What goes around comes around....


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Apr 27, 2009
With its highly embellished jackets, the now defunct (?) Indigo Moon was ridiculed by many as being the height of 'naffness'. Now I see in one of the womens magazines that Monsoon have for sale an eye catching jacket which could have come straight out of the workshop of Indigo Moon !!!! and I bet no-one dares to call that naff !

(now I must rummage the loft for my old 'collection', it'll be nice to be in fashion with the kids again - or not)
I saw a Butler & Wilson 'hand' broach-- an older one not that awful claw thing Simon sometimes wears, on (I think) 'Flog It' the other day, went for a good price too!
Someone once said ( I can`t recall who but they worked in fashion ) that there is no such things as new fashion only old fashion recycled. Thinking about it they were more or less right, skirt lengths come and go, pleats come and go as do cold shoulders, hi/lo, tartan, tweeds, florals, opaques, embroidery, silks, hats, long coats, short coats, suits and so on and so on. All have done the rounds many times over the years and there is only ever a slight variation on any particular theme.
Ha! Wore it twice; once to a wedding and once to a Xmas event, then it went to the charity shop. Somebody else will be 'trending' in it now.
I just had to go and view Indigo Moon on the auction house, gosh that brought back memories of buying them !!! :) Felt like yesteryear !
There are loads of Indigo Moon on ebay I noticed this evening. I recall I bought 2 one purple and one red that were slightly less embellished than the others, wore them once and always felt they were just too much for me, as I hate to stick out like a sore thumb, but I seem to recall liking them at the time.

Sent them to the charity shop a long time ago.
I liked the girl that used to sell them - was she Russian? She was always a lovely guest.

I also liked that man that used to sell the Cloisonnae (I've spelled that wrong) jewellery. Always an interesting guest.

With the Eastern/Oriental look very much in vogue now, paired with jeans you'd be SO in fashion now !!!!
I agree LATI lol ! it was all shag pile carpets, orange and brown wallpaper, Blue Nun wine and chicken in the basket down the pub ! while listening to Boney M on the ghetto blaster. Oh yes, and all the fellas wore higher heels than we did. What WERE we thinking ???
I can remember the seventies and the worst invention ever.....Crimplene.That material was hot,clinging and virtually indestructible.My mum made dresses,trousers,cushion covers.In fact both we and the home were flammable.I tried to wear out my 3ft wide leg trousers by climbing and crawling but they lasted well as did the (literally)Hot Pants.
My memories of Crimplene pre-date yours by at least a decade PP; my mum was an early adopter of 'easy care fabrics'!
With the very basic laundry facilities available in those days (if you had a twin tub, you were posh), and my mum was a single parent, therefore out at full time work all week, it's not surprising that the man made fibres took off in such a big way.

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