I've got the omniblend - had it a few days now from Ideal World - and made ice cream from yogurt and frozen strawberries this evening. Delicious - but you need to add more honey or whatever. I've also made smoothies and love the machine. We literally dumped our Jack La Lanne juicer (another QVC bad buy) and ice cream maker (yet another) because the Omniblend does all of that and fits under my top kitchen cupboards. How much better the Vitamix is I can't say, I just know I've saved a hundred quid or more.
I recorded all today's Vitamix hours for recipes I could use, and it was interesting viewing. Debbie Flint did the midnight hour and there was much talking confidentially to camera and intimate cajoling as is her wont, but a bit of a dearth of demonstration because of all the talking, Julia Roberts did the next and they got through loads of recipes, Craig was on the next one and it was okay, only mildly ingratiating and irritating but they got through a fair bit, and Marv with her eyes in rollers did the last one - again they did quite a bit but I can't watch her for long because of the eye rolling - I sit there waiting for it to happen!