Why do we watch and discuss QVC when IW is better?


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Jun 24, 2008
I used to watch a lot of IW and buy a fair bit too, but that all changed for me when they became so obsessed with gents watches and became so deathly boring that I had to look elsewhere for my shopping channel fix. I still occasionally browse their website if I'm looking for something but can't remember the last time I bought anything. QVC was the obvious choice, and I found myself hooked. This is not because it's good, it's the total opposite - because there's so much wrong with the channel, there's so much to talk about. Crazy pricing, extortionate p&p, self obsessed presenters, hideous clothing that is often worn to comedic effect, the window lickers (sorry) that phone or text in to say they've just bought their thousandth cozee home throw, Tova with her flykiller perfume and candy striped, candy floss barnet, the reports on social media of stinky, stained returns being sent out as new, Craigie opening his 50th pack of Molton Brown (just to make sure he liked it), stylists that can't even tie their own shoelaces, zelebrity endorsed tat that you wonder if they've ever seen before the day - You just don't get that on Ideal world!
I don’t want much Q at all now, it’s all so samey, years ago I did but got fed up with all after a while for similar reasons as you, merry one, only watch to see some of the make up demos as I did today to see what the colours look like. I find IW even harder to watch it all seems a bit amateurish to me,
I used to watch a lot of IW and buy a fair bit too, but that all changed for me when they became so obsessed with gents watches and became so deathly boring that I had to look elsewhere for my shopping channel fix. I still occasionally browse their website if I'm looking for something but can't remember the last time I bought anything. QVC was the obvious choice, and I found myself hooked. This is not because it's good, it's the total opposite - because there's so much wrong with the channel, there's so much to talk about. Crazy pricing, extortionate p&p, self obsessed presenters, hideous clothing that is often worn to comedic effect, the window lickers (sorry) that phone or text in to say they've just bought their thousandth cozee home throw, Tova with her flykiller perfume and candy striped, candy floss barnet, the reports on social media of stinky, stained returns being sent out as new, Craigie opening his 50th pack of Molton Brown (just to make sure he liked it), stylists that can't even tie their own shoelaces, zelebrity endorsed tat that you wonder if they've ever seen before the day - You just don't get that on Ideal world!
You've answered your question perfectly.
I used to watch the bid channels for their sharp practices and to laugh at some of the old toot they used to sell, I remember checking the ASA complaints page on a daily basis to see how many more had rolled in ..No wonder they closed down. I did actually buy quite a lot of stuff from them, and I am guilty of buying quite a lot of $hit from them, but I also managed to bag myself a lot of bargains. I remember the epic adverts for their perfumes and aftershaves that were made largely from ferret pi$$ and had ridiculous names like "Centurian man" (something like that), the fake histories behind the fake watch manufacturers, worry angels, though I was never keen on the scaremongering sales techniques and can't forget them suggesting that an oversized plastic rear view car mirror (available in poundland) could prevent you killing a child. Despite some of the serious issues, it was totally entertaining to watch and I missed it immensely..so I must thank QVC for stepping upto the plate so brilliantly and filling that void!
I agree Merry IW is way better, that goes for products, prices and service. I don’t watch any shopping channel although I do channel hop on QVC now and again for a laugh. What I do though is just browse IW website for clothes and stuff, and if I see anything I like I’ll buy knowing my postage is cheaper, it will arrive not dirty or used by anyone else and I can return it for free.

If I had to chose, I do like the partners Hayley and Shaun (Crawley) though on IW, and Rob Locke because they don’t shout or try and whip you up in to a frenzy, especially Shaun and Rob. Every presenter on QVC just simply makes my teeth itch and irritate me beyond belief in the fact they see themselves as something bigger than they are and talk to viewers as if they’re idiots, they also get on my last nerve.
I watch QVC for the comedy value,mature lady shop assistants wearing pantomime outfits is always a laugh,and jellyfish male presenters trying to have a backbone but failing, due to the insincere influences from the female shop assistants.
Ideal World is just ahead but only just ex bid tv say no more.
Too many of the personable presenters were shipped out wholesale from IW. On the one hand we have Q with many who should have been moved on, and IW where too few are kept on.
Unfortunately, many of us who still tune in to Q (on rare occasions now, in my case) are really doing it for the entertainment of their declining professional standards laid bare on screen. IW presenters don't seem to have made the mistake of thinking themselves celebrities...yet, so don't take themselves too seriously. I do take a peek every now and then, though. But because they are more transparent there is less to comment on overall.
Just hopped on QVC to have a look and there’s the old cheese meister himself Mr Simon “lots in store......ding!” Biagi, always good for a laugh, only thing is my cholesterol shoots right up just listening to him so can only last seconds of Simon Dairylea before I need a blood test ...........so over the Chanel goes 👍
Haven’t watched IW for years and have never bought anything from them.
Used to like watching Loen and that was about it.
Couldn’t watch Joanne as her voice was like nails on a blackboard and made me want to throw things at the telly.
Can’t be doing with any of the ex BidUp lot. They all drive me crackers.

Last time I had a very quick look, Deniece (?) seemed to have morphed into a Morticia Addams lookalike.
My vote goes to QVC over IW (although I can only get IW Extra). QVC is more polished and IW seems amateurish by comparison. Maybe this is a sales ploy, however. They know their audience. I only watch QVC in the evening and I find it entertaining. The pretentiousness of some the sales staff and people like Ruth Langsford who tries not to appear superior, but always does, makes me laugh. I buy her tall trousers, however. I also buy Flower Power regularly and some makeup products.
i dont watch IW but I did for a while yeaterday. The plants and the prices of the plants look better VFM imo. IW do what QVC used to do so well explain and describe things well. You get a much better idea of what your getting and loads of useful tips to. I can see me watching IW a lot more and buying!
Just hopped on QVC to have a look and there’s the old cheese meister himself Mr Simon “lots in store......ding!” Biagi, always good for a laugh, only thing is my cholesterol shoots right up just listening to him so can only last seconds of Simon Dairylea before I need a blood test ...........so over the Chanel goes 👍
I vote Simon Biaggi the worse presenter on QVC and thats an acolade in itself. Absolutely awful!. Oh and he needs to use a moisturiser his skin looks dire. QVC sell loads!
Well IW have their own forum here with a very long-running thread so all chat about the presenters and their fibs over things selling out etc. One man is all Carry On Sid James comments. The male version of DF.

I rarely watch Q these days, I flick over to IW now and then, but their products have no interest to me their fashion like Q I wouldn't be seen dead in not my style at all.

I did order once the Coconut Jewellery Cleaner which used to be sold on Q. A while after I got a call from them asking why I had not ordered from them again? That really miffed me off.

Agree about the non-stop men's watches which are selling like lightening but still there the next day.
I agree Merry IW is way better, that goes for products, prices and service. I don’t watch any shopping channel although I do channel hop on QVC now and again for a laugh. What I do though is just browse IW website for clothes and stuff, and if I see anything I like I’ll buy knowing my postage is cheaper, it will arrive not dirty or used by anyone else and I can return it for free.

If I had to chose, I do like the partners Hayley and Shaun (Crawley) though on IW, and Rob Locke because they don’t shout or try and whip you up in to a frenzy, especially Shaun and Rob. Every presenter on QVC just simply makes my teeth itch and irritate me beyond belief in the fact they see themselves as something bigger than they are and talk to viewers as if they’re idiots, they also get on my last nerve.
My shopping telly viewing habits have gone from total absorption through background noise to only viewing now and again, just odd programmes to help keep my street cred on here. :cool: ;)
But I do keep viewing the IW website because their clothes are item for item better than Q with faster delivery. On the whole, I watch Q because they're a laugh, just not in the way they intend.
Well IW have their own forum here with a very long-running thread so all chat about the presenters and their fibs over things selling out etc. One man is all Carry On Sid James comments. The male version of DF.

I rarely watch Q these days, I flick over to IW now and then, but their products have no interest to me their fashion like Q I wouldn't be seen dead in not my style at all.

I did order once the Coconut Jewellery Cleaner which used to be sold on Q. A while after I got a call from them asking why I had not ordered from them again? That really miffed me off.

Agree about the non-stop men's watches which are selling like lightening but still there the next day.

I like the clothes, not all obviously but most, my latest purchase were these. https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/pp/mudflower-soft-touch-swing-top-with-necklace-730981?query=fh_view_size=24&fh_location=%2f%2fidealworld%2fen_GB%2f%24s%3dmudflower&fh_sort=-_match_rate%2c-onair_iw%2c-new_iw%2c-salescash_iw
loved them that much I went back for more, and at that price I don’t mind grandkiddies chocolate fingers all over them. 😂
Crystal, my shopping telly viewing habits are pretty much identical to yours these days. Like I said, since Ideal world morphed into Ideal Watch I pretty much gave up with them. I must admit I'm saving money being a QVC viewer 'cause I refuse to pay their extortionate prices or put up with all their stingy terms and conditions when it comes to postage and returns. They may have a 60 day mbg, but that comes at a price. So yes, I watch for entertainment value only. I spent an hour over on the style channel last night cause mainstream tv was dire and I caught a bit of Worzel Gummidge looking like she was just off home to clean the oven, until I realised that the top she was wearing was the star of the show and cost about £50 and then the model came out wearing a pair of half mast skintight bell bottoms, and they had pockets for some reason that you couldn't, or wouldn't lets say put anything in...awful but funny!
I like the clothes, not all obviously but most, my latest purchase were these. https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/pp/mudflower-soft-touch-swing-top-with-necklace-730981?query=fh_view_size=24&fh_location=%2f%2fidealworld%2fen_GB%2f%24s%3dmudflower&fh_sort=-_match_rate%2c-onair_iw%2c-new_iw%2c-salescash_iw
loved them that much I went back for more, and at that price I don’t mind grandkiddies chocolate fingers all over them. 😂
looks like a MW design at a fraction of the price.

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