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Help Support ShoppingTelly:

TJC beauty especially looks risky, reducing broadcasting hours by 50 %. I’ve not watched for days as I cannot cope with the incorrect claims and sales pitches they have resorted to of late.  This morning I thought I would try as it’s got to be better than the news. I lasted 5 minutes. come on beauty why subject us to the same presenter. Switch it around a bit. They need their wrist slapping again, the  sales pitch for the Cavi shaper, Ridiculous . Talking about inner child, psychology, because she reads about weightloss, her mums a fitness trainer, her friend does food labels , her brothers cousins aunt has obesity and this qualifies her to give out such advice. It’s dangerous! Does anyone buy this? The same sales person the same desperation to sound credible. Please get some more presenters so we hear different dare I say credible sales pitches., Anyone else feel  beauty is on its last legs?
