What is the point of the customer review panel?


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Hi im new but ive been reading the forum for a while now and thought id join, Just watched the 3pm Qvc selection show and they had yet another customer review panel member fone through about the TSV, Debbie asked the lady how she would rater the product outt of 5 and the lady said of course 5star. Do qvc think we are stupid these people get the products sent to them for free, do they really think somone is then gonna give it a bad revview and if they were they woudlnt be allowed to call thru anyway. I just dont see the point of thei customer review panel, its the reviews online a few weeks later that gives u good idea if the product is gd or not. Sorry for the rant, i feel much better now

p.s great forum :):happy:
Hi im new but ive been reading the forum for a while now and thought id join, Just watched the 3pm Qvc selection show and they had yet another customer review panel member fone through about the TSV, Debbie asked the lady how she would rater the product outt of 5 and the lady said of course 5star. Do qvc think we are stupid these people get the products sent to them for free, do they really think somone is then gonna give it a bad revview and if they were they woudlnt be allowed to call thru anyway. I just dont see the point of thei customer review panel, its the reviews online a few weeks later that gives u good idea if the product is gd or not. Sorry for the rant, i feel much better now

p.s great forum :):happy:

Rant on:happy:

ps hello
Hello and welcome from me too.

Re Customer panels. Some of those on the panel might think the product is a heap of junk and tell QVC that when they phone them for their views. Those comments will never make it on air though, for obvious reasons. Also I guess that those giving really bad reports will not be asked to take part reviewing another product.
:wave: :mysmilie_357: scbu

totally agree, if they are sent the item for free they are not going to say its cr@p
so total waste of time
I'm on the panel and have had 2 things. One was a new Hairfix product that I found awful. Sent feedback by email and had one back thanking me for trying it anyway. The next was a Mayfair Manor topper which is good and I agreed to be a caller. Since then, haven't even been offered anything to try!!! Thought I may have had more but no.......
And a big hello and welcome from me also :mysmilie_357: :mysmilie_502:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome , i was expecting nobody to agree with me so glad im not alone in my thinking. :happy:
Hi & welcome from me too Scbu! :hi:

Agree with all the points about the review panel nonsense, a total waste of time....except for those actually getting the freebies to play with & of course they're going to say it was super marvellous fantastic orgasmically brilliant........if they want more freebies that is! I know I would.....!
:mysmilie_465: :mysmilie_17:
Totally pointless but if someone was stupid enough to give me freebies to tell lies then i would certainly consider it!
Totally pointless but if someone was stupid enough to give me freebies to tell lies then i would certainly consider it!

Yea dont get me wrong i dont blame the people that get the items , i just find it stupid how QVC seem to think this is a new selling technique and will encourage people to buy the items
I think the QVC approach to customer input is a bit of a mess.

They do allow reviews on the website that are negative (which is commendable) but then often try to dismiss those negative reviews on air. I notice this especially with beauty products where they will often comment that someone didn't like such and such but it was because they were using it 'wrongly'. I find this quite patronising and I wish that QVC could see that it's counter-productive as it makes it look as though the company won't admit to poor quality or poorly performing products.

Most of the callers that get put through are horribly gushing, which again is counter-productive - it doesn't make the viewer think, ooh what a great product, they just come away thinking how undiscerning the T-caller must be to rhapsodise so easily.

I work for Amazon doing the Vine reviews (customer comments on freebies or advance items pre standard public release). There is zero input or comment from Amazon, you can write terribly damning comments and it still doesn't affect whether you are offered more freebies in the future. So customer panels can be a good mechanism for informing customers and boosting sales of decent items if done in a hands-off and honest manner.
Beauty products, I only trust people who have actually bought the product. Makeupalley is good that way. You will get a real mix of reviews for every product. They usually explain why they didn't like it as well. Such as, broke me out or turned into an oil slick on me. In the US they have a much better return policy even on products opened and tested. Beauty Blogs can be good but mainly they do get the products free from the companies in the hope that they will of course get a good review and follows with rush to buy it.

Now credit to one I read called Temptalia, she actually gave a MAC product a F rating.

Paual Begoin(sp) The Cosmetic Cop, well she gave advice but then brought out her own products which of course are the best thing since sliced bread. She hated any natural products telling us how bad they were, then goes and brings out her own natural range.:taphead:
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What actually qualifies one to be a member of the customer review panel?

Buying a sh*t ton of stuff in virtually every category & leaving gushing 5 star reviews for everything, all ending with something like 'Thank you QVC, you never let me down, you're all so wonderful, I love you QVC.....!'.......? :thinking:

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