Who Goes?? You Decide..........................


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The woman who looks like Lyndsey de Paul who flogs clothes for cats and dogs... call a cab...

Oh yeah, Michelle no Hope you will ever design anything I would ever wear,and now trying to make our animal friends look silly as well.:D
I would deffo evict smarmy charlie, anne dawson catherine and sara fromt he prsenters
the kim n co lady from the reps and i would bring back paul lavers and debbie flint get some entertainment back on qvc not just the hard sell.
I think I must be extremely tolerant as I wouldn't want to evict anybody although obviously prefer some to others. All I would ask is that as a task they don't say the things that bug me, e.g. Jilly's "Selling very quickly indeed" even when it's a preview for TSV not yet on sale!
I would like to set some mini tasks that if they failed they'd be up for eviction. First task...no repeating of phrases.

Jill Franks: 'That's amaaazzzing.' sniff, flick of hair.
Jilly Halliday: 'This is a good one to go for.' C'mon, every item? Surely there's something I don't need.
Alison Young: 'Literally, actually, literally, actually.'...ad nauseum.
Alison Keenan: 'To my mind...'
Julia Roberts: 'I'm wearing the small.'

I think there's more but I'm beginning to worry myself about how obsessive I am over QVC! Can't be a good thing :eek:
continuing from 'Huggles' phrases ;
Charlie - "Take a look at this"
- "Wear it for the party, the evening out, the function"
Jill Franks - Wheeze, Wheeze, gasp for breath (Wears me out)
Huntley - "I love Dawn"
Jilly - "Yep, yep, oh OK"
- "pennant"
- "Q Cut is your best option"
making such a big deal of 'back in stock' So What!!!!
AY - "I need you to get to the phones now"

And why do Craigs shirts not fit right ?
And what exactly does Charlie do with his mouth ?
And why do so many of the guests have speech impediments ? Alexis ?
And why does Julia have to flirt with everyone?
And why oh why do QVC bother with Paul McKenna ?
For me, it's the buyer who decided the solar flamingo was a good idea.
For me, it's the buyer who decided the solar flamingo was a good idea.

Oh no DD. Don't be mean.

I was feeling a bit down and switched on QVC to be confronted by Julian and the flamingo.

Within minutes, I was hysterical with laughter, the tears were streaming down my face and the world seemed a happier place.

It should be required viewing for anyone who needs Prozac.

Give the man a medal I say!
get rid of following presenters: debbie greenwood / claudia /alexis as I don't like their speech/voices as presenters it makes my ears bleed therfore i have to switch over/ maybe kathy as she mumbles too much, also simon biagi for being so insincere, moaning dawn bibby/ jilly for her booooringness/ lack of enthusisasm, dale/anthony for thinking they are hot, glen for his awful fashion sense and advice, send them behind the scenes to work instead. i rarely see charlie, as he does shows that do not interest me or he'd be to go also. i can bare all the others in moderation depending on what they are flogging.
Craig, as I think he's turned out to be useless.

Charlie - yes he's fairly relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera, admittedly - but what comes out of his mouth on the jewellery shows is often utter tosh. Totally insincere, smarmy to boot.

Guests - can't stand Jan Springer - what on earth does she add to any show?!
Love this thread, love the hint of queen bee comment re JR. Not watching much lately as I catch up on the website unless I really love the products or like a show. So that probably says that many of the presenters/guests I could live without watching. Had a little, well largish blip on the L'occitane show that coincided with the easy pay day anniversary but I find this really helps my sensitive,eczema and dermatitis prone skin. Julian and the flamingo was one of the funniest things I have seen on QVC so I'd like to keep him.
Craig is useless - how did he win - was it one of these 'fixed' competitions.?

Alision Youngs voice is sooooo annoying. And David Hawkins must be on drugs or something - I think he is funny but my hubby can't stand him. Adrienne? the storage bags lady is really awful.

Charlie is lovely and Julian is simply the best.
Kathy Tayler-always looks pained and in panic.
Juilia Roberts-all the preening and fake little laughs.
That joyless L'Occitane woman.
The Cooks Essential woman.
The Indigo Moon designer woman (cannot stand the accent and the clothes are awful).
David Hawkins.
Charlie-sorry, I know he has many fans but he annoys me.

Keep Craig, I like him :)
I think we should evict the telephone callers.
They add nothing to any presentations, convinced half of them are 'friends' of the guests the other half all seem to be ill...

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