Thorntons Guy


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Whilst I am GLAD that the sickly sweet Thorntons woman isn't on, Paul the news guy really must stop picking up the chocs and sniffing them and then putting them on the cutting board to cut in half and then expecting Carmel to eat them. They've just been up your hooter, Paul, lol
Who on earth could buy choccies in July and still have them untouched in December? Madness!

Jude xx
Apart from probably melting in this heat before you get them, I would probably eat them before Christmas.:pizza:
Why would anyone buy Thorntons off the telly and pay postage? They're available in all the downmarket shops like Home Bargains and Costcutter, these days, often vastly discounted. It's sad that this once premium brand is in dire financial trouble but I can think of better ways of supporting charity than paying over the odds plus p&p to QVC.
I find the only way I can resist eating chocolate is to not buy doesn't even agree with me but that's never put me off. Nom nom nom! :mysmilie_5:

I wonder what are the "eat by" dates on the Thorntons QVC are selling?

Jude xx
I think Thorntons is a cheap brand! I wouldn't buy it! I was so insulted when someone gave me some Cadbury's Roses at work once. I said: "Maybe it's the thought that counts, but if you think I would eat these cheap things then you clearly don't think much of me, so take your cheap chocolates BACK!"
I think Thorntons is a cheap brand! I wouldn't buy it! I was so insulted when someone gave me some Cadbury's Roses at work once. I said: "Maybe it's the thought that counts, but if you think I would eat these cheap things then you clearly don't think much of me, so take your cheap chocolates BACK!"
If you had said that to me I would have rammed them down your throat.
Black Magic, Dairy Box, All Gold, Roses, Quality Street are all cheap chocolates. Thorntons is probably a bit better but still not all that good. At least 72% cocoa makes for good chocolates.
Black Magic, Dairy Box, All Gold, Roses, Quality Street are all cheap chocolates. Thorntons is probably a bit better but still not all that good. At least 72% cocoa makes for good chocolates.

But popular choices with many people, hence why so many are given as gifts I s'pose, they're a 'safe' choice if you don't know peoples' tastes?
I'm not a great chocolate fan myself though my eldest is a complete & total chocoholic but if the 'chocolate gene' exists, I definitely don't have it & I wouldn't care if I never ate another chocolate again tbh! lol

I'd eat most things if they were given as a gift though, except Galaxy which is disgusting & makes me feel physically sick but my preference is for all things Lindt for general scoffing, though I will occasionally eat dark chocolate so dry it virtually takes the skin off your tongue! :grin:
Yes, Lindt is nice. I also like "Amazonas" that they sell in Lidl. Not at all expensive and really superb quality. Galaxy is horrible. I don't like Caramac either.
I like Caramac, that said, it must be about 5 years since I last ate a bar. It isn't really chocolate is it? I love dark chocolate but I don't eat too much of the stuff. My favourites are Fortnum & Masons, they sell some delicious flavours in their dark selection. My husband usually gets me some at Christmas and again for my birthday and that is enough for me! Also, when I go home to Sweden I buy a few bars of Marabou, I can't find it here, except covering Daim bars.

I wasn't aware that Thorntons were in financial difficulties, I can't remember the last time I shopped for anything there.

Inge :eek:)
On about chocolate i thhink i must be on the basic side of common then, as id rather have a Twix or Marathon Bar (oops Snickers even), Maybe QVC, should do a Cadbury and Mars Hour, and sell, like the big boxes, which like the shops get them in.
I think Thorntons is a cheap brand! I wouldn't buy it! I was so insulted when someone gave me some Cadbury's Roses at work once. I said: "Maybe it's the thought that counts, but if you think I would eat these cheap things then you clearly don't think much of me, so take your cheap chocolates BACK!"

wowser, I could never do that, why not just be gracious and take them home for your pressie drawer to pass on ... slightly less ungrateful
(mum writes)

I have allergies which mean I'm not able to eat chocolate or drink alcohol. Obviously this is something that me and my family have known about for years so I was rather nonplussed when my sister give me a HUGE box of chocolate liqueurs last Christmas. There was no way I could have eaten them and, as they were close to their eat by date, I assume they were something she had given to her and didn't want. I'm way too polite to have said anything but relations have been a little strained since. Although I always say to never look a gift horse in the mouth. Couldn't even let the dog have them because of the booze - I didn't want him getting drunk! He would have gladly had the lot but I'm sure the bin loved them.
Ooooh Julius, don't know if your post was a wind up, if not then I am sure your work colleagues have got the message loud and clear.
No I really did say it! It was this horrible girl called Lindsay who I couldn't stand. She was trying to manipulate me! She was as awful as her chocolates! If they were meant with any good wishes then of course I would have accepted them graciously and given them to someone else. I am not so terrible! Once someone gave me some Ferrero Rochers which are quite cheap but I actually really like them because they have Nutella in the middle. So I took them home with a view to giving them away and I ate them all!

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