What does anyone else think......


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Well I’m only 5 ft and get really pissed off at all shops and the way they place products.

If it’s a packet of pasta you can usually manage to pull it down or ask someone for help.

where it’s a real PITA is if the product has a best before date - no one is going to search for the best date for you.
Clothes rails doubled up which you can’t reach never mind get the cost hanger off the rail is near impossible especially if you also have to search through every item to get your size because the wee plastic numbers are all on the wrong item.

However I won’t be using anything offered by Spaniel ears as I can’t stand the stupid b&&&h.
It amazes me that she is married to a doctor but reading Mazza’s experiences maybe it’s not such a mystery.

I always find her a brick short of a lorryload. Do we know whether her husband the doctor, is medical (we assume so), but for all we know he could be a doctor of music, doctor of architecture, or just a doctor in "trying to keep Jackie happy". For someone who is supposed to have a modicum of intelligence and puts pen to paper, whether journalist/novelist or writing the shopping list, she loves to give the persona that she's 'ditzy', why ????? and what is it with these stupid female presenters who like to appear quirky, but aren't. Chuntley's another one, as is Franks. Ladies you come across as pathetic. Grow up.
I always find her a brick short of a lorryload. Do we know whether her husband the doctor, is medical (we assume so), but for all we know he could be a doctor of music, doctor of architecture, or just a doctor in "trying to keep Jackie happy". For someone who is supposed to have a modicum of intelligence and puts pen to paper, whether journalist/novelist or writing the shopping list, she loves to give the persona that she's 'ditzy', why ????? and what is it with these stupid female presenters who like to appear quirky, but aren't. Chuntley's another one, as is Franks. Ladies you come across as pathetic. Grow up.

Oh yes he’s a medical Doctor a GP in fact who loves to cook, I’m weally shocked you weren’t aware.
Jackie always weally appears to like to tell everyone along with how good she likes to say she is at grammar!
Whilst also appealing to the bone idle who can’t be bothered reaching for the remote I kid you not!
Aha, you've been spying on Mr CC I see.

I’m 5 foot 2 inches and my husband is 6 foot 2 inches and never minds passing anyone something that’s too high for them, so never hesitate to ask him for help if you ever see him in the supermarket. 😂
So that's who the nice man was who reached the last two bottles of Henry Westons from the very back of the shelf for me. I was only wanting one but he insisted I should have two ;)🍻

I’m a brazen hussey. If I can’t reach something on the top shelf in a shop, I will ask at the check-out for a ‘nice tall man’ to help me.

I’m 64, feel like 30 and probably look like this nice tall man’s granny !
Good for you, I do that as well & they would rather find suitable candidate than clean up a mess or lose money when something of highish value hits the floor. Many moons ago I saw someone pull out a large jar of pickled cabbage from a 'display', it hit the floor along with several other jars & I picked up my four year old & legged it as the crimson tsunami gushed towards us. Despite the horrendous smell she was transfixed & for months the first place we had to go when doing the weekly shop was that aisle to see if the stain was still there.
I’m a brazen hussey. If I can’t reach something on the top shelf in a shop, I will ask at the check-out for a ‘nice tall man’ to help me.

I’m 64, feel like 30 and probably look like this nice tall man’s granny !

Ask away I don’t blame you, our two sons are tall and extremely handsome, every time they go round the supermarket they always get asked (especially if they’ve got their sons with them) and even if the woman can reach.........sometimes men too I might add. The great toilet roll depression of 2020 has made us all brazen 😂😂😂

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