Whose voice don't you like?


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Alison Young - she seems to get worse every time she is on.
Charlie mogadon brook
Kim - Kim & Co.
Catherine H - she sounds very insincere most of the time.
Craig the energiser bunny
Anne Dawson
the woman who does the Prai skincare
and the awful lenny of nina leonard "fashion"
AY: "literally" and "actually" screeches all the sodding time.
Dale: sounds so insufferably smug.
Charlie: zzzzzzzz.
CS: pleasy-weasy trysie-wysie to talkie-walkie like you're dealing-wealing with grown-up people-weeple.
Jilly: it's not the voice as such, it's the same script in every show.
Craig: needs to chill out a bit and stop sounding like a chipmunk on nitrous oxide.
The PRAI woman: pick an accent and stick to it, love.
Simon Biagi: see Dale.
Uri Gellar: makes me want to vomit, and I wish we still burned people with "magic powers" at the stake.
Presenters -

CH - makes me feel that I've bathed in treacle, so sickly sweet

CB - just get on with it FFS

AY - agree with everything already said

CS - sounds so false


The Ojon guy - I know I'm going against popular opinion, but he drives me nuts with that drawl of his

Liz Earle and her cronies (inc. the new one) - all have really dull and irritatingvoices, must be something in the herbs.....

Beverley Whatsername - who does bits and bobs - voice like a knife scraping on a plate

But the most annoying voice of all, is the "voice of reason" which talks me out of getting all the lovely, squidgy, sparkly, shiny and new things I want to buy

Julian! Haha, I do like him and he comes across as a very sweet guy but his voice grates on me I'm afraid
Alison Young and Dawn Bibby, the top two on the nails on a blackboard chart. I agree with other posters comments and nominations but for sheer "I can't listen to this for a nano second longer" they are streets ahead.
Claire Sutton of course - I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her with a voice and accent as put-on as hers.

Dawn Bibby - but only because her voice sounds very weak and like mine does when I've had a very bad cough - it makes my eyes water.

Kim Mendelson - 'nuff said.

And the jack-of-all-trades guest presenter Ann Dorrington - simply can't stand her voice, she sounds as though she is speaking through her nose and all of her words seem to roll into one giant, un-punctuated jumble.
Caroline, the guest presenter from Liz Earle. Her voice has no modulation at all and I have to switch off.
Sorry Kathy Taylor I'm afraid her stumbling hasn't improved, but Claire Sutton gets switched off, oh and Glen, he's on at the moment doing that 'little' thing again! Snoozy Susie is just so repetitive....
Oh and Marjolene Brujaflip, ancient pilates guru, hate her voice and the other fitness woman does my head it, or perhaps I just hate fitness! Anyhow all their stuff will end up on the tip or in many spare bedrooms across the land.
Denis from Ojon, easy on the eye but has a monotone voice that drives me to distraction.
AY and her voice pitched so high that only dogs can hear it (please please go back to looking smart and imparting proper beauty advice again...)
Kim Mendelson, needn't say anything else butslowdownloveyou'llstillseellallyourclothesevenifyoutakeabreatheverynowandagainmontralcanadawillstillbetherewhenyougetback...
Much quicker to answer the question whose voice I DO like on QVC. Errrmmm...... - no I'm really struggling.
craig's,simon from cooks essentials and catherine huntley when she tries too hard and whistles through her teeth!:doh:
I know she can't help it, but definitely CH for her constant whistling 'S's, I have to switch off.

Definitely Claire Sutton................silly childish woman, surely there's a place in a pantomime somewhere for her.

Jilly, who just speaks in such a boring monotone voice that I'm almost asleep.

and last but not least, HRH's Liz Earle and Kelly Hoppen with their........I really am putting myself out to be in your presence you know..........I have so much money I don't really need to be here talking to you plebs voices.
AY & Kim of Kim & Co . both drive me bananas !! I can hardly stand watching their shows. It probably saves me a lot of money !
Kim Mendelson
Claire Sutton
Kim Mendelson
Catherine Huntley
Kim Mendelson
That bloke who's the guest presenter for whatever premium meat range they're flogging at the time.

Oh, and did I mention Kim Mendelson?
JR faux posh accent - and sibilant S's
Bibbi Bijoux naff essex guest
Mad woman cook with Adams' family hair - yuk
Dawn B's whiney voice
Saccharine Ch and CB

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