Well when I started watching QVC there was eye candy, can't remember their names but they would woo rhe ladies we now are subjected to presenters looking and sounding like they are auctioning for a stall on Bury market.
There isn't any. Alison Young? Nope. Julia Roberts? No. Jill Franks? Yuck! Kathy Tayler? No. Ann Dawson? Not at all. Claire Sutton? No. Alison Keenan? No. Come to think of it none of them are really in my age bracket. They are mostly old enough to be my mother! There is nothing particularly unattractive about them (apart from Jll Franks and Alison Young. Kathy for example looks like a nice lady. Alexith Murdoch from L'Occitane used to be ok, and there was a woman guest - I forget her name who used to do fashion - she was OK. LJ Rich was alright. For the most part QVC is presented by middle class, middle-aged ladies. Does anyone remember Adrienne Cleasby? She was funny! Suzy Adams is quite odd. I don't find her attractive but she is just so weird. I can't work her out! The changing outfits and hairstyles lol . I quite like her voice. Alison Keenan's voice is nice too. I used to like Suzanne Evett's voice also. I really notice the voices a lot!
Wasn't she some MP / fraud or something? I vaguely recall the name.
I think some of the guests on QVC are quite horrendous. I remember that South African woman who looked like a smurfette - she was wearing a ludicrous blue leotard sort of - thing!! Terrible!
Oh I wish I had seen that.
Did QVC ever have any eye candy? lol Personally id like to see David Beckham on selling his underwear :blush: now that would make me pick up my fone :wink: Wow is it hot in here:sun:. Instead we get Craig is his Zalsa gear :doh:.
Now that sound like a good idea! Doesn't even have to be Becks - any hot fit stud in trunks you won't hear me complaining! Ideally with lots of close-up shots, so we can all get a good idea of the fabric! The model would also have to tug at his smalls every so often (to demonstrate the stretch in the fabric, naturally!) Now that would be a Hot-Pick to watch!
Oh yes that sounds gd to me, several hot male models would be nice