Trinny & Susannah hour


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Oh I agree Whitesnake, I really do 100% I wasn't condoning fishing, I despise this and rate it just as cruel as another murder of any living thing, I was just saying that a gun for a child to hold is considerably more dangerous than a stick.

I know exactly what you mean. I think we are both definitely on the same wavelength regarding this issue. I know you wasn't condoning fishing. I just wanted to put my thoughts across because so many people still think fishing is a lovely, gentle, way to pass time and like you we know its not. I do agree with you about a gun being far more dangerous than what is essentially a stick.
I know exactly what you mean. I think we are both definitely on the same wavelength regarding this issue. I know you wasn't condoning fishing. I just wanted to put my thoughts across because so many people still think fishing is a lovely, gentle, way to pass time and like you we know its not. I do agree with you about a gun being far more dangerous than what is essentially a stick.

Thanks Whitesnake, yes we're most definitely on the same wavelength.
Now you say that about her teeth, a couple of times I thought her front teeth looked really dark and discoloured, although I couldn't be sure because her mouth was so 'tight' hardly anything was showing, and I thought maybe she'd had some facial work done. The camera angles didn't help me to decide, either, and it was frustrating, because while I was trying to see more of her teeth most of the time the camera was on Julia in her 'fantastic' metallic top that showed every bulge from the waist down. Perhaps Su's got those see-through corrective braces on her teeth or something, or she'd had a bad session at the dentist? As usual with Q, I watched for a while then lost the will.
I noticed a while ago that SC sort of whistles when she speaks, as if there is something wrong with her teeth. She has never, in my opinion, been a looker or even a very nice dresser. She has nice long legs but that's about it and now, after the duck incident, I will turn off the channel when she is on. If an adult wants to hunt in order to feed their family then all well and good but encouraging a child to do it is despicable in my opinion.
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IMO some of these people are such "publicity junkies" that they would do anything to appear in the media or be contentious in some way. More proof, if we ever needed it, that they have no real talents or abilities other than showing off and making an exhibition of themselves. Even an animal would be looked on as just another "prop". And what sort of person would even consider smearing their own face with the blood of a dead animal, let alone their child's face? Sick doesn't begin to describe it.

I hate any 'pastime' that is basically killing for pleasure. Even fishing where they throw them back in does not sit well with me. That fish will have suffered a trauma having a huge hook in its mouth and then have been dragged out of the water while the angler poses for photos with it. I just really hate the idea of any creatures being trophy's and for Susannah Constantine to have her young daughter posing like that .... Well it really makes me sick to the stomach l am afraid. Maybe they were going to eat it but is there any need to have a young child stood there with the poor slaughtered thing, grinning proudly away caked in blood? I personally think not! It disgusts me!

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