They need have a mental check list of information to give before they start blethering. In fashion hours the measurements, including length, should be read out as should the fit of a garment - slim or generous & the fabric composition & care instructions need to be explained. When selling jewellery the height of a ring & the diameter or drop of earrings are important because seeing pieces on models with different size hands & ears is of no earthly use. The presenters would have to do these essentials before telling us where we can wear our clothes & how we should style them. The amount of time wittering on about children, grandchildren & friends should be minimal & only given out if relevant to the product & self promotion should be stopped. I'm not interested in having an ipad turned to to camera so that I can see a customer's pet, nail polish or Christmas tree & I absolutely detest the little 'in jokes' that certain people indulge in on a regular basis. Rant over.