Will QVC mark Alison Young's 50 birthday this summer?


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Dame Fondacox

Registered Shopper
Jul 10, 2011
It got me thinking when I was watching AY on Fabulous at 40 and Beyond earlier, she turns 50 at the beginning of July but is more than somewhat coy about her age and has said she ignors birthdays. I seem to recall that they made a big fuss when JR hit the milestone birthday and wonder if they'll persuad AY to do likewise. :wonder:
I would be surprised if she had a big public on air celebration. She is certainly very coy about her age but that is up to her. I hate a big fuss and just like to have a quiet celebration.
Will QVC mark Alison Young's 50 birthday this summer?

I don't think they will dare mention it...:mysmilie_17:
Ha! Ha! Ha! If they tried AY would arrived carried a chainsaw and murder everyone on the floor.

She never ever mentions her age if possible. It was only because Jill Franks mentioned her own age a few years back and dropped the fact Alison was a year younger we ever found out.

Actually I thought she was 49 this year?
I thought she would be 49 too, not sure why, but I thought she was younger than me by more than 18months. Franks isn't 50 yet is she?

Donna, after the carnage AY will then advise them to apply propolis and arnica to their lopped off limbs!
Yup I can see the on screen 50th celebrations as we speak ....
They`d present her with an industrial sized shimmer brick, her own personalised table for her to lean on when she`s wearing heels, a leather Miss Whiplash outfit and a cake with a photograph of a 30 year old AY on it.
Seriously can you see Ali telling the whole World she`s 50 cos I can`t lol
I think they made a big fuss about Julia's birthday as she mentioned it Everytime she was on air lol
Ha! Ha! Ha! If they tried AY would arrived carried a chainsaw and murder everyone on the floor.

She never ever mentions her age if possible. It was only because Jill Franks mentioned her own age a few years back and dropped the fact Alison was a year younger we ever found out.

Actually I thought she was 49 this year?

I thought she would be 49 too, not sure why, but I thought she was younger than me by more than 18months. Franks isn't 50 yet is she?

Donna, after the carnage AY will then advise them to apply propolis and arnica to their lopped off limbs!

I thought she would be 49 this year too. JF is not 50 yet she will be 49 in July.
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I seem to recall they introduced the Fabulous at 40 shows soon after AY turned 40 and had kept quite about it. Of course that was in the days before social media and we could all tweet 'Happy 50th Birthday Ali Young' and post it on Facebook in July this year. :cheeky:

I don't understand anyone being coy about their age. I turned 50 a few weeks ago and while I didn't throw a big party, I felt it was a great milestone to have reached and celebrated in style. I was happy when people in work etc reacted with their 'we never would have guessed' exclamations. However a couple of friends who hit 50 a few weeks after me were less that enthusiastic about it. I just don't get it when there's only one alternative to having birthdays and who'd want that....
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Wait til you all get to 60 and see how time whizzes past after that !!!!! I had a 60th 'do' six years ago and its crazy where the years have gone !

I often think bl......dy hell, 15 years ago I was 50 and in 15 years time I'll be 80 (if I get there) and you DO start to ponder your own mortality believe me !
It dawned on me how quickly time whizzes by once I got past 35 - that's why I make sure I enjoy life as much as I can. I think my appreciation of living comes from the fact was my first experience of death as a child wasn't a pet or an elderly relative, it was a playmate who died when she was 6. I'm not sure how it was explained to me but at some point early in my life, I came to the realisation that longevity is a gift and a privilege, not a given.
but at some point early in my life, I came to the realisation that longevity is a gift and a privilege, not a given

This is how I feel, too. I lost a good friend to a berry aneurism when she was 19 and I was 18. Even though I had just started training to be a nurse and had seen death several times at that age, the death of a (young) friend really pulls everything into perspective.

My 54th birthday this year will (please God!) mark 5 years since my major surgery for colon cancer. I treasure every day and can only hope and pray that I see my 60th, 70th and 80th birthdays, and if I do, boy will I be celebrating!
I might buy 49 but definitely not 48. She's supposedly younger than Andrew Bagley - anyone know his age?
Lol. I always think it would be brilliant to claim you are older than everyone thinks.

I mean, immediately you look FANTASTIC for your age, everyone wants to know what you eat, drink and slather on your skin.

In reality, my mother is 80+ and looks at least a decade younger. Surrounded by people of a similar age she glows with good health. The secret? Good diet, vitamin, mineral and fish oil supplements, plus the odd osteopathic treatment. And, for the past few years, Decleor.

If I look the same at that age I will be delighted.

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