Warning - Rant! (IBS/Food/Ingredients)


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Registered Shopper
Mar 7, 2009
So, the list of things I can now eat is getting shorter & shorter with every month that passes - I am down to only a few types of bread now that don't upset me, spelt & rye being one of them, however........I buy Morrisons round shaped spelt & rye, all fine; I buy Morrisons tin spelt & rye, not fine! Why is it different FGS & why can't they put the stupid ingredients on bread so I can see what I'm eating at least!?! And stop changing the suppliers (& accompanying ingredients!) all the time, it's not like I'm buying the cheapest own brand items FGS!

Been up since 3am (& I wasn't asleep before that!), had a mug of hot chocolate (looked safe enough!) & a round of toast but something has upset me greatly, sitting here in agony looking about 6 months pregnant!!! Is it the milk, the bread, preservative in the drinking chocolate??? No idea, I've had all these things before so this is 'new', very fed-up now, I just can't keep up any more! How do others manage with an ever shrinking list of 'stuff wot I can eat without bloating/farting/burping for England', eh? Pray, do tell!

OK, as rants go, that was pretty tame for me but I am somewhat peed off I have to admit......! :confused:
KWC , you have my utmost sympathy. I wish i.had the answer as i am in the same position as you.
I have been advised to cut out wheat, coffee this made bugger all difference, next cut out dairy again no difference. Then to top it all the Dr said you've lost a lot of weight. I know because i'm always on the ****** toilet!!
I have both IBS and GERD and the pain is horrendous. I find buscopan and coloflac no help either. Sorry i'm no help but sometimes its good to know you're not on your own.
I think unless you have had IBS , you can't imagine the pain and the effect it has on everyday life.

So sorry KWC i don't have the answer i wish i did. I feel for you and hope you manage to get some relief.
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Annoying innit LEL? I am now reduced to wearing leggings as depending on how bloated I am, I can either (just about! lol) squash my bum into a pair of size 6 jeans, or, have to ask DD if I can borrow a pair of her size 10 ones!!! Have also taken to wearing baggy tops again as I refuse to go out (not that I go out very much!) & have people gawp & think 'Gawd, she's a bit old to be preggers, i'nt she?'

I think I might try knocking the bread on the head completely, though pasta I'm OK with (usually!), so that would cover my carb intake for the most part! We don't use any packet sauces or anything as I can't tolerate the, oh I dunno, whatever dried crap they put in them, we make everything from scratch! I am not forking out 3/4/5 quid for a loaf of poxy 'artisan bread' so it'll just have to go altogether & that's that, if that doesn't help I'll be a bit stuffed as that only leaves dairy as a likely main culprit?

p.s. Living with GERD must be horrendous; I suffered quite badly with gastric reflux when I was pregnant (kept the manufacturers of Gaviscon going I think! lol) & also when I had gallstones, very painful, very unpleasant, to have to live with worse than that all the time would do my head in tbh! :sad:
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aw, my sympathies to you both...I'm nowhere near as bad but I do suffer from trapped wind/indigestion a lot...have had two endoscopies, been taking omeprazole for years, they can't find anything "wrong" but they told me I have diverticulitis after a colonoscopy and am finding I can't eat things that I used to munch thru with no problem...tomatoes and onions for starters, two of my favourite sandwich fillings with cheese! Bread also gives me problems now and yes it is difficult to find something you can eat and not suffer for afterwards. It often keeps me awake or wakes me during the night too, this morning at 4am I was sitting on the side of the bed sucking an Altoid mint and trying to get the wind up or down - wasn't particular as long as it went, but all I could do was a daft little burp which helped not at all! OH says I could do with a bleed valve inserting and I think he's right!
.........this morning at 4am I was sitting on the side of the bed sucking an Altoid mint and trying to get the wind up or down - wasn't particular as long as it went, but all I could do was a daft little burp which helped not at all! OH says I could do with a bleed valve inserting and I think he's right!

Bleed valve, lol! OH says helpful things like 'You need a good fart/burp' but I point out I'm not a teenager & can't just perform to order/at will/to impress, amuse or in my case, for relief! LOL
Ah yes the bloating , if i eat the tiniest amount my stomach swells like a balloon. I rarely eat out anymore as trying to decide what to eat takes forever, as you.just know you're going to suffer later.(wind and pain galore, not to mention the constant churning and rumbling stomach)

The GERD adds to it and sometimes i feel like i'm having a heart attack and that's not an exaggeration.
Pain in the a***e isn't it.
Then to top it all the Dr said you've lost a lot of weight. I know because i'm always on the ****** toilet!!

The temptation to fix him with a steely glare & reply coldly 'No ****, Sherlock.' must have been very great indeed & I commend you for your restraint.......unless you actually did say it (or something similar), in which case.........:up: :clapping: :mysmilie_483:
Ah yes the bloating , if i eat the tiniest amount my stomach swells like a balloon. I rarely eat out anymore as trying to decide what to eat takes forever, as you.just know you're going to suffer later.(wind and pain galore, not to mention the constant churning and rumbling stomach)

The GERD adds to it and sometimes i feel like i'm having a heart attack and that's not an exaggeration.
Pain in the a***e isn't it.

I hate that, the stone sitting on my breastbone and spreading out..I'm convinced I'm having a heart attack but usually if I can burp it eases off - it does scare the s**t out of you!
Empathetic hugs to you three. I was in a similar situation a few years ago and it turned out to be helicobacter pylori that was treated with a 3 week combo of antibiotics. Nasty side temporary (?) side effects but got rid of the pain.

Have any of you been tested for that?
The temptation to fix him with a steely glare & reply coldly 'No ****, Sherlock.' must have been very great indeed & I commend you for your restraint.......unless you actually did say it (or something similar), in which case.........:up: :clapping: :mysmilie_483:

I was restrained but inside i thought wait for the eating disorder question. Sure enough it came. I despair!!! I Sure don't need ****** laxatives a small meal will have the same effect.
Empathetic hugs to you three. I was in a similar situation a few years ago and it turned out to be helicobacter pylori that was treated with a 3 week combo of antibiotics. Nasty side temporary (?) side effects but got rid of the pain.

Have any of you been tested for that?

I think I have, not quite sure..!
Empathetic hugs to you three. I was in a similar situation a few years ago and it turned out to be helicobacter pylori that was treated with a 3 week combo of antibiotics. Nasty side temporary (?) side effects but got rid of the pain.

Have any of you been tested for that?

Not sure but may well have been, from when I had gallstones, I think that's one of the differential diagnoses they try & eliminate? :wonder:

Am presuming current problems are just part of the FM, though bizarrely I used to suffer horrendous indigestion pain even as a child (for which I was fed copious quantities of milk of magnesia, remember that?), which presumably means I either had FM back then (a distinct possibility as I was tested more than once for RA etc. due to constant pain & such!), or gallstones back then; the pain was crippling & I was frequently doubled over in the school loos! :wonder:
Empathetic hugs to you three. I was in a similar situation a few years ago and it turned out to be helicobacter pylori that was treated with a 3 week combo of antibiotics. Nasty side temporary (?) side effects but got rid of the pain.

Have any of you been tested for that?

Pleased you found out the cause and got the correct treatment. I was tested for it when i had an endoscopy , and it was clear. They told me i had duodenal ulcers and GERD.
I always keep some cans of 7 up in for the times I need to burp. I can't burp to order either unlike OH and the kids can. I keep a can at the side of the bed incase I'm woken up in the night with indigestion or acid reflux. So painful. The 7 up it certainly makes me burp.
I always keep some cans of 7 up in for the times I need to burp. I can't burp to order either unlike OH and the kids can. I keep a can at the side of the bed incase I'm woken up in the night with indigestion or acid reflux. So painful. The 7 up it certainly makes me burp.

for me it's a little bottle of soda water (which I DIDN'T have last night!) seems a shame tho, it usually goes in my spritzer, maybe should take the ****** wine bottle up to bed too, at least I can be miserable happy..!!
Thanks for starting this thread kitten. sometimes its.just good to know you're not the only one.

Big hugs to everyone suffering.
I really sympathize with you. I started with what I thought and was told was IBS at 17 years old. I went from a chubby nearly 10 stone (only 5 ft) to 6 stone in 6 months. I was in so much pain every time I ate in the end I refused to eat, so they told my parents I was anorexic!
I had camera up, berium enema's, x rays, biopsies, scans, everything, nothing was showing up. I was wheat and dairy free for 12 months, no help.
I did hypnotherapy, had colonic irrigation, took every supplement and vitamin under the sun but nothing helped. I would go days without food.
After 18 months of hell my dad woke crying at 3am telling me I was dying and need to eat, it really shocked me to see my father like this.
I started to eat but none of the main carbohydrates as I found it to heavy and painful, things improved a little each year but never went away.
I had a bay last April and BOOM its gone! after 19 years of pain I can enjoy my food again instead of see it as my enemy.
I'm so sorry I have no advice except no carbs (or anything that swells in water as it will swell in your tummy as well).
too true LEL specially in the middle of the ruddy night eh!

do any of you find things worse if you lay on your back? I prop myself up with a wedge of pillows anyway, to keep the acid down (which I shouldn't get, being on acid suppressants you'd think?!) but sometimes in a morning when I wake up I roll onto my back and THEN comes the "stone on breastbone" pain, and then I wonder how did I sleep thru it and get indigestion in the morning?? or is it morning mini heart attacks??:sweat:
I really sympathize with you. I started with what I thought and was told was IBS at 17 years old. I went from a chubby nearly 10 stone (only 5 ft) to 6 stone in 6 months. I was in so much pain every time I ate in the end I refused to eat, so they told my parents I was anorexic!
I had camera up, berium enema's, x rays, biopsies, scans, everything, nothing was showing up. I was wheat and dairy free for 12 months, no help.
I did hypnotherapy, had colonic irrigation, took every supplement and vitamin under the sun but nothing helped. I would go days without food.
After 18 months of hell my dad woke crying at 3am telling me I was dying and need to eat, it really shocked me to see my father like this.
I started to eat but none of the main carbohydrates as I found it to heavy and painful, things improved a little each year but never went away.
I had a bay last April and BOOM its gone! after 19 years of pain I can enjoy my food again instead of see it as my enemy.
I'm so sorry I have no advice except no carbs (or anything that swells in water as it will swell in your tummy as well).

oh what you went thru! And your poor parents too, am so glad you're ok now but for God's sake don't tell me I've got to have another baby at my age!!
too true LEL specially in the middle of the ruddy night eh!

do any of you find things worse if you lay on your back? I prop myself up with a wedge of pillows anyway, to keep the acid down (which I shouldn't get, being on acid suppressants you'd think?!) but sometimes in a morning when I wake up I roll onto my back and THEN comes the "stone on breastbone" pain, and then I wonder how did I sleep thru it and get indigestion in the morning?? or is it morning mini heart attacks??:sweat:

100 times worse when i lay down. It.just.burns across.my chest. The Dr told me its because the acid disperse across the chest.
Good to know but no help when you''re in agony.

Quick question whilst we're sharing. Does anyone else get very hot and sweaty when they having. the other symptoms?

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