I think despite the odd success story QVC no longer stands for quality , value. or convenience.
So what should they change their name too. my suggestion is CARP
What's yours?
SHAM - Seriously Hit and Miss. Then they could have a feature where you can vote on each item and they can tell us whether their customers are giving it a thumbs up or blowing a raspberry and one lucky purchaser can be selected for free p&p.
I think you should change the R with the A
Was going too but thought the sentiment was the same. wasn't sure if i could say c*** on here. probably can but bottled out. lol
Annoying, repetitive, stupid enterprise
ok Yorko CRAP there I've said it. I feel better now.
What, rather like the Rotten Tomatoes film review site? Ooh yes, brill idea, I love it! :clapping:
It could be fab; they could have a little interactive feature.....I'm thinking the monkeys from Madagascar, who, when you choose to 'dislike', pop up with the cheery phrase 'If you have any poo, fling it now!' & when you click the relevant box, a little steaming pile of poop appears by your 'rating'.....something like that? :grin: