What the fekkai....


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Jun 24, 2008
...was that hairstylist doing on the Fekkai show? with the exception of one "do" at the end which was very glamorous (and which we never actually saw him create) all he did was run his fingers through two models hair and tousle it up.

one creation, the "modern pony tail" was just a ratted up old mess. the auburn haired model look exactly the same (a mess) throughout the entire show. the before pictures were better!

i could easily be a hair stylist. stylists dont cut hair it seems, they just titivate it. tucking it behind an ear, laying it across a shoulder, pulling a fringe across one eye, or making funny hand movements undreneath hair to make it look shiny and bouncy.

Gobshite was in her element of course, but managed to make a catty comment about the guest being a natural blonde... errr i dont THINK so!

If this is one of the worlds most presteeeeeejous brands of hair care then i think i'll stick with my vosene.
I thought the guest was amazing: who'd have thought Churchill the dog would make such an exquisite transvestite?
I didn't get the bit about the 'wonder' mask only being available world wide for a few months, yet she said 2 minutes before that Jill Franks stopped her in the corridor and said she couldn't believe Le Q had it. She's been using it for 8 years and has amazing results. What???? :confused:
Liz Jones favours this range. Please don't stampede to your nearest retail outlet unless you are truly worthy of the honour of emulating the woman who wrote this.
jill franks has got EVERYthing, including products that havent even been invented yet. didnt you know?
I thought the guest was amazing: who'd have thought Churchill the dog would make such an exquisite transvestite?

Aww HC, I didn't even see the show and this image made me almost pee myself! Laughed so loud I gave the cat a scare! Brilliant!
I didn't see any of the shows but am wondering how you pronouce it. Is it feck-aye or what??
I didn't see any of the shows but am wondering how you pronouce it. Is it feck-aye or what??

Something like that yes. Motormouth Young almost slipped up several times though.

I must say the stylist doing the demos, although he transformed them all into a bad hair day, had a very sexy French accent.
This brand has been sold in SpaceNK for ten years or more and the ranges showing on QVC(only released according to AY), have been out since last year in Space as well. That wasn't freak Freddie as I call him, the good looking guy in the photo on the wall was.

Now a word of warning over this brand the stuff seems to go off really quickly. I had the glossing cream long ago and though lovely to use in three months it had turned rancid. No really, it has olive oil in it and it did smell like rancid oil after three months and I had loads of it left too.

I remember in the Mail Philip Kingsley did an article on high priced shampoos and cheap ones too. FF one was a brand he commented on, basic comment was overpriced and nothing special for your hair.
I've used bits and pieces from the range over the years - generally haven't been that impressed tho' some friends rave about it :wave: Agree about the products going off - I use the glossing mist, which I do rate, but I never get thru' a whole bottle before it goes off - and that is using it every day!
I was horrified at what the guy did allegedly to style the model's ponytail. It looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards. Have to admit the lady representing them wasn't a great advert for their products either IMO.

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