was going to fall off her perch at one point. :SUE: All that for just £95.76 + £4.45 p&p!! Buy some for little Johnny's teacher as well. :rolleyes: :pPC:
Oh Sue you are slipping ... ceramides is spelt with a C :D :D :D

I take it you didn't think it was worth trying the 30 day MBG then :D

Sorry Jayne, you know I don't subscribe to all that crap and I wouldn't know one if it slapped me in the chops hon. :SUE: Errr no I'll pass on that offer. ;) :pPC:
Well, if all this jollop they flog was so magnificent all the presenters and all the guests would look fantastic and be prepared to go on the skin care shows bare faced and no excuses re studio lights!

They don't...
Sweet baby Jesus have you seen the state of Ali on the 2100 hrs Clientelle show??

I guess she got dressed in the dark!!!!!

Can anyone get a piccie for prosperity????

AY dresses in the dark so she doesnt scare the horses.

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