They might suit you, but for anyone that suffers from wide feet and/or high insteps they wouldn't be suitable at all. I googled them and they appear to be that dreadful gold patent stuff...can't stand it. Reminds me of women in supermarkets who think they are posh...usually sporting sailor suits and white cut offs.
Some people might find toe posts uncomfortable, but I don't...and I have happily worn toe post sandals for years. Shoe manufacturers rarely cater for those of us not blessed with feet smaller than the average 10 year old, so for us, Birkenstock type sandals are the only answer - "fashionable" or not.
As for keeping feet covered just because we don't have feet that happen to be small and dainty, WELL!! I'm not ramming my poor hot summer feet into some clod hopping coveralls just to suit someone who seems to walk around with their eyes trained to the carpet :wonder: