Wiggy Lee -Homework please Hun


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Jun 24, 2008
Shambolic presentation of he TSV by Wiggy when I tuned in at 1245am. He was all over the place.

And stop demonstrating software when your supposed to be demonstrating the 'puter.
If he says he's going to "fire-up" his computer one more time, I'll throw mine at the telly (I'll be the one fired up ! ).

Sounds like he and Craig have enough computers between them to stock a call centre (in Mumbai preferably).
I'm with you EM, in Craig's case the farther away the better..
At midnight whilst Craig was giving the details of the TSV he was making me feel quite ill by zooming in and out on Google Earth. Yes we get the message thank you. It has a touchscreen.
The stupid term "fire up" gets on my thrupennies too :headbang: and is thrown in to try and make a standard piece of kit sound exciting and encourage older viewers into buying. How I'd love to see one of his bliddy computers spontaneously combust and shut the twot up. :grin:
The resident computer expert (as Craig announced him) aka Wiggy Lee just doesn't know his product knowledge.
I thought he was the expert on Clickfree backup, then it was Acer.

I wish QVC would give him the boot like they did with Simon Smithies another so called expert.
The resident computer expert (as Craig announced him) aka Wiggy Lee just doesn't know his product knowledge.
I thought he was the expert on Clickfree backup, then it was Acer.

I wish QVC would give him the boot like they did with Simon Smithies another so called expert.

A thread on poor old Wiggy is always guaranteed to get a response out of you simon1966.... !
Didn't Packard Bell only sell PCs in PC World?
They were cr*p then and IMHO still cr*p.

And as for Wiggy - i can't stand the guy!!!!!!!!
I only saw a bit but he usually exploits.....sorry "mentions" her doesn't he. As well as his glamourous jet set life split between london and LA. I wonder if he flogs electronics over there too.
Did he (Wiggy) mention his mum last night ?

Yes he did mention his Mom and he explained the use of Ram in terms his Mom would understand. It was something along the lines of power outlets in the kitchen being like Ram - the more you have the more things you can have running in the Kitchen.

Sorry too much of a Mummies boy!
Who will be guest presenting next?
Dale Winton?????????
I didn't mind him until he made that rather nasty post about his jet-set life style compared to our rather boring little lives. It was a very unattractive side to him and now I just pick fault.
I saw a couple of minutes in the afternoon/evening where he said rather pointedly, "I know I am not here to demo the software but......" so it looks like he read BB's post and digested the contents :rock:
You can't demo any PC without demonstrating software, otherwise there would be no point even switching it on.

Even the basic Windows desktop screen doing nothing is still running software. Moving the mouse uses software, and pressing a key and seeing a letter appear on a screen uses software.

So it is legitimate to demo photo-processing software (for example) as a way of showing how fast the computer responds. Having lots of windows open doing different things also demontrates this.

The PC I am using now is so slow that when I move the mouse, there is a delay before the cursor moves. And sometimes I look up after typing a sentence to see only a few letters there, then the rest of them appear as if by magic.

Perhaps I could sell it to QVC (for a lot of money) so they can compare it to the latest PC they are flogging.
Strato I'm quite aware of that, BUT wiggy lee blurs the lines between what the computer is doing, and the software which could be bought separately or found on an alternative often cheaper computer. I agree that to demonstrate speed he may want to have many applications running at the same time, but he spends too much time dazzling us with the cpability of the software over the actual machine. The Q audience for technology are (I imagine) more your baby boomers or generation X technophobes -like his mum-and I think his presentations could be misleading those people.

Apart from that I can't abide his condescending style. I wish he'd bugger off :0)
Have you noticed how many 1/2 sentences he speaks?

He starts to say something, then diverts to something else, lots of times.

I watched his first demo of the TSV in full (to see how it compared to my HP PC) and kept noticing this.
PS I wish PB and HP didn't put their own versions of a desktop on top of the Windows one.

You don't have to use it (I never do) but it is probably still taking up processing power in the background, and certainly disk space.
The resident computer expert (as Craig announced him) aka Wiggy Lee just doesn't know his product knowledge.
I thought he was the expert on Clickfree backup, then it was Acer.

I wish QVC would give him the boot like they did with Simon Smithies another so called expert.

Who was Simon Smithies, and what did he demonstrate?
I don't mean this, honest guv.


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