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Well they're back as if they've never been away :oops: They could have just said 'apologies but we're back.'

Edit: someone on Facebook said they are just repeating the beginning of the show, I wasn't watching at the beginning so don't recognise it. And the flipping Shay & Blue woman has just said the fragrance is for ALL GENDERS! Both genders, woman, BOTH GENDERS. Arghhhh they're all at it.
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I wondered that too. Was looking forward to Shay & Blue as it looks as if they’ve got some good deals.
Oh no, you mentioned Shay & Blue! I didn’t know there was a show tonight but now I have had to look and I’ve spotted Violet Tabac which I really want to try! I don’t want to pay £60+ in case I don’t like it but it’s going on my “look out for” list. Every time I buy perfume, I say “That’s it now for a couple of years”. The last time I said that was less than 2 months ago ….. :cry:
Shay & Blue, another one when on QVC will not ship to Northern Ireland or Scottish Highlands. Yet order direc from S&B and no problem.
Oh no, you mentioned Shay & Blue! I didn’t know there was a show tonight but now I have had to look and I’ve spotted Violet Tabac which I really want to try! I don’t want to pay £60+ in case I don’t like it but it’s going on my “look out for” list. Every time I buy perfume, I say “That’s it now for a couple of years”. The last time I said that was less than 2 months ago ….. :cry:
Yes, I spotted that one and thought oh, interesting. But recent Shay & Blue have disappointed me, though I only bought 10 MLS.

Blind buying as it is called can be a minefield, I do it but read every review I can find and think about the notes.
Yes, I spotted that one and thought oh, interesting. But recent Shay & Blue have disappointed me, though I only bought 10 MLS.

Blind buying as it is called can be a minefield, I do it but read every review I can find and think about the notes.
I rather like the recent White Orchid Espresso - not my favourite as it’s not that special but I don’t regret getting it. I also like the Cedarwood Grapefruit which I bought blind but the name alone told me I’d be ok with it. You are very wise to check perfumes out by reading up first as it is costly to end up with something you won’t wear. You are also no doubt better than I am at getting an impression of the smell from the notes, though. I don’t even know what half of these notes are unless it’s something obvious like rose or lemon. I love it when a review says what other perfumes it’s similar to or, as I see Shay & Blue do, “You’ll like this if you like …[well known perfumes you’re likely to have tried yourself]. Unfortunately, they don’t yet have Violet Tabac on the S&B site. Would you kindly alert us on here if you come across a good description of it?
I usually have a look on the Fragrantica website. It gives you a good breakdown of the notes and for some gives other perfumes it’s similar too. Violet Tabac not on there yet.

There are some perfumes that really give me a sore throat three that come to mind are Shay & Blue Blood Oranges, English Cherry Blossom and Estée Lauder Beautiful.
A work colleague wore beautiful and I had to attend a course with her involving a three hour car journey. She knew I had a problem with this but still wore it. By the time we arrived I couldn’t talk and had problems breathing. Was fine after a few hours after having showered and a change of clothes. I hasten to add I came home on the train!
I usually have a look on the Fragrantica website. It gives you a good breakdown of the notes and for some gives other perfumes it’s similar too. Violet Tabac not on there yet.

There are some perfumes that really give me a sore throat three that come to mind are Shay & Blue Blood Oranges, English Cherry Blossom and Estée Lauder Beautiful.
A work colleague wore beautiful and I had to attend a course with her involving a three hour car journey. She knew I had a problem with this but still wore it. By the time we arrived I couldn’t talk and had problems breathing. Was fine after a few hours after having showered and a change of clothes. I hasten to add I came home on the train!
Yes, I like Fragrantica and always check it out although I don’t find the member/contributor reviews very helpful - they are only of any use if they compare with other perfumes (if I know them, obviously) but many just say “I love this”, or “It reminds me of my childhood” or whatever. Totally meaningless. As you say, the site is good for the notes (again, if I recognise them) and good for listing other perfumes people have said they remind them of. Fragrantica is also good at getting new perfumes up quite quickly but Violet Tabac is clearly a bit too new and untested so far.

PS I hope that work colleague is an ex-colleague now. Sackable offence as far as I’m concerned.
Yes, I like Fragrantica and always check it out although I don’t find the member/contributor reviews very helpful - they are only of any use if they compare with other perfumes (if I know them, obviously) but many just say “I love this”, or “It reminds me of my childhood” or whatever. Totally meaningless. As you say, the site is good for the notes (again, if I recognise them) and good for listing other perfumes people have said they remind them of. Fragrantica is also good at getting new perfumes up quite quickly but Violet Tabac is clearly a bit too new and untested so far.

PS I hope that work colleague is an ex-colleague now. Sackable offence as far as I’m concerned.
Yes very ex colleague. I didn’t want to go by car with her but had to travel on a Sunday and there was no Sunday train service. She did know her perfume made me ill and I had asked her if she wouldn’t wear it, but she was an obnoxious cow and wore it anyway. Shame in a way it didn’t make me nauseous and I barfed in her car🤣🤣. She left the company a few months later.

I was really lucky during my working career that the nasty people were few and far between. No longer a problem as I retired 8 years ago.
Basenotes is excellent for reviews

I put in the name of the perfume and all sorts of reviews pop up, not just from forums but professional experts.

Fragrantica, the newest Jo Loves (Jo Malone's own brand), people reviewing it without actually smelling it. One person even commented on it.
I didn’t realise that Jo Malone was owned by Estée Lauder. I think it’s a bit like Liz Earle being owned by Boots.
Basenotes is excellent for reviews

I put in the name of the perfume and all sorts of reviews pop up, not just from forums but professional experts.

Fragrantica, the newest Jo Loves (Jo Malone's own brand), people reviewing it without actually smelling it. One person even commented on it.
Thanks Donna, I’ll have a look at Basenotes.
I think it may be Bergamot that causes the problem. I had an extreme allergic reaction to Bergasol sun cream many years ago on holiday in Spain. Whole body except for swimsuit area covered in blisters. Hotel called doctor, who gave me an antihistamine injection and a course of tablets. It went down a couple of days later. I did try a tiny bit of sun tan cream on my hand when I got home and it blistered. Never used Bergasol again.

Funny thing is I can drink Earl Grey tea.
Yes very ex colleague. I didn’t want to go by car with her but had to travel on a Sunday and there was no Sunday train service. She did know her perfume made me ill and I had asked her if she wouldn’t wear it, but she was an obnoxious cow and wore it anyway. Shame in a way it didn’t make me nauseous and I barfed in her car🤣🤣. She left the company a few months later.

I was really lucky during my working career that the nasty people were few and far between. No longer a problem as I retired 8 years ago.
There are so many bitc*es out there. No offence to any female dog. I know few people (I like my own company) but of those I know, many are truly nasty pieces of work. These women know they are nasty and they don't care. I hope their attitude comes back at some time in the future and bites them.
There are so many bitc*es out there. No offence to any female dog. I know few people (I like my own company) but of those I know, many are truly nasty pieces of work. These women know they are nasty and they don't care. I hope their attitude comes back at some time in the future and bites them.
I think I was quite fortunate that I’ve been lucky with my work colleagues, the good majority who’ve been very pleasant.

Some people you like and some you tolerate and an odd one or too you wish you could kick their teeth in. I think one of the worse things is bullying. I worked for a company for a short time where bullying was rife and they had it down to a fine art. If you complained to personnel, they told the bullies who then made your life worse. Very difficult when you’re on your own and have a mortgage to pay and jobs are in short supply to leave a toxic environment. I got made redundant and fortunately got a new job straightaway. New company were really nice, so nice I stayed there for 15years until I retired.

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