Whats with the music????


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Registered Shopper
Aug 14, 2009
Have just caught the last 20 mins of the 8-9pm Casual & co.

I fail to understand why some dodgy music was being played throughout...even when JH and the guest were talking?

Its normally the sort of music they use,when something has gone "wrong" and it fills in the silence.....but this was constantly in the background....

It truly hurt my ears...very off putting when trying to watch QVC...hope they don't continue this :down:
Muzak! The stuff you hear in lifts etc.
Drives me nuts. I would have found that very irritating. If I remember correctly, Q had a violin trio playing in the background one Christmas ... or was it a cello?
Whatever it was, I did not like it.
I have very low tolerance threshold for unnecessary background music. Shops lose my custom, I walk out of many a shop, River Island being the ultimate annoyer, especially when their music machine is (whatever it is) is not tuned properly. Q playing idiotic background music is out of order, they have done this before, with the presenter literally shouting to be heard.
I know, it is really annoying. They have been doing it for months now and it is about time they stopped. If you put your tv on mute then you miss what the guests/presenters are saying.
I can't stand this background 'music' it detracts from what the presenters are saying so I only have the sound on if something I am really interested in comes on. It is even worse in high st stores it can be deafening and a real turn off for me.
Distractions from what the presenters are saying might be a good thing with certain presenters, but I would prefer a bit of juggling, a magician ... or something.
I was having a good day till I read this post - drives me NUTS! I'm stressed just thinking about it! I have to walk out of shops as well.

I have noticed it occasionally on QVC, it's very annoying and totally unnecessary.

My pet hate is restaurants, I'm always asking them to please turn the music down, which I have to say they do. I'm always polite but in the minutes before, in my mind, I was taking out the speakers with a shotgun!

I carry earplugs for rare visits to the cinema, they're not so keen when you ask them to turn the sound down.:giggle: I like it loud for effect but when it actually hurts your ears!
I like to watch some documentarys and sometimes the music drowns out what the narrator is saying.
ugh, I agree. the music is really not contributing to the atmosphere, it's just distracting and really not necessary.
what's more important is that the presenters' voices are loud and clear to hear. Music in the background is only okay if it's a music or celebrity entertainment show...
That music really annoyed me too, at first I could not quite work out where it was coming from, then it dawned on me it was the telly. Perhaps they are doing some sort of subliminal stuff that will hypnotise us into buying!!

As for shops, I always take my MP3 player when I go shopping so I don't have to suffer the dross they play in some places. Our local Asda is the worst, the ads, the inane drivel from the "Radio Asda DJ" combined with all the screeching kids in the shop, the in store announcements, people yelling down their mobiles etc make it like the outer reaches of Hell at times.......

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