What a shambles!


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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I started this in answer to a post elsewhere, but I keep thinking of new things to add to the list so I think it deserves its own thread; you are invited to add to the list.

Recently I've been using the phrase "What a shambles" more and more frequently, based on my own experiences, and other people's posts on the forum.

One that has set me off is that they will not supply spares for items they've sold. In particular, I bought a Sun Joe cordless mower last year, thinking that I would be able to buy a replacement battery when the time comes. It cost £200, and when the battery fails, it will be useless. It is a US product, which QVCUK were quitw happy to sell to me in the UK, but they cannot supply a new battery!


Items without photos;
items without videos;
cannot supply spare parts eg a battery. for items they sell;
used items being sent out in poor condition without QVC checking them, then denying they ever send used items;
a very poor website that doesn't even auto update;
a waitlist that never seems to work, I've never received an item from waitlist;
the ridiculous coupon offers where you have to spend loadsamoney to get a paltry coupn, which youn then have to use in a very short time to buy yet more expensive items;
very often extortionate prices, much higher than elsewhere;
items with glaringly wrong descriptions;
a useless search engine;
long waits for CS (never used to be);
items "in process" for days, but if you try to cancel it is "too late"
random inexplicable postage charges;
no tracking (or else item arrives before you get any tracking);
no indication when returns will be collected;
the palaver about lost items;
if there is a missing item in the package the whole lot has to be returned and replaced;
presenters who have no understanding whatsoever of the technical or practical items they are selling;
glaring omissions in descriptions, both written and by presenters;
and from one presenter in particular, downright lies.
What colour are we calling this?
Under prepared and unprepared presenters.
Sold out colours loaded on rails for the start of a show.
What colour are we calling this?
Under prepared and unprepared presenters.
Sold out colours loaded on rails for the start of a show.

That just reminded me, I watched something a few days ago, and all the colour options in the description were different to those in the video!

And such repetitive presentations; the Bose "blowing out a candle" springs to mind.

And (I sound like that big DIY bloke now) and and and and they never tell you things they don't want you to know. I've had many examples but not telling you can't buy a replacement battery is one from my original list.

Another is that the "bonus" free voucher for a helpline phone number for Apple products they give as an incentive would be free from Apple anyway.
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No 'search by size' button.
One item per bag/box/package & returns have to be the same.
Stuff the planet - plastic packaging overload.
Sales assistants who prefer to sell themselves rather than the products.
Review system is inconsistent - fails to post legitimate ones but frequently shows opinions only where it's clear to see a purchase hasn't been made,
Chose Ms Everton, Ms Huntley the Elder & 'Knuckles' Kramer as sales staff.
Total inability to answer the most basic question about an item (not necessarily clothing) such as “what are the measurements?”, only queried because they’ve either totally omitted the information online and in presentations or what they have provided is glaringly wrong and they doggedly refuse to check, confirm or change/note it.
You are all jogging my memory such as - - - -

Half price postage on 2nd item IF IT IS IDENTICAL IN EVERY WAY eg size, colour, etc etc

And they never answer questions you post, they leave that up to customers, and by the time you get an answer (if ever) the item has sold out or the TSV has finished.
Nattering about personal stuff that by the time they've remembered to give out the sizes, half the stock has gone limited.

Sizing is critical, so needs to be given out as soon as the garment airs, but no, the get out clause is 'check the website' or 'ring the call centre'.

CAMERA ANGLES. We have to wait forever for the camera to zoom in for a close up, or tends to concentrate on the catwalk while the presenters are banging on about the other colours which we never see. We live in a highly technical and digital world, yet the camera set up might as well be in the 1950's when the cameras had to be pushed around on the studio floor !!!
None of them can be bothered to do their research. Julia Roberts about Phase 8 “um.....this is only sold here at QVC” and “M. Asam has only ever been sold here at QVC” no, both wrong. Chuntley to Michelle Hop only the other day “and Michelle Hope you’ll only find at QVC”. Michelle Hope replies “and a few other places” a not at all embarrassed Chintley “oh you’ve branched out?!”

Goodness knows how many more things like this happen, this was the last two times I channel hopped on.
Brilliant post. I agree with all the posts,plus they need to remember they are presenters NOT some celebrity,as some seem to think they are.
All so true! Strata when the battery on your lawnmower fails & they cannot supply another insist they take it back and give you a refund.Remember folks as many have found there are so many other places to shop, cheaper with quicker & free delivery/ returns.That is where my money goes these days,QVC is so boooooring!
You are reminding me of all the things I'd forgotten, such as talking about one aspect of an item when the camera is pointing at something else.

And when they demonstrate solar lights, they have to turn the studio lights down so much so you can see the lights that the presenters are in almost complete darkness, which doesn't say much for the solar lights.

SHOPPING TELLY has unique advantages for selling, so telling people to look online or phone CS for sizes and other essential details should be a complete no-no.

It was all so much better in "the old days" with knowledgable presenters like Tim Goodwin, Anthony Heywod, etc, and the famous QVC ruler where they would measure items in front of you.
Shorthand so-called descriptions on the website, in the information bit. One I saw last week - “Lg slv jsy - blk”. Yes I can work out what that says but no details of fabric, cut, measurements etc

Their ads showing items that aren’t available yet.

The garden guests demonstrating tools for weeding & digging by using a bit of loose soil in a box, prepared earlier by popping in a few plants and weeds. No wonder they come out easily. Try them out on tough clay soil in which plants & weeds have been growing for months and are firmly anchored, to give us a more realistic demo of how robust they are.

Not disclosing all necessary info. For example the demos for a laptop a few weeks ago. No mention made of software so I messaged Lee Hohbein who replied that only a very basic version of MS Office is installed & I would need to buy one of the full versions in order to use the laptop. The cheapest I could find on Amazon was £55.

Is this tantamount to lying about the price of the laptop ?
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Shorthand so-called descriptions on the website, in the information bit. One I saw last week - “Lg slv jsy - blk”. Yes I can work out what that says but no details of fabric, cut, measurements etc

I know what LG means because I've just bought an LG DVD payer (it was originally called Lucky Goldstar).

SLV must be silver, as I am interested in the current prices of silver and gold.

JSY was the name of a project I once worked on, but I don't know why this is on QVC.

And I think BLK is the name of a popular sandwich, bacon, lettuce and something.

The garden guests demonstrating tools for weeding & digging by using a bit of loose soil in a box, prepared earlier by popping in a few plants and weeds. No wonder they come out easily. Try them out on tough clay soil in which plants & weeds have been growing for months and are firmly anchored, to give us a more realistic demo of how robust they are.

Yes, and demonstrating a lawnmower on artificial grass, and they say "we can't demonstrate this because it is artificial grass" so they just push it around a bit switched off, or lift it up and say how ight it is.

Ideal World at least do proper demos.
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IW also cap their postage, have real offers, refund money in half the time that QVC do, reply to emails within hours and not the 3 days that QVC take, their fashion comes with tagged labels so you know it's not a return, you can return goods free at Asda in a lot of cases, their goods come via Hermes so it's always tracked (I'm lucky to have a brilliant Hermes team so everything arrives safely,) IW are also on TopCashBack and the list goes on ........

IW also have a sizing guide on their website and photos of every item and the descriptions match the photos.

QVC could take a tip or two from their rivals.
Update a new card on line but every time an easy pay is due a letter arrives, 'we were unable to gain authorisation for your card, phone customer care'


Well, just recently I've never had a problem with my card. I use a c/card that is designated only for QVC, it gets paid in full every month, and there is a huge amount of credit available. Its been used from day one 16 years ago.

Suddenly I'm getting emails about my card being refused. They tried twice and still there was a problem, but couldn't tell me why. So I rang Barclaycard and they said there was no problems at all, although it could be that I had put in the wrong expiry date. WHAT ? with qvc there is no editing c/cards unless we have been informed about a new card from the bank. Clearly a cock up at the qvc end. At least its made me think not twice but three times about making impulse purchases !
Well, just recently I've never had a problem with my card. I use a c/card that is designated only for QVC, it gets paid in full every month, and there is a huge amount of credit available. Its been used from day one 16 years ago.

Suddenly I'm getting emails about my card being refused. They tried twice and still there was a problem, but couldn't tell me why. So I rang Barclaycard and they said there was no problems at all, although it could be that I had put in the wrong expiry date. WHAT ? with qvc there is no editing c/cards unless we have been informed about a new card from the bank. Clearly a cock up at the qvc end. At least its made me think not twice but three times about making impulse purchases !

Yes, that's another thing I've had myself, card refused for no reason. What a shambles!
You are reminding me of all the things I'd forgotten, such as talking about one aspect of an item when the camera is pointing at something else.

And when they demonstrate solar lights, they have to turn the studio lights down so much so you can see the lights that the presenters are in almost complete darkness, which doesn't say much for the solar lights.

SHOPPING TELLY has unique advantages for selling, so telling people to look online or phone CS for sizes and other essential details should be a complete no-no.

It was all so much better in "the old days" with knowledgable presenters like Tim Goodwin, Anthony Heywod, etc, and the famous QVC ruler where they would measure items in front of you.

Don't forget Steve Whatley who was a very good presenter. I believe he was also on with Judy and Richard consumer testing. Yes they used to have great presenters.

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