"Wiggy" Lee what have you got on your head?


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Simon Sims

Registered Shopper
Dec 22, 2008
I know this is becoming my favorite topic, but what the hell is that rug he is wearing on his head?

It must be his summer rug as it is short and barely covers the sides and what is with that bit that sticks up at the back.

He still sniffs through his presentations and talks complete twaddle - when will QVC get a decent technological guest presenter.
I like Lee, both as a person and as a technology guest. Whether he wears a hairpiece or not, is his own business. It never occurred to me, personally, that this was the case. The effect it would have on the reason for him being on the Q is beyond me.
I just knew it was only a matter of time before you popped up to throw an insult Lee's way... change the record!
I know this is becoming my favorite topic, but what the hell is that rug he is wearing on his head?

It must be his summer rug as it is short and barely covers the sides and what is with that bit that sticks up at the back.

He still sniffs through his presentations and talks complete twaddle - when will QVC get a decent technological guest presenter.

qvc has gone from being informative and interesting with interesting tech experts like Antony like Tim,like LJ Rich,like Katherine ( don't know her surname) like loads of others,to blaggers like Lee Hobein.He talks "twaddle" to agree with you politely.lI was going to say he talks **** but I'm too polite.. and the boring Matt Trim,and the rest . They ought to be called SOS rather than QVC.. Style over Substance.
Taking exception to someone because you believe they lack the expertise to be a technical presenter is far different to simply judging someone's ability by their choice of hairstyle.

Personally, I'm sure Lee is as nice as the next guy in real life... I don't think there is anything wrong with the way he grooms himself for his appearances on QVC.

However, in demo'ing the TSV, I do think he spent too much time showing us apps - which will operate similarly on most tablets - rather than explaining the tablet itself and why that is a better purchase than any other tablet on the market.
Can't comment on his techie knowledge because I haven't the first clue, but that definitely looks like his own hair to me.
Lee always spends too much of the time listing all the apps running concurrently, which, lets face it, Jill Franks could do. Mr Akimbo despairs that there's too little talk about the spec and he doesn't want to know that Lee's mum can navigate around it. We've bought a few techy things over the years from Q but only following Mr A's exhaustive research and maybe QVC know there's no need to pitch their sales patter at similar buyers, but to catch the buyers who don't really know what their needs are. Talking of mothers; Mr Akimbo's mum (the mother-out-law) bought an acer laptop from QVC rather than ask him to help her choose a suitable model at a better price elsewhere. It was a face-palm moment for Mr A, but I think she's also the sort of person who couldn't walk into PC World and feel confident at making an informed choice even if the sales person explained things at an appropriate level. So ordering from Q is an anonymous and face-saving experience for many and the mother-out-law is using about 2% of her laptop's capability and she could probably do the same browsing and emailing via her mobile phone, but if she'd decided within 30 days that she couldn't get along with it she could return it without feeling stupid or having to admit defeat.

Lee's been a bit touchy about the hair comments made on here. A gracious silence would have been the grown up response.
I know this is becoming my favorite topic, but what the hell is that rug he is wearing on his head?

It must be his summer rug as it is short and barely covers the sides and what is with that bit that sticks up at the back.

He still sniffs through his presentations and talks complete twaddle - when will QVC get a decent technological guest presenter.[/QUOT

Simon I, like others here like Lee and his laid back way of presenting. He gives you all the information you need to decide if you want it or not.

As you are so cleaver sitting on your couch at home passing may comments I would love to see you present better. I am sure you would shxte yourself at the thought
Just switched on to have a look at the guest on the techie TSV and I can't see a problem with his appearance at all. The only thing I can see on his head is hair and he looks smart and clean in fact he looks better than a lot of thers I've seen on Q.
There's a definite demarcation line between his main mop of hair and the greying short back and sides so I get the wiggy comments. The diamonique ring is a nice touch too.
qvc has gone from being informative and interesting with interesting tech experts like Antony like Tim,like LJ Rich,like Katherine ( don't know her surname) like loads of others,to blaggers like Lee Hobein.He talks "twaddle" to agree with you politely.lI was going to say he talks **** but I'm too polite.. and the boring Matt Trim,and the rest . They ought to be called SOS rather than QVC.. Style over Substance.

By the way,his hair is irrelevant to anything and I don't think it's anything other than hiis own.I can spot a rug a mile off and it's his I'm pretty sure but thats beside the point. MAybe I was too flippant with my previous comment and so to redress the balance and be constructive ,I feel that he is too fast in explaining most things.I understand tech fairly well ,and it sounds to me as though he's either blagging it ,or QVC are not allowing him enough time to explain what needs to be explained and if thats the case he rushes through everything trying to keep within their time frame..and that helps nobody.People like me who know a thing or two about technical matters swithcn off and those who don't probably are confused when he tries to explain.Better organisation is needed in my opinion..for what it's worth. This can also be said for a few other guests.Tony the grey haired bloke who used to head Archos.came on a few weeks ago with a product from a company called Kingston, that streams content via SD card to your phone or tablet. For a while I had no idea what the hell he was on about.I had no clue how the thing worked.His explanation was awful. My friend expained it to me and then I was like."OHHHHHHH why didn't he just explain more simply to start with"..and If a technically aware person couldn't understand what he was talking about,what chance do the beginner tech users have??
QVC DID have it right at one point in time and then lost the plot.Antony,Tim,LJ, Nick, Katherine Anais ( spelling..sorry)...all supurb presenters and explained things beautifully. Not the case now sadly.
Simon1966 is entitled to come on here and make any comments he likes. That's the whole point of the ST forum isn't it? We women bitch about the female presenters all the time. Leave him alone.
I think it's his own hair too, he always looks well turned out to me, as for his presenting?, well that goes in one ear and out the other as I haven't a clue what he's saying!
Mayb its all a sales ploy. Lee is deliberately useless at explaining things so people end up paying to fone Take me through it :confused:. The thing I don't understand is they will have a whole hour show on the H20 steam mop yet items costing a lot more money and need longer than a 15min demo they don't bother, makes no sense to me. There must have been at least 4 hr long shows on that steam mop, every show is exactly the same .
I quite agree with Autumn some of the things that get a whole hour just don't need it. Ultra sun is another, easy to explain and always the same products yet we get endless hour shows during spring and summer. Whereas a full hour on say a tablet or notebook could be different every show, with a good presenter, and teach the us something too.
I bet tech-savvy people don't, in general, buy computers from QVC. That's probably why he emphasizes the apps and other gimmicky aspects of the various gadgets. Lee's spiel is aimed at those who haven't a clue about what a computer can do, and probably don't need anything like the high-spec high-price items he shows. He's probably correct in sales terms to blather on about BBC iplayer and the like because that is of general appeal to folk who have no real use for the grunt that's under the hood of a £999 computer. Whatever we think of him his sales spiel obviously works on the intended audience or QVC would have ditched him. They're in the business of convincing people who don't really need the items to purchase them for fun or aspirational reasons.
There's a definite demarcation line between his main mop of hair and the greying short back and sides so I get the wiggy comments. The diamonique ring is a nice touch too.

I know exactly which section of his hair you#re talking about, but I still don't think it's false.
No I don't either but I can see where the comments originated. In fact at the time the wiggy name was coined there was an even more distinct colour change.
He seems to have hair issues - on his QVC facebook page he says "Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. Have a fab day I'd like to thank mine for providing me with a decent head of hair"

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