TV charity appeal


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What a moving post, Twilight! I started crying in the first 2 sentences.
The loss of so many young, young lives in such horrifying circumstances is a scar for a community and a nation.
One of the most disgusting issues in the aftermath was bereaved parents having to prove they were close to their dead child to get compensation! Utterly appalling.
Thank you May. That disaster had a profound effect on me & the if onlys & what ifs about that event resonate about most things in my life. My maternal grandparents left behind every aspect of their lives to come to the UK in the 1930s & I wonder if the feeling that life can change in a whisper is part of my DNA.
My grand daughters will be having a hard lesson today. When they got home from school my son, their Dad will be telling them their first ever dog, a cheerful Cavalier King Charles called Martha was put to sleep this morning.
She`d been unwell over the weekend and collapsed this morning with heart failure. My son rushed her to the vet as an emergency but sadly there was nothing they could do except put her to sleep. The girls will be heartbroken and Martha was a cheerful happy little dog who they rescued when she was 3 and had been used at a puppy farm for breeding.
Here`s a pic of Martha feeling under the weather this weekend but the lovely Moth was keeping her company and my son says he never left her side for the whole weekend, he must have sensed something was badly wrong.
Such a shame but unfortunately the horrible aspect of having pets especially for children. I suppose they have to have their little cries and try and remember the fun times and understand that no one wants an innocent animal to suffer.

Moth will be a great comfort to the wee ones.
Vienna I'm so sorry & bless Martha. Eventually your granddaughters will remember her with fondness but today, & those days that follow, will be difficult. Moth is beautiful inside & out & will definitely be a comfort to them.
And people think cats are aloof! What a fine friend Moth was to Martha in her final hours.
That is so sad, but in death as well as life our family pets give important life lessons as well as comforting non-judgemental presence.
I think Moth will feel the loss as deeply in his little kitty heart as your grandkids.
You may recall the lovely little Martha my son`s cavalier king charles was recently put to sleep and her best buddy Moth has been searching for her and doesn`t seem to know what to do with himself now she`s gone. Anyway let me introduce Moth`s new friend. He`s called Moose , he`s 4 months old and the people who originally got him have decided they don`t really want a cat afterall so my DIL grabbed the opportunity to give him a good home. It seems he is a very chilled laid back character.
I presume some did but wouldn`t know for sure as by the time I met and married Mr V in 2011 the pits were long closed. I know miners were always keen Union men and so I imagine whenever a miner was injured or killed then the Union would fight for the men or their families.

My grandad died at 50 of 100% pneumo. My mum very close to him. I remember her telling me that she spent the last few days of his life fanning him with a newspaper as he gasped for air. Several years after his death the Union managed to get a deal for widows - a ton of coal a year.

A few years ago we were contacted as a family about White Finger compensation. We were offered a few thousand pounds if we could prove our relatives were miners (why had we been contacted?) and if they had White Finger. My cousin actually managed to find some of my uncle's papers in the attic as he lived in the same house (late 'surprise' baby, like myself, born just after my uncle died of a heart attack caused by pneumo) he was born in. He accepted the money gratefully but I can't help thinking this money would have been so much more appreciated when it was needed by the widows that struggled to bring families up after mine-related deaths.

Aw, Vienna. Your pic made me so sad. I'm allergic to cats so never had one but we've had dogs all our lives. It really is heartbreaking when they die.
You may recall the lovely little Martha my son`s cavalier king charles was recently put to sleep and her best buddy Moth has been searching for her and doesn`t seem to know what to do with himself now she`s gone. Anyway let me introduce Moth`s new friend. He`s called Moose , he`s 4 months old and the people who originally got him have decided they don`t really want a cat afterall so my DIL grabbed the opportunity to give him a good home. It seems he is a very chilled laid back character.
View attachment 19732
What a cutie! I hope he eases the pain of loss or at least provides some relief...
I knew I recognised the voice, but the woman making the appeal wasn't wearing glasses. Of course it was Ann Dawson. She looked younger than she does on QVC. Is it an old campaign?
My grand daughters will be having a hard lesson today. When they got home from school my son, their Dad will be telling them their first ever dog, a cheerful Cavalier King Charles called Martha was put to sleep this morning.
She`d been unwell over the weekend and collapsed this morning with heart failure. My son rushed her to the vet as an emergency but sadly there was nothing they could do except put her to sleep. The girls will be heartbroken and Martha was a cheerful happy little dog who they rescued when she was 3 and had been used at a puppy farm for breeding.
Here`s a pic of Martha feeling under the weather this weekend but the lovely Moth was keeping her company and my son says he never left her side for the whole weekend, he must have sensed something was badly wrong.
View attachment 19705
So sorry to hear about Martha. xx
Vienna so sad having to make the decision to put your pet to sleep is the hardest thing for you but the kindest for the pet, no more suffering for them.They rescued a dog and gave it a loving home, your Grand daughters will have lovely memories which they will recognise in time.
I knew I recognised the voice, but the woman making the appeal wasn't wearing glasses. Of course it was Ann Dawson. She looked younger than she does on QVC. Is it an old campaign?
It was the first time I'd seen it & even though I can't be sure I think there were photos from the Beirut harbour explosion that happened in August.

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