Where is all this jade coming from?!?!


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I just can't watch any more of it. I had a look at the website muted on my laptop and can see slimer has sold out, but they are doing those huge discs again. Perhaps the people sending nice messages in are over compensating for all the people who are sick to death of all the jadeite. I saw that negative posts are now banned on the facebook group.
Dave has just answered the thread's question, but it was done quickly and emotionlessly.

The jade was bought over the last couple of years, from the COVID outbreak onward, I assume. He says that it is from Chinese sellers, and Myanmar. Not "Myanmar jade sold to outside sellers years before the human rights atrocities and the subsequent international sanctions".

If this is true, it explains why there's so much jade flooding the channel, and how Gemporia got it so cheaply. I guess Gemporia can't afford their vaunted ethics any more.
Thanks @VapidStoat

Who knew that contributing to this forum was the best way to get an answer (although not a very good answer) to a question? Certainly have never had a question to the studio answered. 😂
That's a good point. I don't have great faith in the authenticity of sending message to studio option as I know from experience any messages perceived as vaguely negative, even if a reasonable question, are not shown. There also seem to be a number of contributors who comment regularly with super positive comments. I only tune in now and again yet is seems they are there frequently which is a bit odd, but perhaps there are customers who watch every show?

They definitely cherry pick messages out - although they denied this once when it was raised on their Facebook pages. They insisted they were picked out "at random".
As you say, negative comments get ignored, and the same regulars seem to have their messages read out. Christine from Northamptonshire has become the new Mirabelle, getting mentions constantly throughout each day, every day. They also seem to pick their favourites out from regular buyers (sorry, collectors) too. Gigi from the States gets mentioned regularly, Lady Jayne (the lady that went to the Csarite mine), Margaret in Hampshire, a lady called Agnes too - plus a few others that I can't recall at the moment.
Current "green" jade carving on screen: in the film it looks like it's a pretty grass green colour. The one Kate is holding in the show looks like a mix of murky white and snot.

I wouldn't take it if you paid me. Never mind paying £300 for it 😬

How dare you. It's a one off opportunity with only 137 available. It's a deal that snot to be sniffed at.
I just can't watch any more of it. I had a look at the website muted on my laptop and can see slimer has sold out, but they are doing those huge discs again. Perhaps the people sending nice messages in are over compensating for all the people who are sick to death of all the jadeite. I saw that negative posts are now banned on the facebook group.
It'd be nice to see just one Kwanyin/Guanyin offering. Now that's a very elegant design and would look beautiful if well carved. Even if I liked the happy Buddha slimer design, and they seem to need one in every shade of jadeite, gold tone mounts for them are horrible. Put the stone in vermeil at least you blardy cheapskates.

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