What winds you up?


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the only good thing about the channel is Loen! If she goes, they are doomed.

She should really be in proper broadcasting, maybe she doesn't want to be. She's such an excellent presenter, you almost forget the nature of what you're seeing!
The fact that they try and fail to emulate QVC on a daily basis winds me up, QVC has its faults but Ideal World will never be in the same league as them.

Presenters who clearly have never tried the products they are flogging and making it apparent.
These threads always make me laugh - turn the telly off or switch the channel, then you won't get all upset!!!! Seriously, I don't like the slick, American style QVC, I do find Ideal World endearing. As for the hard sell, well that's what they are a shopping channel, what should we expect? The only thing that makes me switch channels instantly is Michelle Marsden, I find her nauseating and now she's foisting her husband on us. I did tune in to watch and it is glaringly obvious that he has no background in craft, not only does it wind me up but I find it insulting as well.
It bugs me to hear these presenters constantly saying, "Let's look at the samples WE'VE made" as they run through the piles of samples that their guests must have spent days making. Wouldn't I just LOVE to see Ellis, Nigel and co producing anything like them!!
All the 4 day deals:mad: :mad:

Not letting guests get a word in

Taking credit for things that others have done, samples etc

Saying they have a product, paid more for it etc etc

Having converstions with gallery which excludes viewers etc

Those dratted Magic Hands

That rubbish box, looks like a crisp box!

Inane remarks from floor crew

Those ads for C&C club

The shots of C&C club members, how many really told them the truth!

My favourite thing is my on/off button :p
Stephanies continuous giggling and sniggering while presenting and during other people's presentations and then excusing it by accusing the gallery of making comments to make her laugh. Childish and rude.
Ellis in manic ranting mode.
Debbie Shore's hard sell routine which is to talk faster and faster without a break or breath until I fear she will keel over.
Howard, virtually everything he says and does.
I love Martyn's verbal gaffes, trashing of the set and samples and demonstrations, and generally messing everything up. He is so bad he veers back to unmissable.
That special needs comment of Dennice's.
Dave Bradford always looking so unrelaxed and furtive on air.
Love Loen, she is amazing.
The way they cheer on, bigup, whoop, the poor woman who has over a hundred pairs of frumpspats. That's not normal and the poor woman has a real addiction that needs help!

Painting. The guy with the Paint Runner has already started while Howard (biggest jerk of them all :rolleyes:) or whoever, starts to put on overalls and struggles and pants and puffs to try and get them on and then has to put the goggles on and hey presto, the Paint Runner guy is finished! I demand that the paint man only starts when Howard, or whoever, tools up first! Play fair! :cool:

Dennice the other day with the MoiraC bags. "I have my flyflots in the bottom bag here and my feet are killing me, I'm going to put them on at the end of this hour". Why not wear the blessed things? Presenters and models alike all profess to buying upteen pairs of these and never EVER wear them, they're always in a bag round the back :rolleyes:

I'm really wound up now :eek:

Nigel saying on Sunday he'd see us in a few weeks, then showing up yesterday and today!!

Customer service operators who can't get their stories straight - I've had three different versions of where a missing order is so far!
I like Janice the gadget lady, she is very good a breath of fresh air!

She was on a dodgy channel selling all sorts of rubbish a few years ago and acting like an excited school girl,i would love to know if she has any real IT knowledge.

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