what IS suarti twittering on about?


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I love Suarti's jewellery but I can't warm to her as a person. There is something of the workhouse overseer about her. I sometimes see in her someone with a sweet exterior who might be a hard task master underneath. I hope I am wrong.
I agree with all thats said on here. She talks as though she's had a skin full with a mouth full of wasps !!!, and yes, all this "I've done this, and I've created that " - er, dont think so love. I have visions of badly lit workshops full of underpaid Balinese churning out these pieces for a pittance while she swans around living the glamourous life.

And has she had a face lift ? only she looks like a pillow !!!!
She's always given me the eebie jeebies. If any of you know the film Thorougly Modern Millie, think Mrs Mears, I agree totally with other posters, something very hard about her.:talking:
She's always given me the eebie jeebies. If any of you know the film Thorougly Modern Millie, think Mrs Mears, I agree totally with other posters, something very hard about her.:talking:

"so sad to be all alone in the world............"
She's always given me the eebie jeebies. If any of you know the film Thorougly Modern Millie, think Mrs Mears, I agree totally with other posters, something very hard about her.:talking:

Thanks Rozzy, was trying to figure out who she reminded me off! She worries me, she really does that woman!
She always strikes me as one of those people who is mad as a box of frogs but doesn't know it. And as she's happy in the frog box no one has the heart to tell her so she has no idea!!
I find Suarti no less intelligible than the average QVC guest: she's on a par with the PRAI woman, Uri Gellar, Kim (FromMontrealCanada) Mendelssohn, Betsy Kaye or the Kirk's Folly/Dreamkeeper and Quacker Factory guests.

Par for the course with QVC :taphead:
Like your Avatar Hooded Claw! great minds...

Yours too!

I LOVE that film! Whenever I see it, I'm 5 years old again, it's Christmas and I'm curled up on the sofa next to my Mum and getting lost in the movie's magic...

Not seen the film so have made a mental note to get it. Caught some of the show the other night with my OH and I was laughing so much at his reaction - he was shouting at the screen telling her to quit her gibberish. Also she's a bit over the hill for such a low cut top IMO. And.. one more thing is it my imagination or have her (or rather QVC's) prices gone way up? Not just this range but across the board actually.
Yours too!

I LOVE that film! Whenever I see it, I'm 5 years old again, it's Christmas and I'm curled up on the sofa next to my Mum and getting lost in the movie's magic...


Absolutely....and it's true "there's no place like home"...(yes, i know we're going off subject) :wink:
And.. one more thing is it my imagination or have her (or rather QVC's) prices gone way up? Not just this range but across the board actually.

Hubby and I both think a few ranges with silver have gone up across the board, some a little others fairly significantly. Love her jewellery but have avoided the higher end pieces because of the price increase. I have avoided buying anything from QVC as we gave it up for Lent. Was nice so we are going to continue the practice as long as possible. Suarti and Southwestern Silver are our weakness.

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