Winnie Johnson rest in peace


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Sense of humour intact
Sep 26, 2009
Planet Earth, mostly...
I'm glad this lady was not informed of the latest developments concerning her son before she died. If there is such a place as heaven at least they are finally re-united.

What shame Brady still can't be hanged, the bastard.
At peace at last alongside her son.
I can't believe the mentality of that mental health advocate who withheld the letter from the authorities. It defies belief that she put Brady's wishes before justice. I'm truly amazed.
RIP Winnie. Those two should've danced at the end of the hangman's rope for the truly evil things they did.
News stories come and go, but this latest development has truly saddened me.

All that poor woman wanted to do was to find her son and give him a Christian burial.

As for the letter, there's been speculation in the news media that it doesn't even exist, and it's just part of Brady's unceasing effort to bring attention to his case.

Poor Winnie, I hope she's found an end to her suffering.
I was sorry to hear this, although it is probably a release for poor Winnie as she was so sick. She never gave up in her quest to find Keith and deal with the mind games played by that scum of the earth Brady. Truly horrific crimes. Rip Winnie.
Time for peace now dear lady. I hope you are now holding your precious boy. RIP Winnie.

Brady and Hindley should have dangled at the end of a rope 46 years ago.
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The current dilemma with Brady is that he wants to die, which is why he's trying to get out of hospital and back to prison so he can end his own life by starvation.

Do we say 'good riddance' and let him get on with it, or do we keep the scumbag alive just to give him a miserable existence and thwart his aims?
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Time for peace now dear lady. I hope you are now holding your precious boy. RIP Winnie.

Brady and Hindley should have dangled at the end of a rope 46 years ago.

Absolutely right, hope the bastards rot in "hell", and I wish him/them an eternity of abject pain and misery!!

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I dearly hope she is reunited with her beloved son and news reports only show pictures of Keith and Winnie and not that vile face of Brady, or Hindley. RIP Winnie, you truly deserve peace.
Poor,poor lady,not a minute's rest for the last 50 years.

God bless you,Winnie,I hope you're enjoying your much deserved peace now with your beloved son,Keith.

I wish the media had settled that no Brady attention-seeking news would be released other then a definite confirmation that the poor lad's remains had been found. I have no interest in his hunger-strike or manipulative teasing about the site of Keith's body and don't think the papers should pander to his fantasies.

Jude xx
Just let him out into the community where he committed his vile deeds, he will soon get his wish to die
I have never been in favour of the death penalty and for Brady, hanging would have been a glorious death.
The worst possible punishment was (IMO) to make him live out every day in captivity, being controlled, being told when to wake, sleep, eat, excercise.
I am just sorry that he can no longer be force fed due to his injuries following his seizure.
I hate that any day now his wish will be granted and he will die.
Still favour my idea

I have never been in favour of the death penalty and for Brady, hanging would have been a glorious death.
The worst possible punishment was (IMO) to make him live out every day in captivity, being controlled, being told when to wake, sleep, eat, excercise.
I am just sorry that he can no longer be force fed due to his injuries following his seizure.
I hate that any day now his wish will be granted and he will die.

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