Why did Paul McKenna dissappear from QVC?


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He went to the USA where he signed a 19 million dollar contract for a tv series. But he is back now flogging his new book ( you can get it from your local library for free, if you really must) in the Daily Mail and ITV in the mornings. So I am wondering if he blew the 19 million or whether he just needs more money, fame, power etc. He is also showing off his latest fiancée.

Whether we shall see him on QVC I doubt. Remember Chuntley fawning all over him a few years ago? Question, if his methods 'changed her life and attitude to food for ever' as I believe was claimed at the time, why has her weight yo-yoed up and down since and why has she endorsed other slimming methods?

It's not hard to work that out, is it, really?! Her weight has yo-yoed as, like many woman, she has issues with her weight. That's not a thing that can be cured on a whim, it's the sort of thing people struggle with throughout their life. She is not endorsing his products on QVC as they are not so actively selling them. If they don't flog 'em, she won't plug 'em. I'm sure she does like and believe in McKenna's products but she can hardly mention them when she is essentially employed as a saleswoman on the telly to sell other products from other ranges.
throw the rest of the food away that you dont want and you will lose weight. slim people eat less than fatter people...derrr!!!
So easy to say and so hard to do!

The problem word there is "want" whereas it should be "need". If we didn't want it we wouldn't eat it in the first place.
It's really about eating what's right for oneself and one's lifestyle. I eat LOADS and am slim, yet some of my colleagues eat very little but are fatter. As a rule I tend to cut out desserts as am not very sweet-toothed. One square of dark chocolate is as sweet as it gets. The other day I was in the staff restaurant at work and saw someone eating a meat pie (thick pastry) chips, beans and a huge slice of fruit cheesecake with a can of coke!
i dont think his tapes were groundbreaking i bought some from qvc years ago. returned them. not groundbreaking enough for me.
It's not hard to work that out, is it, really?! Her weight has yo-yoed as, like many woman, she has issues with her weight. That's not a thing that can be cured on a whim, it's the sort of thing people struggle with throughout their life. She is not endorsing his products on QVC as they are not so actively selling them. If they don't flog 'em, she won't plug 'em. I'm sure she does like and believe in McKenna's products but she can hardly mention them when she is essentially employed as a saleswoman on the telly to sell other products from other ranges.

With respect, Julius, you have not quite got the point. Paul M makes millions by claiming that he will change your mind about the way you experience food and weight issues for ever. If that were so, and his principles worked, Chuntley would never have gone up and down in weight again. I understand, as a not regular viewer of her, that her weight goes up and down.

I get your point that she is paid to sell Diet Chef and products X Y and Z. My point is that she should not be visibly going up and down in size, as well as fishing for compliments as many have remarked she does, if she had reached a weight she could maintain and was happy with it. In other words, Paul M's system does not work for her as a permanent cure for her insecurities about her body and weight.

He annoys me because as a psychotherapist specialising in eating disorders, I have to deal with people who have been sucked into various claims, and parted with a lot of money. I realise he does not charge the earth for his books and cds, but I just don't like people who give false hope with slick solutions.

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