What have you bought and resisted lately?


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I do not buy anything near as much stuff as I used to - usually get talked out of things by reading on here first!

Got the YC tsv and a solar garden light tsv as my old ones were really old and only a couple were left working - it would have cost me more in rechargeable batteries to repair the old ones.

I also got a dyed agate bracelet from the 'silver' day - no silver on it at all!! Not very keen though so it might be going back.

I ordered the ABC skincare as well but that hasnt come yet. This will not be returned as it is great stuff.

This is all I have ordered this year - normally would have ordered about this much in just one month!
There haven't been many TSV's to tempt me so haven't been buying that much. I did go for the BE TSV as I am down to the last few drops of my Prescriptives liquid foundation and when it is gone I am switching to mineral foundation permanently. Didn't go for the OPI as the colours weren't my faves. Hopefully I will continue to be good with my spending :rock:
I ordered the garden lights TSV and put them in the garden today- it has just got dark and they are lovely.
I bought a lip lift as mine melted in the washing machine!
I ordered the purple/black Tiana B TSV at the beginning of March-not worn it yet. Like it a lot though.
:bandit:I also ordered yesterdays twinset from Renee, which everyone on here seemed to hate...and now I expect to also! LOL!!!:giggle:
I still haven't bought anything since the ProStrong TSV on the 22 Feb. Thanks to Rainbowdottie's great thread I am now getting pleasure out of making inroads into my CC balance rather than bumping it up. I will watch out for the next LE TSV though. I switched moisturisers and got a patch of eczema so will stick with my LE, though it will depend upon what's in the TSV. I'm not watching anywhere near as much on the live TV shows and yes, even if I do want something, the wanting goes away very soon and I forget about it if I change channels quickly!
I have also cut way back on my QVC purchases thanks again to rainbowdotties fab post.

I havent bought anything months but have had a splurge recently but all is warranted, I got the ultrasun TSV, we're off on our annual Floridian jaunt in 3 weeks so it was needed, the ABC litre bargain with no p+p, hubby uses this daily, the Butler & Wislon TSV, which I loved and will wear to death on my holidays, and a ring that beading belle posted a picture off & I fell in love with but it was in clearance at £8!
I have just checked my QVC account, and am really pleased, as I seem to have cut down my purchases to one a month.
Dec - microplane TSV - love it!
January - A'kin 3 peice try me - love it! Have since ordered more A'kin but from another website.
February _ LG cream to powder foundation (which I use as concealer) and 3 peice delectable delights (whoops - I did order three of these, but they were really good value and gorgeous).
Today - LG TSV.
I have also returned a couple of things which were sued.

Trust me, although the above seems alot, it is all stuff I use regularly, if not every day.

And it's great not getting parcels every week, that I just stack up in a corner of my room.

I too am using my stock pile and have substituted a couple of costly QVC things for alternatives from the dreaded high street!!!

Thanks to this forum, whgere I get really unbiased views and suggestions for alternatives, I now hardly watch QVC, and only order when it is unavoidable, ie, cannot source elsewhere or get it cheaper.
Thought I might join in on this one if I may as although I didn't post on rainbowdottie's original thread it was the one that pushed me to join and start posting, I was really touched by how supportive people were on here and how they so clearly understood the whole QVC thing...

Have to say I've really cut down on my QVC beauty purchases of late. I used to buy pretty much every single skincare TSV (just skincare, am not a make-up wearer). I used to work out the value of the individual items once P&P, the relative size of the products, the cost of buying them elsewhere etc etc was all accounted for. And I confess I'd rather snottily pride myself that I wasn't the kind of person who bought for the sake of it and was diddled by supposed bargains etc. But then I found that I couldn't gain access to my own back bedroom for the stacked up brown boxes. After reading rainbowdottie's thread I sat down with a couple of recent purchases and worked out that although the individual items might have been decent value, and were mostly products I could use, I just didn't need so many. And, what's more, I worked out that for a while I'd been passing the stuff I wasn't too bothered about on to friends as birthday/Xmas gifts (whether they would have preferred something else or not). So I realised I was essentially paying full price for the things I did use and inflicting skincare onto others, and not really getting any further ahead if you get my drift. I've found that sometimes paying full price for the things you use works out cheaper than buying TSV's and 'finding' a use for the supposed freebies.

However I must admit I have made a few jewellery purchases recently so have undone some of my good work...one of which has meant a drastic rejection of my principle never to buy CZ - erm, sorry, I mean Diamoneeeek...am sooo embarrassed I'm not sure I can even post details on here...:blush:
Am not having a hard job resisting @ the moment, in fact am a bit bored with it all! Your influence must be having an effect! Will book another hol with what I save on QVC!
oh gosh. i must be the weak one , i've ordered loads of stuff, i daren't list it all - i'm scared loveheart will tell me off - again! :tongue:

You are the weak one. Come on then I want details and then I will tell you off.:sad::angry:
I've been ordering quite a bit too, (today has been BAD I love Laura Geller!) and yes I am in trouble with Loveheart :bandit::giggle:

BUT it is still less than I used to order before discovering this forum, and whilst I am still all too easily tempted by make-up, nail varnish and jewellery (oh and Kipling bags :mysmilie_493:) I have not ordered any skincare or body products. So I'm getting better....even if it is a bit slow going, I'm a work in progress....:happy:
You are the weak one. Come on then I want details and then I will tell you off.:sad::angry:

yankee candles on auto delivery, diamonique (about 6 pieces), l'occitane, philosophy, bare escentuals, tignanello, more yankee candles, laura geller, decleor, kenneth jay lane ( oh the pearls are so gorgeous!), more bare escentuals, lily bulbs,

i'm stopping now cause you'll explode if i carry on....:angry:
yankee candles on auto delivery, diamonique (about 6 pieces), l'occitane, philosophy, bare escentuals, tignanello, more yankee candles, laura geller, decleor, kenneth jay lane ( oh the pearls are so gorgeous!), more bare escentuals, lily bulbs,

i'm stopping now cause you'll explode if i carry on....:angry:

OMG, it's worse than I thought. I need to lie down in a dark room for a ver long time.:mysmilie_857::eek::mysmilie_854::heartbroke:
I've noticed that although I think I don't want much and have resisted lately and don't watch much now,blah,blah,blah.......................I do realise I've watched qvc quite a lot whilst I've been on easter holidays from school.

Today I've thought about what I've resisted
Birkenstock tsv (No I didn't like it but old ways would have seen me order it and try it)
Ultrasun tsv
opi tsv
hat stand tiffany light
rake thing for me block paving

And thats only been the bits I can remember!! No wonder my CC was notching up and up if I was going at that rate monthly!!
Ok, Ok Miss Perfect Silver Fox here who isn't buying & isn't even tempted has just been on LG listing & clicked an 'add to cart' BUT the item is on 'waitlist', serves me right for being so b***** pious!
What have I resisted lately?

Birkinstock TSV
OPI Russian Navy Duo
OPI Best Sellers collection (or whatever it was called)
Laura Geller TSV - really tempted by that one, had it in my cart and everything before I farted like a good 'un!
Lulu Guinness bag
Charlie Lapson bag
and a whole lot more I can't remember off the top of my head.

And I will continue to resist their wares as well, pig bliddy sick of their horrific returns process. I will continue to watch QVC, laugh at their horrific p&p prices etc though. *blows massive raspberry in the direction of Liverpool & Battersea*
I called Q Cut yesterday and got half way to ordering the Laura Gellar TSV and then put the phone down. I have a tiny bit of B & B left (in a broken container) as well as an unopened container of Bare Escentuals foundation in tan that I will use once I have caught the sun. SO, until my skin matches my BE foundation I will struggle with the bits and pieces that I have left.

I really liked the Kipling bag (but couldn't afford it) and the chunky mookite bracelet (but resisted). Other than that I can't remember anything that I really, really liked.

I have however ordered a second gemset ring (the agate one that was a TSV before Christmas) I have the grey version (lovely) and am waiting for the red one to arrive. However, I half wish that I hadn't bothered!

Since Christmas I have bought, a bag in the sale (it was about £10), a pair of earrings (about £12) and the aforementioned ring. Not bad at all I think! Especially as I used to order more than that in one month.

I am very, very pleased with myself!
I to have managed to resist the temptation that is QVC.
I love the cameras and gadgets but I got a very nice camera from Aldi for £35.00 which is doing a great job.

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