Uri Geller


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Apr 22, 2010
:mysmilie_459:Hi, i know i am probably not the only person who just doesn't "get" this line in over-priced jewellery, or am i??
Who actually wants to send a stamped addressed envelope to his home buisness(?) to recieve a signed photo with a "personal drawing" on it ??( perhaps he is like my teenage son who can't seem to resist hte urge to draw a certain male appendage :cheeky:eek:n the back of all my shopping lists etc)
He really really creeps me out but someone SOMEONE is buying this come on name and shame yourselves!!!:hi:
I saw him for a second today while scrabbling for the remote.
I read somewhere that he had an eating disorder when he was younger (which I dismissed as scandal rag fiction) and it looked like he may beheading for a relapse or else JF is exerting some evil power over him.

Laughing my butt off at your son sausage.
I'm sure he has had his problems and whatever gets you through it is great but, he is quite weird isn't he?
the drawing, its a bit of a problem in my house at the mo, my mate came around the other day on her way to argos and asked to just check a cat number in my copy and there in the index was (ahem) some alternative items apparently available, which appeared after my sons latest sleepover! it was well embarrassing but funny too! boys do go through a "meat and 2 veg" drawing phase don't they!!
I don't particularly like Uri himself but do have to admit to having a couple of pairs of his earrings that are actually very nice. They were bought for me as gifts from the clearance section by my husband and son and I think they were good value for the reduced price. They are well made and nicely designed { wonder how much input Uri really has in this } so I think it is a nice range that is hampered by him and his spiel.

I know what you mean about teenage boys Sausage - mine often does drawings and I found an artfully arranged banana and two apples by the fruit bowl last week. It really made me laugh as I have a puerile sense of humour too.
Another guest that I can't watch, I find him very creepy.
cannot bear to watch or listen to him!

some people must though as i think hes been on qvc for a number of years?
I'd much rather have a drawing of a noodly appendage and some testicleys than one of Urine's masterpieces....

I once heard Mark Gattiss from The League of Gentlemen tell the story of when he worked for Rolf Harris years ago when he did Rolf's Cartoon Club. Kids would write in and ask for Rolf to send them a drawing of a Rolfaroo. He got so many and couldn't reply to them all so employed a team of people to recreate them and post them out. For a laugh Gattiss used to try and incorporate a willy and testicleys into every drawing he did - and never got found out...

Random story of the day...

Perhaps Uri haz teem of noodly appendage scribes? :tongue:
he's beyond creepy, I can't watch him, would not be suprised if he was to annouce he was getting messages from his "friend" Michael Jackson as he always seemed to be keen to exploit the association he had with him.
Look into my eyes... the eyes... not around the eyes... and you're under.

You WILL buy every item of Uri Geller's over-priced jewellery you see on QVC.

3... 2... 1... and you're back in the room.

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