Weird Christmas Presents as suggested by QVC


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Jun 24, 2008
We had a thread like this a year or so ago; there's no prize but the winner who finds the least appropriate gift, as suggested by QVC wins the right not to buy it! It's not just a case of finding an item on the website it has to be listed in a Christmas hour or online as a Christmas present suggestion. So only list the pelvic floor tens machine if it's recommended as an Xmas prezzie. I'm not criticising the items per se, just querying their suitability as a present.

I'll kick off with this: six packs of Tea Tree wet wipes! And a Buckley poppy brooch
Well, I haven't worked out how to add links but if anyone buys me the Wet and Forget Shower Cleaner for Xmas I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to Santa
Wet and Forget! :mysmilie_15: Wet and forget being on next year's present list! :taphead:

The closer we get to Xmas the more desperate QVC will get to flog as much of anything as they possibly can; with lots of dreadfully contrived hours along the lines of the current "Practical Presents" hour. I'm not averse to a practical gift as long as it's something I've hinted at or from someone who knows me well enough to make an appropriate choice, but a car cleaning kit or set of vacuum storage bags just says "You're house and car are a mess!" coming from a less close acquaintance. :mysmilie_503:
I read these comments in a hurry, and also being somewhat jet-lagged on returning from my holiday, I ran together the tens machine idea and the wet and forget, and thought the first was a Christmas present cure for the latter.
According to Q -Anything not suitable for a bridesmaids gift (could there be anything NOT suitable) is a Christmas gift. End of.
You could use the Spatuloo (a catchier name dontcha think?) to spread jam on your Xmas cake to stick on the marzipan layer before icing! Genius...I feel a whole Bake Off style upsell of Cooks Essentials coming on!
I read these comments in a hurry, and also being somewhat jet-lagged on returning from my holiday, I ran together the tens machine idea and the wet and forget, and thought the first was a Christmas present cure for the latter.

You wait for that Spatula toilet brush thingy to make an appearance.

You could use the Spatuloo (a catchier name dontcha think?) to spread jam on your Xmas cake to stick on the marzipan layer before icing! Genius...I feel a whole Bake Off style upsell of Cooks Essentials coming on!

I'm so glad I'm not trying to eat or drink reading this thread. You've all made me laugh a LOT!


Any one giving a spatuloo (brilliant name, much better than the real name) for Christmas had better steer clear of any specially prepared food!!! I would take a very dim view of that as a present :mysmilie_11:

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