Would you believe it if i said 2 Seal nostalgic hi-fi's?
Well yes it's true, the first one i bought i gave away as a xmas pressie and it broke in January this year. They didn't send it back to me, just got it fixed. Not sure how much they paid to have it fixed. (it was the cd player)
The second one i ordered for myself and it arrived broken (the cd player AGAIN!) and i won't bore you with the HUGE hassle i had with customer services just to get a replacement.
And £1 megadrop, my enviro washballs also pop open, and the blue squashy bit around it has fallen off a times and i wash below 60 degrees like they say. I very rarely use them now and i'm quite peeved off that they now sell them for £14.99. £20 cheaper than before.