Why can't I buy from their web site?


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Registered Shopper
Jun 11, 2012
I sometimes see things on screen that i would like to buy (not too often really!). So then I check the item that I like on their web site, where more often than not, the item is far cheaper there, than the never to be repeated at this price on screen offer. The problem is, every time I try to buy something, I get the "system unavailable please try later" message. I am able to log in to the main page, but when I choose an item I want to buy, I go to the check out, I'm always asked to log in again, this is when I get the above message. I did complain to sit-up about this problem and eventually someone called me back to tell me that other people were having the same problem and they were sorting it out and to keep trying to buy. I've had this problem now for over 12 months and every time the same thing. If I now try to contact them about this via their web site, I get "page not found" message. It's hopeless!!!

Can anyone please explain this to me please? Anyone else have the same problem?
It's The Hand Of Fate™ preventing you from buying something from their channels :smile:

Alternatively it's just an underhand ploy to prevent people from buying the same product at a cheaper fictitious price. If you can tell us what the product is (if you want to), then someone else might be able to try accessing the product just to see whether or not it's a general access problem, and other people might also know whether the product is any good and/or whether it's available from another supplier at an even cheaper price. Otherwise their web servers are the same quality as the bulk of the products they sell :grin:

Having said that, if you have a secret passion for worry angels then it's time to get professional help. Quickly.
It's The Hand Of Fate™ preventing you from buying something from their channels :smile:

Alternatively it's just an underhand ploy to prevent people from buying the same product at a cheaper fictitious price. If you can tell us what the product is (if you want to), then someone else might be able to try accessing the product just to see whether or not it's a general access problem, and other people might also know whether the product is any good and/or whether it's available from another supplier at an even cheaper price. Otherwise their web servers are the same quality as the bulk of the products they sell :grin:

Having said that, if you have a secret passion for worry angels then it's time to get professional help. Quickly.

Thanks for the reply.

I can't buy anything from the site apart from on air at the time items. I keep trying test purchases of anything, (apart from worry angels of course. I hate those ***kin' things as much as you seem to!) and always get "system unavailable" when I try to log in! I've even rung customer service, but all I got was some Johnny in India, who just told me to keep trying and couldn't offer me any further help! Why do they use Indian call centres?.... Of course, they work for pea nuts!
we often look on their the website and compare that to the live tv price and more often than not you can
see it cheaper on-line, and when they do their price comparrisons its always the most expensive alternative
they can find like 'we found this at harvey nicks' .... and another thing i love is the old 'if this was real 24 carat
gold you would be paying a fortune for this... ITS NOT SOLID BLOODY 24CT GOLD THOUGH IS IT!!!!!
its a shame really as nearly everything sold on the channels now is just a load of really cheap tat,

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