Time to stop shopping with QVC


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Yes, this p&p per item fixation is out of the Dark Ages. I'd guess like most people on here who've done the same, I stopped buying when they really pi$$ed me off with an order for an item that wasn't cheap. I know my experience was not unique. Their attitude seems to be the "busses attitude", namely: "we don't care, there's always going to be more customers along any minute". IMO, this is a bad business practice: your repeat customers are money in the bank to any business, people can go online and find better deals and people share comments on forums, so however many times a bad review gets "doctored" on the website, the word is still going to spread. Q are stuck in a 1990's time-warp and ultimately this will lead to their demise unless they shake their ideas up, including better customer service.

The problem with QVC is that they are still 'harking back' to the way they use to run the company (before the internet era), when people were not really 'spoilt for choice' with regards to the plethora of different companies and postage and package charges. Now with the wide choices and people having p&p per order not per item, I am surprised Q has not been hauled over the coals with regards to this. I mean it really annoys me when the presenters say (with regards to a top (for example)), that if you can't decide on the size or colour to order more than one as you can always send one back under the 'infamous' 30 day money back guarantee. What they negate to state is that, by the time you have factored in the postage and packaging to send and then the postage and packaging to send back it is hardly worth buying in the first place. I mean most catalogue companies now have free returns (or a standard fixed cost) and I do not know of any other company that charges post and packaging per item.
I work in a charity shop and amongst a bag of donations I found a very old QVC printed guide (remember when they were sent out with a purchase?). What I noticed was that apart from the TSV no brand was repeated through the day and was amazed to see the ones that have now disappeared and are just a distant memory.The variety has gone from QVC it's now just a continual loop of over-priced uninspiring goods, with high p & p and bad customer service. I used to be an avid QVC, from day 1 but very rarely tune in now.
hoping to get my money back for the dress that never turned up in a day or two but wont be rushing to order anything else in a hurry.
The QVC of days gone by had lot to offer with their different jewellery shows and other brands on offer .Now most of the jewellery are silver with exorbitant price ,for which you can get on tjc for fraction of the price .Their so called diamonique is Similiar to the J Francis .I have both and can't see any difference .Yes in days gone by they had it in 14 ct gold of which I have few pieces .Other stuff you can shop anywhere nothing great .Postage I get at times free P&P for a month on tjc ,and I am not even a regular shopper .Tjc sends their expensive items by tracked and if something is lost ,they replace it without a letter .Not that I am praising that channel as I don't shop much there at all ,but just pointing out the difference with shopping channels if not the high street .
Some people are brainwashed. I`m sure of it. I swear to God they have an electronic chip in their brain which controls their thinking.
Yesterday QVC had a diamonique show and on the show was a pair of plated silver earrings costing £21 plus £2.95 p and p, a total of £23.95.
A high street brand had an identical pair of earrings in their sale, same size (6mm) but in 9ct gold as opposed to plated silver and they were £13.
Then someone posts, ah but yes, you can`t send them back if you don`t like them like you can with QVC.
So here we have it ... plated silver, £23.95 to buy and another £3 to probably return them, so around £26 in total.
As opposed to 9ct gold, £13 to buy and if you dislike them for that price, stick them in your present drawer fgs or give them as a Christmas or birthday gift, because the p and p both ways from and to QVC would cost you almost half the cost of the damned things !
Here they are, see for yourself.
QVC earrings plated silver http://www.qvcuk.com/Diamonique-1.5...ct.606573.html?cm_sp=VIEWPOSITION-_--_-606573
High street earrings 9ct gold http://www.warrenjames.co.uk/jewell...monflash-cubic-zirconia-star-earrings-SSER195
Well you are forgetting they are diamonique ( almost diamonds , which you don't get anywhere and def not the high street ):mysmilie_17:
diamonds, your experience with TJC sounds much the same as mine. I haven't bought anything for ages and have never spent megabucks with them, but they still send me voucher codes nearly every day, and free p & p offers. I've returned a few items (not many) and apart from one hiccup - which was sorted out, reimbursed and an extra money-off voucher given - I've been satisfied with the speed of their refunds. I've bought a few pieces with imitation 'diamonds' set in silver, as gifts for several nieces who adore 'bling' jewellery and they are still wearing them years later. One teddy bear Swarovski elements pendant I bought for a niece 6 years ago is still regularly being worn and so many people have commented on how pretty it is. I might add it still has the original silver chain! I agree entirely with what you've said - you can get almost exactly the same as Q try to flog - and set in real silver - from TJC at half the price, sometimes even less. And nothing I've ordered from TJC has ever gone astray in the post, either.

The QVC of ys gone by had lot to offer with their different jewellery shows and other brands on offer .Most of the jewellery are silver with exorbitant price ,for which you can get on tjc for fraction of the price .Their so called diamonique is Similiar to the J Francis .I have both and can't see any difference .Yes in days gone by they had it in 14 ct gold of which I have few pieces .Other stuff you can shop anywhere nothing great .Postage I get at times free P&P for a month on tjc ,and I am not even a regular shopper .Tjc sends their expensive items by tracked and if something is lost ,they replace it without a letter .Not that I am praising that channel as I don't shop much there at all ,but just pointing out the difference with shopping channels if not the high street .
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I have just discovered TJC and am like a kid in a candy store buying cheap - I just can't get over the same stuff being sold on QVC for far more. Everything I've received from TJC has exceeded expectations, I just refuse to buy jewellery from QVC any more. Comparing similar items has been an eye opener, including genuine gems on rings from TJC being half the price of imitation ones on QVC, obviously not exact but just the fact that QVC sells one with all fakes for far more is astounding. Just have to stop now as I can only wear so many rings at a time. :mysmilie_17:
Yes, this p&p per item fixation is out of the Dark Ages. I'd guess like most people on here who've done the same, I stopped buying when they really pi$$ed me off with an order for an item that wasn't cheap. I know my experience was not unique. Their attitude seems to be the "busses attitude", namely: "we don't care, there's always going to be more customers along any minute". IMO, this is a bad business practice: your repeat customers are money in the bank to any business, people can go online and find better deals and people share comments on forums, so however many times a bad review gets "doctored" on the website, the word is still going to spread. Q are stuck in a 1990's time-warp and ultimately this will lead to their demise unless they shake their ideas up, including better customer service.

yep, that's the one
'customers are like busses...' is the attitude
well put
They are also forgetting it is a privilege for them to be allowed into our living rooms (or bedrooms, or kitchens) and for us to consider them as one of our shopping options. They are telling us that the privilege boot is on the other foot, and we should feel honoured that we can shop with them.

The justifications for their rigid and out-dated single item post and packaging, leaving out the actual price of it, are far-fetched and do the presenters spouting such nonsense no credit at all. There is now so much hassle with items being "delivered" to bins / chucked over fences / not being delivered at all / being delivered to the wrong house... 3-5 working days is aspirational, as they are determining when the clock starts ticking... newsflash - for us it starts ticking when we order it! That's what normal companies assume as well.

And now that the law has moved on as well, a lot of the protection which is QVC's unique selling point, is also true of other companies...

Then there is the massive downside of the 30 day money back guarantee - when someone returns an item they have worn extensively during the time they've had it, and returns it disgustingly soiled... only for QVC to put it back on the shelf and charge the full new price for it.

I try to no longer buy things which are not "new today" as a result (which really usually only leaves the TSVs and a few other products). And with the single exception of the Lola Rose shawl/wrap TSV I have made no new purchases in 2016. I hope I like it, as the returns process is even more ridiculous and stressful than the sending out process. It took me a while to wake up, but I am now awake to the ways that QVC work to hang onto our money, especially when it's by following outdated business practices.
Well QVC is a known brand of USA and broadcasting their products in many subcontinents, and what Diamonds has posted against QVC has put a huge dent mark on the prestigious value of QVC. All the products shown on screen or in most popular items are most likely to be the missing items?? Means the items showing in most popular category are actually not available in stock?? And it happened twice as Diamonds claim, well it is an alarming sign for the shoppers and for the QVC as well, but there is another part of the story too, Diamonds is shopping for 15 years with QVC brand if it does happen for twice in 15 years then I think we should give them relief, it may happen at times.
They are also forgetting it is a privilege for them to be allowed into our living rooms (or bedrooms, or kitchens) and for us to consider them as one of our shopping options. They are telling us that the privilege boot is on the other foot, and we should feel honoured that we can shop with them.

The justifications for their rigid and out-dated single item post and packaging, leaving out the actual price of it, are far-fetched and do the presenters spouting such nonsense no credit at all. There is now so much hassle with items being "delivered" to bins / chucked over fences / not being delivered at all / being delivered to the wrong house... 3-5 working days is aspirational, as they are determining when the clock starts ticking... newsflash - for us it starts ticking when we order it! That's what normal companies assume as well.

And now that the law has moved on as well, a lot of the protection which is QVC's unique selling point, is also true of other companies...

Then there is the massive downside of the 30 day money back guarantee - when someone returns an item they have worn extensively during the time they've had it, and returns it disgustingly soiled... only for QVC to put it back on the shelf and charge the full new price for it.

I try to no longer buy things which are not "new today" as a result (which really usually only leaves the TSVs and a few other products). And with the single exception of the Lola Rose shawl/wrap TSV I have made no new purchases in 2016. I hope I like it, as the returns process is even more ridiculous and stressful than the sending out process. It took me a while to wake up, but I am now awake to the ways that QVC work to hang onto our money, especially when it's by following outdated business practices.

It comes to something when you have to wait for "new today" to guarantee you get a new item. As I've said before that's one of the contributing factors why, after twenty years, I closed my account three years ago (and never regretted it for a single second) because four out of the last five things I bought, full price mind you, were visibly used by someone else, so that was it for me.
i am watching ideal world the items are half the price,of qvc the postage costs are a third and the presenters make me laugh. specially the south african lady
i am watching ideal world the items are half the price,of qvc the postage costs are a third and the presenters make me laugh. specially the south african lady

I bought a tunic/dress which was on offer for £14.99 (certain colours - the black or red for some reason full price at the massive cost of £29.99) arrived yesterday, wore to work today and it's not one iota inferior to Q - would have bought 2 and saved postage but didn't have any idea of sizing.

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