Will presenters think before they speak & tell porkies....


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Oct 8, 2008
By the sea, north Lancs
Have NN on in the background and heard JF going on about how she was in a hotel watching the TSV launch and wondering if the new duvet with its frill would fit in double, king size duvet covers etc. Not 5 minutes later, she was saying how wonderful this one was to sleep under as she'd had one to try for the last week.....short-term memory loss :thinking::thinking: Or did she sleep under it with no duvet cover on ?????

Craig did this when the last NN down duvet was on in the summer. It was the new one with the silver finish (yes, I got one and it's fab..) and was the first time it had been on. Craig rabbited on about it being very new and revolutionary and then a few minutes later on said we would all love it cos he'd had his since the start of the year and loved it. Didn't realise you could love something for months and months when you never had it til the week before....

I'm sure these aren't isolated cases.

Is it too much to ask that presenters tell the truth ? Like a small child telling a few porkies and getting themselves tied in knots.

I still bought the TSV though as I :heart::heart::heart: my NN down duvets. I know I'm in a minority here but don't care !!!! Love my bed :mysmilie_496:
I agree Liz. Many of us are saying this(and many other things) about CR in the CR Facebook comment thread above. He always seems to "have in his flat" or "has been lucky to try/be given" every bliddy item he sells - however he doesnt remember his past porkies and his comments show him as a downright fibber who is just trying to flog QVC merchandise(in order to keep his job?) - he's also made a comment re his family on facebook which is in very bad taste-shameful and silly man!! I've really gone off him(although i should state that he was never a favorite presenter - i just found him very bland and unoffensive before).
also noticed what JF said about TSV yesterday and thought it was rather strange......
also thought she was a bit hyper on this occasion and a bit rude talking over Suzy quite a bit!
bring back proper demos

i remember back in the old days when qvc was excellent at describing and demonstrating products. you were told the sizes and fabric compositions of clothes and real demos of the technology. i actually learnt a lot from qvc.

now its all pffaff. i know more about presenters family members/boyfriends/social class/ than i know about qvc items.

talking about demos if that guy from bose plays that rickety tune and blows out candles again i will scream!:rolleyes:
Just bumping this up as it seems that telling porkies is becoming more common and more blatant with other threads highlighting incidents. It's not just one or two presenters/guests either. :mysmilie_849::mysmilie_849:

Would have linked this but have absolutely no idea how to do it!!!!!
I'm afraid the likes of JF and CR, who seem to be some of the main 'porkie telling' culprits, haven't got the intelligence to remember what they said 2 minutes ago, so it will always be obvious when they are lying.

It is very remiss of QVC to let them carry on doing this. I think that QVC has definitely lost the professionalism that it had when I started watching 8 or 9 years ago.
Lizgregs that has got the be the funniest use of a smilie ever :nod:

JF's other corker is her coat lie which she adjusts according to whatever show she's presenting. On with Trespass Gilets. 'I have a wardrobe full of gilets - these are all I wear in Winter as I don't like big heavy coats...I never wear them...'.

On with Kim n Co: 'I'd wear this dress with one of my big heavy winter coats, which I love...'

On with Centigrade: 'I love my heavy winter coats, I hate the cold and like being warm...'

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