Windows 8 and Skype Help


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Jun 24, 2008
So brand new laptop arrives all singing and all dancing.

I cannot get Skype downloaded. The app is there(non touch screen), I signed up(had to use new details as I registered with a different email to the help thing and Microsoft). So registered in all fine. But nowhere does it tell me how to download the fecking thing. I know its not downloaded as I cannot get contacts to come up anywhere.

Can some kind soul give me simple instructions on what to do? The Skype place for Windows 8 is all touch screen and tables. Oh I am using Firefox not IE.
Sorry Donna didn't see this before , I have a windows 8 laptop , bought it in June. Windows 8 is a pain to start with but I love it now. Glad u sorted it , id recommend u also download the desk top version of Skype as search back through msgs on the windows app is very annoying and slow
Thank you Autumn. I am now loving the simplicity of Windows 8( I was using Vista before:sad:) so this is very different. I have un installed stuff I will never use Xbox games!!! Turned off tiles and left weather for Belfast live.

Skype I only do this with family in Canada, so set privacy to stop all those US generals that used to contact me(yeah I really did believe there were who they said. NOT!), and have chatted with big brother.
The first few days with windows 8 was a nightmare tbh , however ive found ive very quickly got used to it and wouldn't wanna go back now. Theres some great apps out Tv catchup is one of them. I think once the update comes in October windows 8 will be the best operating system by windows be far . Glad ur finding ur way around now :)
I've got a new Acer laptop with the Skype tile on it but I haven't used it yet - what problems will I find and how did you solve it? Plain English please, I'm not very techie, although I'm getting used to Windows 8 gradually just by using it and there's a tutorial on the Acer website I think.
I've got a new Acer laptop with the Skype tile on it but I haven't used it yet - what problems will I find and how did you solve it? Plain English please, I'm not very techie, although I'm getting used to Windows 8 gradually just by using it and there's a tutorial on the Acer website I think.

I recommend u download the desktop version of Skype aswell as the app, as it takes forever to scroll back thru conversations on the app. I didn't have any problems logging into Skype for the first time and all ur contacts should be imported. Windows 8 does take a while to get used to however ive now had my laptop since june and wouldn't want to go back to windows 7.

Is there anything specific you need help with ( not saying I will be able to help mind lol )
I think it's just that I'm not used to laptops in general as well as Windows 8! The mouse is very sensitive and I find that when I'm on websites and scrolling down the side of a newspaper page for example, I often end up viewing an advert and have to close the tab but my son showed me the key on my keyboard for tabs and that helped. So it's just about finding the things that make life simpler when I'm navigating around really, if that makes sense. As I say, I'm not very techie at all.
I think it's just that I'm not used to laptops in general as well as Windows 8! The mouse is very sensitive and I find that when I'm on websites and scrolling down the side of a newspaper page for example, I often end up viewing an advert and have to close the tab but my son showed me the key on my keyboard for tabs and that helped. So it's just about finding the things that make life simpler when I'm navigating around really, if that makes sense. As I say, I'm not very techie at all.

If you use the search feature on windows 8 ( right hand side of the screen, magnifying glass ) and search mouse , u can change the settings for the speed and sensitivity of the mouse/touch pad, it may help you when your navigating around.

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