Will Gowing's hairline!


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Jun 18, 2012
Oh my goodness! I'm flabbergasted! Well, actually I'm not, I was just being a little bit dramatic, but check out Will Gowing's hairline. It's receded more than the cliffs at Beachy Head. Now his domed forehead increasingly resembles Australia. The once luxuriant red-top is fast becoming a balding pate, capped with a small tuft of hair that looks more like a small rusted Brillo pad!. Even "Mr Tortoise Head" Philip Kingsley himself might struggle to treat that - as his overpriced potions will do naff all! Maybe Will should do what Paul Percival from Percy & Reed did and get some transplants, otherwise Alison Young's poodle could fast mutate into a hairless terrier!

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Not nice, Julius. Criticize his hairstyle, his manner, his dress, but his hairline is something he can't help.
Not nice, Julius. Criticize his hairstyle, his manner, his dress, but his hairline is something he can't help.

I'm sure he's a nice enough person, but the change is so different! It's really surprising.
Not nice, Julius. Criticize his hairstyle, his manner, his dress, but his hairline is something he can't help.

Totally agree. No fan of Will as think he is a bit of a waste of space, but hair loss is a very very personal thing.
I am not into personal attacks.I felt Julius was just making an observation on the physical difference in the guy, from when he started doing the job, until now.
Actually I quite think it suits him. Has changed his look from 'boy' to 'man'.
The royal family males always got bald at the back. Don't pay attention to Will on QVC, I have a life and don't sit and watch every slight change happening over the years.

So then show us a photo of yourself and your hairline. come you like to bitch it out then you better be able to take the same for yourself. Oh and if you come back and state I don't or want to. For someone training to be a junior reporter or have you moved on to another career yet? You need to come up with more interesting stuff for people to want to read or even care.
Not very nice. AY eyebags and dress sense, JF's weight, hair, skin, clothes and personality (ahem... sorry... "presenting style). Claire Sutton's use of words, voice.. oh and her hair, once even her mental health was discussed on here. Craig..loads of criticism. Julia's size. And as for poor Ann Dawson...
Why should poor Will be exempt? On the whole I try to steer clear with the occasional exception.
It's not "poor Will", it's the fact that he can't help hair loss whereas the presenters can choose how they dress etc. But as you say, it's not nice whichever way you look at it.
Not very nice. AY eyebags and dress sense, JF's weight, hair, skin, clothes and personality (ahem... sorry... "presenting style). Claire Sutton's use of words, voice.. oh and her hair, once even her mental health was discussed on here. Craig..loads of criticism. Julia's size. And as for poor Ann Dawson...
Why should poor Will be exempt? On the whole I try to steer clear with the occasional exception.

I haven't said anything bad about him as a person. I'm sure he's a perfectly nice person. His hairline has receded and I commented on it, as people have done with Prince William and others. These people are in the public eye. Of course people notice such things. Even his relationship with a cameraman (which would have been better kept private) was highlighted on-air! Of course people age and become different over time, but some people do more quickly than others. Jilly Halliday for example has remained relatively unchanged. Will Gowing and Glen Campbell haven't. I think it's interesting and fun to look at such things. These people are paid heaps of money to flog us mere mortals "style" and neck creams and what-not. I find it amusing when Alison Keenan is standing there, all tandoori-tanned and tortoise-necked, extolling the virtues of some overpriced blobs of grease that either / or: 1) she doesn't use, or 2) if she does use it, it doesn't work. I have nothing against Alison Keenan. I actually think she's a very nice person, I just don't like being preached to or manipulated.
I think that when you haven't seen someone for quite a stretch of time, it can often be shocking to see how much they've changed... whether for the better or the worse.

I never noticed one of my colleague's outstanding and inspiring weight loss for all the years they'd been steadily losing it... but after a break from work, when I got back it was.... WOW! Suddenly I noticed what constantly seeing them had hidden from me, it reinforced the fact that if you tend to only see a change if you let a little time lapse before checking to see if there is a change.

Personally, having embarked on the 5:2 diet about 6 weeks ago, I know that my colleagues won't have noticed any difference yet. So far the differences are only apparent to me, but that is enough motivation for me.
It does seem a remarkably rapid recede, I'll grant you. There used to be all sorts of old wives tales about hereditary hair loss, e.g. that it skips a generation. Mr Akimbo and I used to work on a shift of all bald men (maybe shift work has an impact?) and they were chuffed to see in our wedding photos that, whereas Mr Akimbo has a mop of hair, his dad is completely bald! No sign of Mr A losing his, in spite of living with me for 25 years! My brother now has the exact same hairline that my dad had. This, along with some of Dad's mannerisms, I find very endearing. Plenty of drop dead sexy men have no hair, but I reckon once your hair starts to disappear over the horizon of your crown, taking the rest v short or off completely is a better look than clinging to a comb-over or a thinning tufty front bit like Steve Maclaren (Newcastle manager).

From a Q perspective they could have used Will to illustrate how effective Hairmax and Hairfix are. Showing the wispy hairline of Pirio (sp) is meaningless really.
Not very nice. AY eyebags and dress sense, JF's weight, hair, skin, clothes and personality (ahem... sorry... "presenting style). Claire Sutton's use of words, voice.. oh and her hair, once even her mental health was discussed on here. Craig..loads of criticism. Julia's size. And as for poor Ann Dawson...
Why should poor Will be exempt? On the whole I try to steer clear with the occasional exception.

Totally agree ...

Can Anne and Claire help there voices ? Can Jill franks help her weight ? Who knows?? So if it's ok to criticism them then its only fair to comment on will .

Is it the fact he's a guy that makes it an issue or the fact that it's the OP doing it?

The personal attack on the OP earlier on in this thread is pretty low Imo.
Love that comment about Steve McLaren - glad it's not just me that thinks he looks ridiculous (sorry Steve). As for Will, I haven't seen him for a while so can't say I've noticed. Various illnesses can cause your hair to fall out so I hope it's not that. Maybe he's just going bald as lots of men do.

Totally agree ...

Can Anne and Claire help there voices ? Can Jill franks help her weight ? Who knows?? So if it's ok to criticism them then its only fair to comment on will .

Is it the fact he's a guy that makes it an issue or the fact that it's the OP doing it?

The personal attack on the OP earlier on in this thread is pretty low Imo.

Oh I'm used to it now! Me and political correctness never got on! Some people are just so self-righteous! Let's face it, it's GREAT FUN to look at the z-listers on Q, and discuss their funny little ways. Will Gowing does look different now he sports that sparse little tuft. I've seen red squirrels more hirsute than that!

I like the fact that we can have a debate about it. That is, after all, what forums are for. I've never said my views are definitive. Let's hope Alison Young's poodle doesn't turn into a coot, eh!

Remember when I said Ann Dawson's face looked like it had been rubbed with a nutmeg grater? OH MY GOODNESS! I know she has rosacea. Anyway, it's not her face that's the problem, it's that whining voice. It's a combination of accordion bellows, out-of-tune bagpipes and a baby crying!
The royal family males always got bald at the back. Don't pay attention to Will on QVC, I have a life and don't sit and watch every slight change happening over the years.

So then show us a photo of yourself and your hairline. come you like to bitch it out then you better be able to take the same for yourself. Oh and if you come back and state I don't or want to. For someone training to be a junior reporter or have you moved on to another career yet? You need to come up with more interesting stuff for people to want to read or even care.

Well I'm glad, even with your "life" you care enough to comment, darling Donna! You've just made me think about that Des'ree song: "Life, oh life, oh liiiiiife!"
I was quite surprised to see the objections to the OP especially as there has been a long thread about JF's weight loss, the lack of condition of her hair, etc... Let's keep it consistent folks.

Julius mentioned that Will had a once luxuriant mop and his surprise at seeing it recede. My OH is in the same boat - had a great head of hair, and is now balding, but keeps it very short and I still fancy him like anything. He sometimes jokes that living with me did for his hair, and I point out that his Dad is completely bald too, despite his Mum being an absolute darling lol.
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